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Everything posted by OnwardsandUpwards

  1. Fuck it,we may be out of Europe but I have reported this to FARE and UEFA anyway!!!!!!!
  2. Pointless having a contact address for tweets and emails if you don't get a response to the issue raised.Whats the point of having a SLO that doesn't laiase back.Sent mine on the 11th July and still no acknowledgement.Wonder how many are in the same boat but that's probably another thread on its own!!!
  3. Excellent mate.The more the merrier.Sometimes it's easier to just sound off about things rather than actually try and do something constructive.To be fair at least we got some kind of reply.As I mentioned in another thread I sent an email to our new SLO about the shambles that is our ticket office.Been over a week now and still no reply or even an acknowledgement!!!
  4. Just checked and that's the standard reply I got though not sure how you managed to see it?Suppose with so many probably getting in touch the important point will be the sanctions handed out!Not holding my breath though!!!
  5. Yes it is.Shameful thing is they will probably judge this to be the most heinous of the charges.UEFA don't like their gravy train of sponsors being compromised!!!
  6. Dear Sir/Madame I feel compelled to write in as was totally outraged by the blatant banners on show at Celtic Park last night supporting terrorist activity. In this day and age with terrorist atrocities across Europe and the worldwide fight on terror I find these banners abhorrent.For a club to actively endorse such displays is disgraceful.These terrorists have killed thousands of men,women and children.The vast majority of those were murdered in the country the team they were playing are based. I can only assume this was to intimidate and incite the opposition fans as well as to glorify the organisation which carried out these atrocities. I hope this has been brought to your attention by the match delegate as well as by any FARE representative present as I am sure both yourselves and your sponsors do not wish to be associated with this kind of behaviour! Thank you for your time See what reply is forthcoming?
  7. In this case I actually have respect for the way Pedro handled things.BM had the offer of a new contract,he didn't sign the new contract and didn't even deserve to have it offered in the first place based on how totally inconsistent he was last season.He could have knuckled down,tried harder to improve his game but chose to do neither.If players are like this then they should be nowhere near the first team squad. Have same feeling about players that "don't" play for the manager.Think some fans forget that shouldn't matter one bit once that famous strip is put on as they are representing and playing for US!!!God knows how many of us have to work for managers we hate but it's the job we get paid to do.Footballers should be no different. Too many people make excuses for players.Its football.An easy game to play.They are paid very well for doing it and if for ANY reason they are not playing or trying to the best of their abilities then basically they are taking the piss out of us fans.No ifs no buts.If any player does fall into this category then they are a fucking disgrace to their profession and deserve all that comes their way.
  8. The important thing, Sacchi said in an editorial in the Gazzetta dello Sport on Saturday, will be for the new owners to give Milan coach Vincenzo Montella the time to mold a proper squad. Berlusconi and (former Milan vice president Adriano) Galliani were extraordinary and determined with me, showing confidence and respect for me even though we were far from the top by Christmas," Sacchi wrote. Good article I read about Sacchis' view on the spending at Milan.Now I am not going to compare Pedro to Sacchi but the above paragraphs I pasted over seem relevant.Any manager needs time to get his style and ideas across and any team needs time to gel.Bit early for a comparison between anyone and Pedro and certainly for a straight forward yes or no at this stage!!!
  9. Exactly mate.After that complete pack of lies any Rangers supporters who buys,reads,quotes or refers to anything it prints really need to have a long,long,long hard look at themselves.If they do they are basically becoming part of the problem by prolonging its existence and giving it publicity and revenue.
  10. Just click the link.Scroll down the page and there is a link to flag it as inappropriate.You just have to put your email address in and your reason for flagging it.Have fun with that!!
  11. Have flagged it.If we all do it and get friends and family to we could end up with more people flagging it than signing it??
  12. Mine was taken ok but feel for anyone trying to query theirs.Trying to contact the ticket office will probably cost more than the instalment itself your left on hold so long!! I appreciate it's not at the top of the list as far as boardroom goes for change but Club 1872 or our new SLO could look into it on our behalf.As a fan and season ticket holder I can honestly say it's as if we are an inconvenience to most that work there! In fact will just send an email to the SLO myself and try and get the ball rolling.Fuck knows what good it will do but no point moaning and just accepting it!! Email sent?
