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Posts posted by Iggy666

  1. 5 hours ago, Ozblue said:

    Petar Bočkaj is the main man on the right side and the black striker is Ezekial Henty...Not much chance of getting Bočkaj for under £3 million I would suspect, even if Osijek was willing to sell him; although to be fair, I never thought we would get Bariŝić in a month of Sundays, so I guess anything is possible after that stunning quick transfer.

    I thought that Bockaj was great. Good turn of pace, tricky as fuck and those long throws would be delightful up here. Don't see that much in the Scottish game.

  2. 2 hours ago, scottyc06 said:

    Again though, it wasn’t given! 

    Arfield stood still while getting his shirt pulled & squared up to - yellow card! 

    Goldson, an ariel challenge, with no intent to hit the player - yellow card! 

    That team of officials were fucking stinking today!! 

    Well tarriers are known for their lack of hygiene. 

  3. Hyped as fuck for cyberpunk. Been waiting years for a game of it to be made. Glad it's CDPR making it. Witcher 3 was incredible. Death Stranding looks fucking superb. Been reserving judgement on it because of how disappointingly shite MGS5 ended up being but fuck me man, that trailer..... :drool:

  4. Never heard of the guy before. Nothing stands out career wise to suggest he's gonna be a success or is even any good. But for some reason, I'm genuinely quite excited about this signing. A back 3 of this lad, Goldson and Bruno/someone else seems quite formidable on paper.

  5. Obviously i want the league but i'll be happy enough with a comfortable 2nd that i wouldn't be calling for his head. A cup win would be great, especially if we pump the taigs out of it. Also i want teams to fear coming to Ibrox again.

  6. Top post. Agree fully with what you are saying. I too was firmly a supporter of Craig Whyte when he first appeared. I just put all the mhedia stuff about him as the usual bheast obsessiveness with rangers. Unfortunately I'm still kinda half hoping with green. Don't know if its just wishful thinking that we can't possibly be fucked over twice in so short a time or if I'm just a moron who never learns. I so badly want all this pish to just be sorted out and to get back to where we should be.

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