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Everything posted by BawdeepLoyal

  1. Re the statement the only bit I saw was the part that if you deduct it as PAYE tax, you must hand it over. Thats fair enough, but if it was offshore then surely non-applicable, with them arguing that it was? The crux of the matter is that they also said, we can't comment specifically - i.e. show any proof. Maybe it will come out later, as they seem to have leaked everything else anyway. Lies from Whyte - I don't know what to think or believe as to me the key is in the money - what its been used for, etc etc. Will the cash amassed/left over be used to clear the debts? Again, with limited info its all conjecture to me. I do welcome fans questioning matters and scrutinising every detail, as that is the way to ensure people are held accountable and the club looked after, but jumping to conclusions (not aimed at you!) doesn't help matters either.
  2. My point is that there is no way Whyte can be targeted and blamed for everything, and given he would appear to have been handed an impossible job, I don't see anything other than admin being the end result. That being the case, some of the posting re "I knew he was a bad 'un" are ridiculous. This is compounded by the fact that no-one knows for sure wtf is happening anyway. I reckon to say that you want him out is fair enough opinion wise, but we have no real evidence to prove this point. Its all conjecture at this point and until we see the accounts, it will remain as such.
  3. I have been saying this a for a long time. A budget allocated to look at them would be worth every penny. I am 100% that this has happened with the tarriers re us. It doesn't take much to get the ball rolling and once you start it just becomes a conveyor belt and you can keep it rolling on and on. Everyone has crap they would rather keep quiet.
  4. What about the players who all benefited from the payment schemes and said nothing as they wallowed in cash? I reckon they should be named as well so everyone can harass and blame them too. We know Bain did, so who else? What do you think?
  5. He sticks his colleagues to make himself look good from what I heard recently. We should save a few hundred grand there for sure.
  6. There are even more revelations about what he's been up too awaiting legal clearance to print. Print by who? What is it? Etc?
  7. The fact he is from Cumnock should be enough of a warning. If he came from Auchinleck, then that would be different, but he doesn't thus that is that.
  8. Very good post mate. Johnstons main mandate was to "find a buyer", he failed. The most amusing part of that to me is, if you believe them, Paul Murray put forward a "viable alternative". How come it took Johnston THREE YEARS to find the guy sat next to him in the boardroom? First thing I would have done would be, call a board meeting and ask "any of you "real Rangers men" want to buy the club?" Seems so easy doesnt it? Only 2 real explanations for that, 1 - He is completely inept, or, 2 - Nobody wanted to. I suppose it could be a combination of both couldnt it? This is the point that aggrieves me most. They knew better than ANYONE else what was going on and failed time and again, and ultimately did nowt. To complain now is shocking, and I really hope they reflect on it and see the error of their ways at some time in the future.
  9. Good point. Last year folk were cracking up that he had delayed payment on bills and was double checking invoices, etc. EVERY business was doing this last year all over the world FFS, including some who report profits in the 100 millions. If folk like that are careful with cash, I would expect CW to doing that x 10.
  10. I would say that more than 90% of the people I know in Asia have offshore accounts. It is perfectly normal and a very sensible and secure way of handling finances. I don't understand why folk are cracking up about it. You also normally find that the banks depts who handle offshore work are normally more helpful and flexible on a day to day basis than dealing with tossers on the domestic duties.
  11. I am tired of AJ. I saw him in Florida and had a chat a couple of years ago - never a Rangers man as per our understanding. He is extremely concerned with how he looks publicly, but ultimately does not give two hoots re our team. Just another selfish prick, that unfortunately we seem to have a plethora of. Very, very disappointing.
  12. Ironically, to date, the only person who has not benefited financially in all this mess is CW, and yet he is the only one who is getting harangued and accused of ulterior motives with regards to money. PM and the rest have filled their pockets for years, knew we were skint, and still demanded cash and big bonuses. No chance of them paying their own expenses and travel. They say that they care about Rangers and they are worried about the Club – liars to a man. They only care about themselves and their pockets being stuffed with our cash. These folk are worse than the tarries when it comes to the bit. No-one is asking them to support the man who found them out, but it’s not much to ask to keep their traps shut whilst we under pressure working to get things back on track. I look forward to seeing them on the next Euro trip being financed out of their own wallet – oh, yeh that's right, they won’t be there. Tossers.
  13. seeing big jig back in the fold warms my heart. Magic.
  14. Dundee away games were always good - there was pub where the Rangers fans were upstairs and the Dundee/Utd fans were downstairs. Flute bands going and mayhem. I am 100% convinced that as soon as the Gov/Polis see anyone enjoying themselves they change it to make you miserable. It will only get worse with these tossers pushing for a Republic.
  15. The tarriers cause trouble everywhere mate - it is just in their nature. Pubs, clubs, schools, newspapers, prisons - its there for all to see.
  16. The age old problem for Rangers is that we MUST win every game. Losing/drawing is unacceptable, as we all know. This puts massive pressure on the manager to get results, thus he is less likely to take risks with younger players. Its a difficult situation to be in, and I reckon if any of us were in the hot seat, we would likely lay it the same way. I'm not sure what the answer is, but loaning out is always good, as not only does it give the player experience, but it builds relationships and connections/networks which are vital in identifying prospects and possible transfer targets.
  17. Where did you grow up that you don't know that song mate? We sang that everyweek on our bus (Ayr) - one guy in particular, wee Rocky, absolutely loved it. It's still popular in my house.
  18. Thanks for posting Sir. Cool to big Dado there. Anyone know what he is doing now?
  19. The Gov bails out losers and wasters with benefits everyday of the week. I would much rather my taxes went to a football club bail out TBH.
  20. They were getting paid so they didn't give a fuck, or do anything but get pished on corporate entertaining evenings in Europe. Everyone of these guys was found out and now they are experts. Tossers the lot of them. Not a squeak from one of them for more than a decade, and now this.
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