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Sign & Pledge through RM your Support for the Rising Stars Initiative


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I want to appeal to all Rangers Media members and ask you to get involved in a quite superb fans initiative to sell £30,000 of Rising Stars tickets for the Motherwell game on the 11th April to benefit the Rangers Youths. This is a special one off draw to be done in the memory of the late Gary Lynch.

Order your tickets now by contacting Canadaready using the link below:


Rangers Media are delighted to support this campaign and we encourage everyone to get involved. To make it easy for you Rangers Media will use their donate facility on the website to allow you to buy tickets online. Everyone who donates will have an email sent to them with their ticket numbers or will have their tickets posted to them. Anyone wanting to pay by cash or cheque should contact any of the admin team for more details or you can PM me or CR.

Tickets are priced at £1 each and there is no limit to the number of tickets anyone can buy. No one will take any of the standard commission from the sale of the Rising Stars tickets and Rangers Media will cover any paypal fees. All money raised will go to Rangers Youths via Rangers Lotto.

Please sign and pledge your support to help Rangers Media and all Rangers fans to reach this wonderful goal of £30,000 and create the largest football payout in the UK that is presently held by Celtic. The winning ticket will collect a five-figure sum and be presented with the cheque on the pitch at half time during the Celtic game. Please contact us if you want tickets to sell to your friends & family.

Now follows an email sent from Jim Hannah representing the club and a tribute to Garry written by his good friend ‘Covenanter’.

Jim Hannah

You may not be aware but there is a Fantastic Rangers Fans Initiative on the go which involves selling as much as £30,000 worth of Rising Stars tickets to benefit the Rangers Youths and its all done in the memory of the late Gary Lynch.

For the benefit of the thousands of supporters out there who didn’t know Gary, he was just a normal Rangers Fan who liked nothing more than to see his team win every other Saturday, much the same as you and me. However, Gary had another passion and that was watching and reporting on all games involving the Rangers Youths and he never missed a game home or away.

Gary’s untimely passing hit the hearts of the Rangers Fans who knew him and with the approval of Gary’s Family some of his friends like Billy Montgomery (Monty) big Andy Smillie and loads of others including supporters clubs from far and wide they are taking up the challenge to make the Rising Stars the largest payout in the UK with a double advantage, firstly to benefit the Rangers Youths and secondly to out sell our rivals from the other side of the City, both of which would have made big Gadger a very happy man.

Billy Montgomery said: its true we have approached the Rangers FC Development Fund and came to an arrangement to sell £30,000 worth of Rising Stars as a Legacy for Gadger, he would have been delighted with what we have in mind helping the Rangers Youths and at the same time top the largest payout in the UK currently held by Celtic. The response so far has been brilliant the boy who runs the Cambuslang Rangers Junior Team has taken £1,000 worth of Rising Stars some supporters clubs have taken between £250 to £500 worth in fact they have guarantees of up to £16,000 at the moment and that is before going public.

The Rangers support have been fantastic and are pulling out all the stops to sell as much as we can before the closing date of 3pm on 11th April 2009, when the draw will take place at half time at the game against Motherwell, hopefully the winner being presented with the cheque at the home game against celtic date to be announced.


Jim Hannah

Tribute to Garry Lynch written by ‘Covenanter’

Garry Lynch.

I had a job for 15 years that mostly kept me overseas, the BBC World Service did not satisfy my hunger for all things Rangers. When I managed home, attending a match(s) was my priority, often events conspired to ensure it would be reserve game. In 1984, I returned to find the opportunity of watching Rangers/Sellik in the first SFA Youth Cup final at Hampden. We lost 2-0, but had the two best players on the pitch in Durrant and Derek Ferguson. The Bears were not happy, plenty of advice was being offered with gusto. A large chap stood and demanded decorum from his fellow Rangers supporters, booming, "we've won, we've two players that will make hundreds of appearances for our club", clapped his hands and invited those surrounding him to sing, 'there's not a team like the Glasgow Rangers'. I thought the big chap had a point, joined in, and made the aquaintance of Garry Lynch.

