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Everything posted by ManchestGer

  1. birmingham???? lol wouldn't surprise me lol
  2. Friday's a long way to wait for a decision. Hopefully they'll see sense and overturn it.
  3. hopefully Bougherra if his ban is rescinded
  4. Spot on. He'll get his chance next season, I'm confident of that. I think we'll see a few players leaving this summer, with very few coming in, and Walter or whoever else might be in charge will have to increase the reliance on younger players. We took Aaron on a 2-year loan, so maybe this was always the plan.
  5. I said this a few weeks ago; he has started 40 games this season and the most he has ever started in his career is 27 games a season and it has usually been low 20's. Maybe he takes his place in the team for granted as well
  6. For Helicopter Sunday did they not have shit loads of T-shirts printed with some pish on it, as they were so sure they would win? And of course they then had to be scrapped Haha I'd love to see a pic of one of these T-shirts
  7. Yeah I heard there was gonna be 2 amatuer clubs played before just like last season. I hope they announce Dortmund as a venue as their stadium would be a cracker to visit. It's brilliant mate my dad stays just outside Dortmund so iv had a tour round theirs and schalke's. excellent stadiums and the bears will be welcomed with open arms nice one, I'm working in Amsterdam at the moment and there's a good group of us bears wanting to make a weekend out of it. I went to Munster last season but due to being on holiday I missed the Shalke game. One of the lads we're with used to work around Dortmund and he too was saying the stadium is awesome.
  8. I've not been to either mate but I've heard there's one in the Wirral as well. just found this on the official Rangers site. WIRRAL LOYAL RSC http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Su...bs/0,,5,00.html
  9. As long as they're Rangers players we should get right behind them. Both Ferguson and Lafferty are 2 players who give all on the pitch and are respected for doing so. The players will learn from the punishment they receive from the SFA or from Rangers but once they return as one of our players we know we'll get their all. Good to see the crowd behind Fergie when he came on!
  10. Well done McBoyd, good to see these being produced. I'll probably buy one as well but doubt I'd wear it around.
  11. Totally agree, I don't fancy either Stevie Smith or Velicka in against DU. Hopefully we can learn from the Hibs game and start the 1st half as we started the 2nd against Hibs.
  12. Just reading some of the Celtic reactions there, haha priceless. I hope it gets rescinded and it's looking good now.
  13. It'll be too hard to not shout and swear, the party at Ibrox after will surely make up for it.
  14. Scum lurking around on other peoples forums when they should be looking for a job
  15. I can't see it being rescinded but I hope so.
  16. Yeah I heard there was gonna be 2 amatuer clubs played before just like last season. I hope they announce Dortmund as a venue as their stadium would be a cracker to visit.
  17. If this is true then we could sign a lot better for the same price if we were to look a bit further
  18. I never thought I'd ever hear Barry Ferguson being a possible Championship player, its a pity he's no longer the same player he was. I'll always remember the performances and effort we seen from him a few years back.
  19. Ryan Nelsen isn't a bad shout actually, I think he'd do well up here.
  20. seen it posted on here before but still think its funny
  21. I know its not the most important of things this week with Sunday coming up but I'm pretty sure I read on here one day that Rangers look set to play Dortmund in a pre season friendly in Germany. I was just wondering if anyone had any more information on it ie. a possible date that may be penciled in, I'm trying to organise my holidays. Thanks.
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