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Everything posted by Malvern

  1. Outstanding gesture from the club, the payment thing I will overlook as it doe snot matter in this context.
  2. Not sure what point your trying to get at here but we have a shit squad and a manger who tried to change things to suit the situation. This season is a write off anyway so let him bed himself in and do what the hell he wants for a few more games, the only problem is that when summer comes he is going to find that Dinky Dave is dipping into his kids inheritance himself so there will be nothing left for new players unless the 3B's cough up more loans.
  3. You would be doing yourself a favour mate as they are fast becoming as toxic as the Lion brand merchandise.
  4. They did, they let D'Art go and kept the real problem with them.
  5. Dream on, the only ones with integrity left. The rest will be as they always have been, 1872 is dead as a rep group.
  6. Dinky Dave can stay in SA and leave us the fuck alone, problem sorted. Not exactly going to miss his "investment".
  7. He will spend loads of money, just none on us or the stadium. will probably be doing an Oleg in South Africa and setting up his own condos.
  8. "The thing is Pedro we can't afford anyone due to Brexit and Westminster controlling us not to mention the HMRC still sniffing about and the SFA giving us fines for stupid shit. Now if you can just continue getting in freebies for 5-8 years then we will be fine. You good with that? Oh and thanks for the meal, I know I invited you but as you can see I don't have my money on me!" That's the way I see that conversation going.
  9. RIP Bob, hope you join our other fellow Bears to watch us from above.
  10. I always felt bad about not joining as D'Art was on the board and I could trust him. However, then I found out uncle fester was on the board and I can't stand that cunt so stayed away. Pleased that D'Art and the two ladies had the courage of conviction to show this sham for what it is, it is not representative of our support with the usual sycophants on the board, glad I stayed well clear of it.
  11. We won't get anything, any moneys due to our club will "surprisingly" be the exact same figure we get fined for on some trumped up SFA charge.
  12. Thought it might just be me, good to know it isn't
  13. Great curtain call, let someone else take the pressure now and I hope that experience will remain with you forever.
  14. 10-15 Mil + ST ticket money. What he will get is SFA and I am not talking about the football association.
  15. No sound from the guy for ages and then he turns up like a drunk mate on your doorstep talking shite, move on chancer!
  16. Read the article, still don't give a fuck about his excuses about his actions, grow up yah fucking bairn and back to Chris in your adverts. Nobody gives a flying fuk about you any more and can't wait until we can just remember your playing days again but your currently a cancer to most fans.
  17. Garner tried to convert the player from papist to the main stand.
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