Over the next several years, I continued to meet Garry at occasional first team, reserve, youth, and Euro games. I remained in awe of a man whose capacity for all things Rangers, surpassed my own. In April'91, I made the Scottish Cup semi-final against ra Sellik, a ten man Rangers won 1-0. Enthused, I headed the next night to Pittodrie for the reserve League Cup semi-final. A turgid 1-0 victory was constantly interupted by big Garry shouting, "Yaaaasssss, Sellik are out the cup". The next year, I returned home permanently and began a dozen year period of sharing cars with Garry and the gallant band that traverse the country follow-following the reserves and Youths.

You cannot ignore the trainspotting nature of locating the grounds of juniors, Highland League, and south of Scotland semi-pros, or making midweek noon or 2 O'Clock kick-offs in Perth or Newton Stewart. Garry ticked them all off, including similar locations in Holland, Norway, Germany, ................etc in pre-season warm up matches. His knowledge of international flight timetables often allowed him to arrive in Los Angelos/Dubai, see the game and be back to catch the next youth game at Murray Park. He missed very, very few, always taking in over 150 games a season. Amazingly throughout, Garry continued to run his very own successful Stationery business.

Garry had a mate from Primary 1, Winkie was as fanatical as his classmate and was frequently banished to the back of the car in a refreshed state. Garry did not drink and he subjected the Wink to a number of temperance lectures. One night, Garry picked up Ian Byers and myself, headed to Hamilton to pick up Winkie at his new job location. We sat outside the pub and Winkie was once again on his last chance, as we only had an hour to make kick off at Newtongrange.. Anyone that experienced Garry's driving, knew Newtongrange was only 40 minutes away. Winkie appeared, took his place in the backseat, apologised but explained he was reluctant to let a new guy on the site drink alone. Garry bellowed, "ah've heard it all now, that's lame". Winkie explained the new guy was Graham Fyfe. We chorussed, "Graham Fyfe, Johan Fyfe"? In the early-mid 70s, Fyfe was a fans' favourite, no pace but fast feet. He was man of the match against Ajax in the first European Super Cup final in Amsterdam, the Bears christened him 'Johan' in homage to the Dutch master, Cruyff. Three of us remembered Fyfe's teaming with Cutty Young in an unexpected 2-1 victory at Parkhead., so 20 minutes later and halfway to our destination, we asked a half asleep Winkie to expand on Graham Fyfe? His answer was, "he cannae lay slabs worth a fuck". Garry laughed loudest, all night.

There was a period where Rangers were playing all reserve fixtures at Linlithgow. I received a call from Garry, "take the wean to the game tomorrow night, I cannot make it". Calamity, a major problem? Garry explained he was being taken in for gall stones surgery the next morning and the Doctors advised he would be out of it for over a week. The wean was his daughter, Angela, then 10 year old and she did not miss either. That was a Wednesday, Garry missed the home game against Dundee on the Saturday, but turned up at Newlandsfield on the Sunday for a Rangers/Sellik Glasgow Cup sectional game. He was swathed in bandages, could hardly stand and could not bend. Another mucker, Gordon Young went into the Polloc Juniors social club and came back with a dinning chair. Garry sat on said chair on the terrace behind the goal, smiling through the obvious pain as Rangers romped to victory.

Those Glasgow Cup sectional games were for the real Anoraks, three-four dozen would pitch up for the match against Queens Park or Clyde. Often, you would get a double header on the same pitch, Rangers/Queens Park would be followed by Clyde/Thistle. On such a Sunday afternoon, Garry's son, young Garry was turning out as cenre-half for Queens Park... Walter smith turned up because his son was playing midfield for Clyde. Garry had no hesitation, approached Wattie and told him Queens Park's centre-half was an outstanding prospect and Rangers should snap him up. Walter knew the gig, replying he is your son Garry, and you must have divided loyalties today? Garry was unflinching, "ah hope he's man of the match, doesn't injure any of the Rangers lads, and we win 6-0".

