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Everything posted by BawdeepLoyal

  1. Just read the mails - thanks for putting them up. No surprises though with who those folk are. Its great to see someone shining a light on them - very well done to all involved.
  2. I remember when he ran the 5's at Dampark in Ayr. My father would always talk about him. I didn't see him again until the night of the Stuttgart game at Ibrox. I had come home for it and went to the Wee Rangers Club for a dinner before it and sat with him at his table. It was weird because he really didn't seem to have changed that much in 30 years! Great guy and a true Rangers gent.
  3. I understand there is caution regarding the publication of the emails, but it is quite normal to publish information from sources to provide access to the accused as well as the public. It also means that the accused can be asked, "Regarding these emails I have been sent, are you an IRA supporting scumbag". These are the questions we should be pursuing.
  4. Who is actually on the panel that decides our fate? Knowing our luck it will Seamus, Patrick and Theresa.
  5. All the best Bill. RIP Maggie - sing it loud up there!!
  6. As long as the spelling improves as well.
  7. If there ever was a time for the young Rangers men to get into it, this is it. We just have to hope that McCoist gives the man a run to let him make his place. I also really hope that Jordan M gets his run as well - best man in that position we have.
  8. Funnily enough I have just put the Sweeney box set on. Full of that patter.
  9. Its the same pish from that clown everyday. Utterly clueless.
  10. And that is everything that is wrong with Scotland mate - there is still incredible bitterness held by some for England and anything connected with them. Its amazing as I have never experienced that from your standard punter down south. In Scotland its not ok to hate tarriers for supporting PIRA, but its ok to hate the English. Utterly bizarre. Any other country would be pushing their boys to step and gain exposure and positive marketing for the country, but not us.
  11. Leeds at Ibrox as the teams come out. No-one can tell me that that was not the loudest singing of any Rangers song ever. TBB is the best one for atmosphere, hands down. I can appreciate that those who weren't there can't understand what it was like, but just think of the UEFA Cup Final singing x 100.
  12. Hopefully the Russian Mob and still monitoring him - I hear they have nothing better to do these days
  13. Liewell and Regan are both tarriers and abused turned abusers = You can forget any fair treatment from the SFA. Liewell will do anything to further Celtics agenda/aims. Personally I hope Whyte is watching closely and learns that we have to fuck them over at every turn, on and off the park. The bitterness and hatred will only grow between the supports the more they feed the flames. I am happy to obliged and return that hatred. I just hope Ally keeps his eye on the task in hand - keep winning, and keep fucking them up.
  14. I just finished watching the Prso DVD. Nacho had loads of assists and goals with the big man. I had forgotten how good they were! I'd also forgotten that Prso was a Bosman from Monaco - a freebie FFS! Got to be the best Bosman we have ever had.
  15. I agree - change one word and we are away. Up to our knees in Celtic blood. That will be do me.
  16. He already replied to someone else and it was posted in here.
  17. If you seriously do not believe that most businesses, especially in times of crisis, do not delay payment to the last possible moment, then you are delusional. If you add to that the fact that those who left are under question re financial irregularities, I would suggest Rangers would be neglectful if they did not investigate every invoice fully. Especially from those who are/were linked to the past board. Big companies like NIKE / PFIZER / P&G regularly delay payment to smaller service providers - as I said, standard practice. Whyte is trying to get Rangers back on track, and yet folk complain that by taking standard steps to minimise expenditure he is somehow at fault. If it was me I would screw everyone bar Rangers themselves if it meant we recovered quicker and thus became more successful in the future. That is the multinational outlook. Ask anyone who works at such large corps and they will confirm.
  18. It business, pure and simple. I have no clue why you go on about it so much. That is how the business world operates. I know you aren't in business, but FFS just accept that that is just the way it is.
  19. 100% correct mate. It is now quite apparent how bad the old board have been and what an utter fuckin shambles they have left behind. Tossers the lot of them
  20. I'm a bit surprised by some of the comments on this thread TBH. Rangers need to to look at marketing the brand in the best way we can, and to secure more sponsorship, as well as more importantly, bigger sponsors with bigger connections. We have seen this with the Umbro v Nike - Umbro, although technically owned by Nike have shown how they are nowhere, and thus our shirts/merchandise are nowhere. If we insist on never marketing ourselves and not pushing who and what we are, then we will live hand to mouth for the next 50 years. This is isn't about Celtic, its about Rangers. Its also about the fans in the US - anyone who has been to NARSA can see what this would mean to the lads there. Rangers definitely should be looking to get involved more with fans there (although NARSA gets the best crack of the whip globally at this time anyway), as well as further afield. The cash in Asia is enormous as well, and tours there, following on to what English premier clubs already do, is exactly what we should be doing. The money in the US and Asia makes the UK look skint, and we can take some it without too much trouble if do things properly.
  21. No matter what you think of the US they are solid, and well up for it. It all comes from their unity. That only comes from the pride in their country. Any patriotism is good.
  22. Another BBC scumbag. I think a few letters posted to London might highlight a few things to them.
  23. The route you have chosen appears to be lined with boozers. An amazing coincidence!!
  24. Yeh, but if you have been rode at school then you will be at home with cream on your ring, not playing football doon the park, as your mother tells you to "don't make a scene" and "it never did your father any harm". Terrible but true. Why anyone would want that cycle to continue beggars belief.
  25. You could have any amount of tarriers in there and they would be all cancelled out by Gary MacKenzie. A few years ago he was in Hong Kong and was out shopping. He returned to the hotel and explained that he had bought a phone and chose it because of the price. Was it on sale Gary? No, the price was HK$1690 - ha ha, etc. True story and a top lad.
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