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Posts posted by Iggy666

  1. 23 minutes ago, Bakbear said:

    I think he went to Azerbaijan because he knew that Caixinha wouldn't last. He just wanted to go somewhere out of the way until the inevitable happened. Fair play to him, he has come back and earned his right to be a squad player

    Couldn't agree more. I wouldn't have been bothered if he had been sold to someone like killie or some shite but he's come back and earned his place in the squad. Has barely put a foot wrong so far this season. Long may it continue. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, doonald said:

    Halliday is a much improved player under Gerrard, what a feeling it must be for him tonight, good for him !! Two years ago he was on the scrap heap.

    Imagine how he's feeling right now. Last season pumped out to fuckknowswhere-istan by an incompetent charlatan, now helping your boyhood heroes into the group stages of European football and having Steven fucking Gerrard make your dreams come true. Delighted for the lad. Living the dream we all have.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Gandalf the Blue said:

    Totally agree mate. I think thats why we were all so nervous, we knew how much this meant.

    Honestly dont care who we get, give us Chelsea and AC Milan and lets have a party :UK:

    This. I want the hardest group possible. Champions league standard teams are in this group stage. Fucking bring them on. Bring them all on. 

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