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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Anderson burst me for a van gerwen and cross treble
  2. that's your typical British armchair sports fan though .the same folk who would have cheered on Eddie the eagle 30yr ago
  3. live court cases .yadda yadda yadda then anybody dare mention it after the cases will be a Rangers supporting point scorer
  4. should they dig .and they don't need to dig too deep and join up the dots and find the clubs guilty of a cover up . what can actually be done.almost all these crimes are a generation ago .few people involved are still involved in the clubs and that includes the beasts and the people in control of these clubs and in some cases ie the filth have even changed corporate identity I suspect that some clubs would want to cleanse themselves .ie Man city coz the could afford it .but I also suspect that lieswell and co will do there best to wriggle out of any actions.hence the separate entity pish being peddled just now
  5. we all know they cunts are up to their necks in it. and most of know too that they will worm their way out of it too
  6. more like Scottish Catholics interfere with African folk
  7. SCIAP at it now Oxfam style with 15yr olds in Ethiopia and Burundi
  8. top tip on how to get your post count up use a Seville calculator
  9. it's not a Scottish issue English law is a separate "entity"
  10. is that what caused it . if so he will have some sort of insurance pay out to help him worked with a guy who played for Chelsea youths. career ending injury at 18 .saying that it was proved to be a malicious tackle that caused it got enough compo to go to Ibiza. open a bar and shag like fuck for 10yr
  11. for anybody that grew up pre 90s when live football was limited to half a dozen games a year we have become tired of the constant wall to wall coverage even in the early 90s if you didn't get a ticket for the away old firm game. you couldn't even listen to the whole match on the radio.it was last few minutes of 1st half and then the 2nd half . over the years my interest has down spirraled in non Rangers games .iv never had a 2nd team .now il only watch a game if iv nothing else to do and got a wee bet on saying that il watch as much world cup as I can when it comes around this year
  12. no messing with souness unfortunately this is from a bygone era .today's pros would be well protected from the hardness of souness both to souness the manager and the player souness the last of his type .a proper hard player who could play the game too
  13. if my memory serves me right Dundee Utd were refused a cancellation . to rub it in the taigs got to choose whrn the rescheduled match was played .right in the middle of our congested Manchester run media freinds told is the congestion was caused by cup replays which was our own fault
  14. a ring of rings . forgot about all the stuff down south .there was that much of it
  15. they are the biggest brand in the whole of world football that covered up a peado ring
  16. such sad news . too many footballers getting taken so soon .maybe there is some truth in the 4g and 3g pitches being full off carcinogens. thoughts with his wife .family and young kids
  17. a jambo messaged about this today he added that levien also said that it's something he used to do himself to be free for big games a form of cheating basically
  18. he still favours them though .but he's not as blatant so seems neutral in comparison
  19. technically nobody should have been watching it in UK anyway ?
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