  13. We sit and sing in CD2 so don't hear the crap being spouted from opposition fans generally and don't go to away games anymore as choose not to give my money to other clubs!Other than that when I do come across any other bullshit soon nip that right in the bud!!
  14. Open my eyes and ears?Dont give any of them a chance mate.Minute they even try any shit just batter in with some home truths and it suddenly goes very quiet.Funny never had your experience of being mocked.Maybe you should be more vocal yourself???
  15. ANOTHER reason to mock us???THEY will never let US forget it??? With their shady goings on and history of cover ups then there is NOTHING they can ever have to mock anyone.Totally the opposite to be honest! Fuck I do wonder about some posters on here.The post I quoted should never even enter into a fellow Bears head never mind appear in black and white.Hang your head in shame!!!!!!
  16. So you can't defend the Club AND go to games?Love this statement and it's intent and that's coming from a season ticket holder of probably far more years than you.Only difference probably was I was brought up on our history and traditions.That means No Surrender on and off the pitch.It seems to me you are in need of the one thing you are saying others need to grow judging from this post and attitude!
  17. Do The Imperial Bears also manage Linfield PR????Awesome and totally 100% spot on!!
  18. Fuck it I am staying positive.We have for the most part brought in a better standard of player than we had. With Alves we have a proven winner and leader on the park.It seems in Rossiter and Jack we also have players who can communicate and gee others on. It was the lowest I have ever felt as a Rangers fan on Tue.Only being old enough to understand the diasaster would have beaten it. But you know what.We were rightly damning of the media for their onslaught on Pedro and there dismissive attitude of all things non Scottish.He has got a Hell of a lot to make up for but not ready to write him off just yet. Its a forum and we all have opinions but if you read through the posts EVERY player is total shit according to individual posts and myself included have slated players on here.Fact is that is usually a total over reaction to certain players in certain games.We need a lot shipped out but this squad has got some potential about it. I hope against hope that this team can gel.If they do and get some good results early doors then pressure starts mounting on others.There are players with the quality and desire here to do that.This total clusterfuck in Europe should make them more determined to prove people wrong. Lets see that happening starting against Motherwell.We are Rangers,we don't do walking away and there is and always will be No Surrender.
  19. Leaving the captaincy aside he should not even be in the team on present form.He is very slow and ponderous getting up and down the park.He isn't linking well with anyone.The amount of times he has been woefully out of position is shocking.A player who looks totally bereft of confidence in himself never mind one that can instill confidence in his teammates.
  20. Being reported on Rangers Observer and they haven't been wrong yet.Great signing and exciting times.Dont expect miracles but every time we offload a player and bring in one of better quality the future is starting to look a lot brighter.
  21. Hardly kicked a ball or made a tackle last season.Seemed to be happy to take on Nicky Laws invisible man role in most games.Far too easily pushed off the ball by anyone really and most times threw up his hands for some imaginary foul rather than actually make any attempt to chase back and win possession.For most part his delivery and decision making was poor to abysmal. Yes he has the ability but cannot show it with any degree of consistency.Anyone who sat through last season will testify to all these points.Add the fact he is into his last season,hasn't shown any desire to work at making Pedro feel he can be part of his plans then getting rid now is a smart move. 500K if that's the figure he goes for does seem rather low but he hasn't actually achieved anything yet so that fee plus I would hope some appearance and sell on clauses would be a good bit of business sense in the cold light of day.
  22. Think you are a lying bastard to be honest.If you were genuine you wouldn't have been able to accept the sick line
  23. Bit that really was annoying was once the game was stopped and Miller was clearing it away they still threw more.Fuck me we were playing a team that was trying to stop our momentum at every oppurtuniity and these fuckwits handed them a nice big helping hand with that.Nice one guys!!!
  24. Same here,missed the display and speech!As for the fucking horrendous journey home when the M8 was closed what a nightmare.Usual posts from people not getting off their own arses to organise things criticising those that do.Seems an alright display from the pics so well done and thanks for your efforts.
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