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Is It Time To Turn Up The Heat On The Subway Loyal?

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Get over it,It happens in every football stadium in the world.Fans are not stupid,they basically know when to leave(what the outcome will be)

they're just trying to get an early jump on the other part of their life. :)

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Get over it,It happens in every football stadium in the world.Fans are not stupid,they basically know when to leave(what the outcome will be)

they're just trying to get an early jump on the other part of their life. :)

:clap: here here mate ,,well said by obviously an educated human being :clap:

for alternative to educated human being see:-weebawbag(or whatever he calls himself)a few posts previous.. <cr>

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Get over it,It happens in every football stadium in the world.Fans are not stupid,they basically know when to leave(what the outcome will be)

they're just trying to get an early jump on the other part of their life. :)

So you are saying that they can't spend 90mins out of two week supporting "their" team?

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

well you can stay as long as you like mate ,cause youve been on the pish well before kick off and are straight on it after..thats obvious.. <cr>

hating your own supporters ,like to see you next home game standing outside subway telling everyone what you think of them..hehe

its that kind of attitude that makes me hate the fact that tossers like you support the same team as me. but that's life and i have to accept it. doesn't mean i can't despise sharing a ground with lethargic eejits like you though.

PS. NEVER left a football game early in my life. rangers or scotland. don't know what you're talking about being on the pish - pish is the only substance we're getting out of your skanky gub - a jungle perhaps? dunno, dont care. dont tar me with the same brush as yourself ya cock.

LOOK weebawbag or whatever,if rangers fans want to leave early i would never bad mouth 1 of my own,its their choice..fuckin live with it ,cause thats called being loyal to your own.

No it's not. This whole argument that you pay your money, you can leave when you want is nonsense. Of course they can leave when they want because no one can stop them, that's called a democracy but they should not say they LOVE or are loyal to Rangers. You can't be leaving games after 65 minutes and calling yourself loyal. Leaving with 10 minutes left is bad enough but with 65 minutes gone? That's just a joke.

The sad reality in football now is many people don't go to games to watch the game but to have a day out, talk to mates, talk shite, smoke, eat, talk shite and fuck off home. That is the sad reality. There is hardly anything loyal anymore about a fanbase at home games. It's the same all over Britain.

It's the sort of people i would not want backing me up when i jump out of the trenches that's for sure. Go to the game, support the team for 90 minutes. Simple as. If you can't be heard, at least be seen is what i say.

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Get over it,It happens in every football stadium in the world.Fans are not stupid,they basically know when to leave(what the outcome will be)

they're just trying to get an early jump on the other part of their life. :)

So you are saying that they can't spend 90mins out of two week supporting "their" team?

its their choice whether they do or dont,its their circumstances noone elses ,they pay their money if they want to miss 5 10 15mins then thats their choice ,they may miss the best part of the game or a goal or two or maybe they dont like what they are watching,thats entirely up to them,does not make them any less loyal than the ones who stay to end,and most league games its the minority that stay till the end by what i see..stadium less than half full most times.

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Fuck the subway loyal - i fuckin hate the cunts. only interested in gettin' home in time to wash the dishes before the missus gets home and gi'es them a hidin'. these wanks systematically destroy the atmosphere at ibrox - fuck them.

well you can stay as long as you like mate ,cause youve been on the pish well before kick off and are straight on it after..thats obvious.. <cr>

hating your own supporters ,like to see you next home game standing outside subway telling everyone what you think of them..hehe

its that kind of attitude that makes me hate the fact that tossers like you support the same team as me. but that's life and i have to accept it. doesn't mean i can't despise sharing a ground with lethargic eejits like you though.

PS. NEVER left a football game early in my life. rangers or scotland. don't know what you're talking about being on the pish - pish is the only substance we're getting out of your skanky gub - a jungle perhaps? dunno, dont care. dont tar me with the same brush as yourself ya cock.

LOOK weebawbag or whatever,if rangers fans want to leave early i would never bad mouth 1 of my own,its their choice..fuckin live with it ,cause thats called being loyal to your own.

No it's not. This whole argument that you pay your money, you can leave when you want is nonsense. Of course they can leave when they want because no one can stop them, that's called a democracy but they should not say they LOVE or are loyal to Rangers. You can't be leaving games after 65 minutes and calling yourself loyal. Leaving with 10 minutes left is bad enough but with 65 minutes gone? That's just a joke.

The sad reality in football now is many people don't go to games to watch the game but to have a day out, talk to mates, talk shite, smoke, eat, talk shite and fuck off home. That is the sad reality. There is hardly anything loyal anymore about a fanbase at home games. It's the same all over Britain.

