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Everything posted by Henders82

  1. bit harsh considering we dont really have 1 good set piece taker in the squad. Probably am being a bit harsh but he keeps giving the ball away, passing has been poor
  2. Thats me joined and believe it or not am henders82!!
  3. I canny fuckin wait!!! This weekend has been a long time coming!!! MON THE GERS!!!!!!!!
  4. Id say McGregor is the better keeper, not by much mind. I just think whoever plays, we as bears will know that we have a good keeper in the net and a good one sat on the bench, which hasnt always been the case in previous seasons
  5. Just a quick one on broon - if he is the great white hope for scottish football, then we are well and truly fucked!!!!!! Burley Out!!!
  6. Used to really dislike it! But was in afghanistan in 2005 when England won the ashes and the games that went down to wire were actually quite exciting and ever since then Ive followed it. Only internationals mind, not county, now that is boring and lacks atmosphere. 20/20 was the best thing they could have done for the game
  7. According to that, Mcculloch is only competent at defensive midfielder!!!!!!!
  8. It was a tackle to stop a break if i remember right. Think big lee came off worse tho lol
  9. I reckon berra is probably the best of a not so great bunch at the moment!! Tho am not sure if hes a regular for wolves or not
  10. he is not the best scottish cb mate i cant believe how much tghe mhedia talk him up and another thing i cant believe burley hasnt called up weir, tho at least its less games he'll play!!
  11. Did you just say you would take caldwell!?!?! ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha although he is scotlands player of the year ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  12. seeds get drawn against unseeded so they cant get atletico. I dont care who they get, so long as they get pumped out!!
  13. Oh yeah donati and lurch look like different players!!! fuck off man, they were both shite before they playe dmoscow and believe it r not they are still shite!! Donati only filling in till brown is fit and samaras is no better than a bench warmer!! NOTHING TO FEAR!!!!!!!
  14. So true papa, the days of the gers being able to compete with english clubs are gone. Cant blame him for wanting a crack at the premiership. Dont think he'll leave til next season tho. People comparing it to the Cuellar situation are wrong, as soon as we got knocked out of europe cuellar put in a transfer request, no chance of that happening this window
  15. PLus Burleys a wanker and doesnt have a clue!! Cant wait for him to go, He was the wrong man for the job
  16. If yous wanna start purring over the tims then get yourself to fukk. They are not a good team, Dinamo fukking moscow are a shite team too!! We have been playing some brilliant football in preseason and I have no doubt we will carry it forward into the season. Our midfield is looking pretty darn good at the moment. Cant wait for them to pulverise the fenians!!
  17. Am gonna go out on a limb here and say youve joined probably the best rangers fan site in the world (according to carlsberg). Welcome!! Where in Yorks you from?? Ive just finished 4 years in york with the army but my bird lives in leeds so am a regular to that area!!!
  18. They are not that good (sellick)!! I was so impressed with our midfield on Wednesday against city. It just shows that Davis has to be played in the centre with mendes and I felt mccullouch did well tho Thomson as the holding midfielder with the other 2 going forward, we are going to blow a few teams away this season.
  19. I am extremely optimistic for the season ahead. I just think the mix of youth and experience we have is going to pay dividends. I don't why but I think Naismith is going to be a key player this season. Just something about him says he is ready to wear that shirt and do well!!!
  20. I dunno about you boys but am quite excited to see Naismith being more involved in the coming season And Id love to see a 3-pronged attack of aaron fleck and naisy. talk about pace there!!!
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