My final long conversation with Garry occurred in Lisbon last year, a tremedous display saw us win 2-0 in the UEFA Cup quarter-final. I was walking back into the city centre, whipped rain could not remove the smile from my face. I was intent on getting back to my hotel and booking Florence. It was a lonely stretch of dual carriageway, I crossed over in search of a coffee and bumped into Garry leaning on a rail. We ended up in a Cafe, I was enthusing about Steve Davis, the majesty of King Carlos, Kevin Thomson's tenacity, .....etc Garry was far more concerned about the Youths league run-in and their ability to secure a double-double in consecutive seasons. I was no longer part of the youth/reserve Loyal and asked Garry why it continued to burn with him? He explained that he envied East Stirling and Albion Rover supporters, they achieve an intimacy with their clubs that is impossible for us because of the size of Rangers. The nearest we can get is follow following the young colts, a hard core of 40-50 supporters experiecing the trials and tribulations of a smaller club. Silence ensued, he thought and added, "it's better for us Davie, because it doesn't matter if it's reserve league west or Glasgow Cup, it's still the Rangers"...

My final recollection is the happiest I have ever seen the big man. It was the final of the Youth Cup against Airdrie at old Broomfield. We had a good team, including Charlie Miller, Craig Moore, and Scott Wilson. Airdrie started well, blew us away and after 30 minutes were deservedly leading 3-0. The usual grumbling among Bears in attendance was beginning to be directed towards the young players. Garry got the songs going, the Airdrie support targetted him in song, Garry showed them his belly! Garry was telling everyone, "if we can nick one before halftime, we'll win this". Kevin Fotheringham obliged, we came out in the second half and ran in four more to secure the cup 5-3. Garry was wheeling and windmilling down the terrace, screaming, "we've won the cup". He waited on after the game, at the back of the old Broomfield Pavilion, he was intent on shaking every players' hand and thanking them for exhibiting true Rangers spirit. He did too.

Every young player that has experienced our Club these last 30 years will know Garry. They will have welcomed his constantly booming voice of support. They will have been encouraged by quiet words delivered off field. They will know that no matter the circumstances, timing, or location; that when they took to the field in Rangers blue, big Garry was waiting to cheer them to the echo. Why, simply because Garry could NOT stop caring about our club.

Garry Lynch deserves to be remembered among our support, he remains a true Rangers legend.


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Off out to the WRC tonight for Gadger Tribute.

Whats this mate?

A raffle and auction in aid of the rising stars; in honour of the big chap.

The missus is best pals with Garry's wife, she's bringing the tickets down

tonight (£5 but not sure if it's sold out).

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Off out to the WRC tonight for Gadger Tribute.

Whats this mate?

A raffle and auction in aid of the rising stars; in honour of the big chap.

The missus is best pals with Garry's wife, she's bringing the tickets down

tonight (£5 but not sure if it's sold out).

none of our boys knew about this

gary was known to all of the kp loyal as we always met him at euro away trips

hope you have a good night and raise a lot for a cause thats was close to gadgers heart

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A great gesture for big Gadger!!

I knew the big man for the last 10 years or so. He was such a big cheery guy with a great sense of humour.

Rangers was in his blood and i think this is a nice way to pay respect to the big man.


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A great gesture for big Gadger!!

I knew the big man for the last 10 years or so. He was such a big cheery guy with a great sense of humour.

Rangers was in his blood and i think this is a nice way to pay respect to the big man.


it was indeed how did you know him

i first met him in thessalonika when after theyre fans stopped hitting us with coins he decided to annoy them by singing and jumping around noising them up after we knocked them out

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A great gesture for big Gadger!!

I knew the big man for the last 10 years or so. He was such a big cheery guy with a great sense of humour.

Rangers was in his blood and i think this is a nice way to pay respect to the big man.


it was indeed how did you know him

i first met him in thessalonika when after theyre fans stopped hitting us with coins he decided to annoy them by singing and jumping around noising them up after we knocked them out

I knew Gadger through his daughter.

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