It's the sort of people i would not want backing me up when i jump out of the trenches that's for sure. Go to the game, support the team for 90 minutes. Simple as. If you can't be heard, at least be seen is what i say.

look you can stay till the end ,i can stay till the end,or i will leave when i fuckin want to leave,noone is gonna dictate to me or anyone else when to leave.

if they want to leave they will leave..this thread is a total waste of breath,its pointless ,the facts are it happens everywhere ,always will and will never be stopped,and doesnt make any fan less loyal than the next one,its only the idiots that see it like that ,its a sad reality that so called fans want to bad mouth their own ,thats the sad reality here and proves my point where idiots are concerned,previous childish posts are testament to such..my fingers are bleeding and im bored shitless now with this crap.a LOYAL rangers FAN..

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The fact that it happens other places doesn't make the fact that it happens at Ibrox acceptable. I fail to see how a fan can be described as loyal (Look up the definition) if they leave b4 the game ends, it just contradicts the term "loyal".

And as we were saying they are free to go when ever they want, no one will stop them, but you can hardly say you don't feel annoyed when half the fans are gone by the 85min, it makes me feel ashamed that they would rather make a fast get away than add an extra 10mins-hour on to their journey.

And fans can't say they have to catch buses, as supporters buses wait for 10-20mins after kickoff.

PS, djgazbcm, please talk the Queens English.

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The fact that it happens other places doesn't make the fact that it happens at Ibrox acceptable. I fail to see how a fan can be described as loyal (Look up the definition) if they leave b4 the game ends, it just contradicts the term "loyal".

And as we were saying they are free to go when ever they want, no one will stop them, but you can hardly say you don't feel annoyed when half the fans are gone by the 85min, it makes me feel ashamed that they would rather make a fast get away than add an extra 10mins-hour on to their journey.

And fans can't say they have to catch buses, as supporters buses wait for 10-20mins after kickoff.

PS, djgazbcm, please talk the Queens English.


Hince the term 'LOYAL'.

I ain't going to reply to that tosh.

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Right so if I choose to stay an extra 5 minutes it adds around an extra hour if not more onto my journey home. It's orite for the ones that takes 10 15 mins to get home.

3 o'clock kick off means that if I stay until the very end I won't be getting home until half 7 if not 8 and when I mean home mean just getting back into Edinburgh. Although the fact of that I leave around 11 thats a long day just to watch 90 mins of football.

If I leave 5 mins early I look to get home about half 6. So for anyone to tell me that they get annoyed could just fuck off considering they either live 10 mins away or are in no rush to get out of Glasgow.

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Right so if I choose to stay an extra 5 minutes it adds around an extra hour if not more onto my journey home. It's orite for the ones that takes 10 15 mins to get home.

3 o'clock kick off means that if I stay until the very end I won't be getting home until half 7 if not 8 and when I mean home mean just getting back into Edinburgh. Although the fact of that I leave around 11 thats a long day just to watch 90 mins of football.

If I leave 5 mins early I look to get home about half 6. So for anyone to tell me that they get annoyed could just fuck off considering they either live 10 mins away or are in no rush to get out of Glasgow.

i leave at 5am and stay till the end <cr> get home around half 12 :gerbad:

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ive got to say something here...

Whilst i agree that the subway loyal leaving early is not a good look, i really dont think it overly affects the atmosphere given the are they for the MAJORITY of the game.

What does affect the atmosphere and what riles me up the most is the FACT that the majority of the stadium (other than the Broomloan Front) dont bother to sing or bring any kind of atmosphere to the ground. I think some of the other stands need to stand up and be accountable for contributing to a relatively dire atmosphere at home games other than european and old firm games...I was watching the coverage the other night of the falkirk game and flicked over to the EPL when it was half time and there was such a considerable difference in the overall atmosphere..we need to get ibrox back to the fortress it once was!

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ive got to say something here...

Whilst i agree that the subway loyal leaving early is not a good look, i really dont think it overly affects the atmosphere given the are they for the MAJORITY of the game.

What does affect the atmosphere and what riles me up the most is the FACT that the majority of the stadium (other than the Broomloan Front) dont bother to sing or bring any kind of atmosphere to the ground. I think some of the other stands need to stand up and be accountable for contributing to a relatively dire atmosphere at home games other than european and old firm games...I was watching the coverage the other night of the falkirk game and flicked over to the EPL when it was half time and there was such a considerable difference in the overall atmosphere..we need to get ibrox back to the fortress it once was!

I would take a guess and say the majority of "Subway Loyal" do not sing anyway.

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The subway loyal are an embarassment and it is worse at Ibrox than other grounds. It is half empty come 85 minutes..

Loyal my arse.

I sit by the aisle in GF and am having to get up every 2 seconds to let this so called fan base go early. If there is a valid reason to go early then fair enough but 20,000 fans dont come through from Edinburgh.

Here is a hint...if you dont want to wait in the subway que...you can walk to the secc station in 15 minutes. There are trains leaving there every ten minutes going into town.

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Its a fucking joke! Some people cant get tickets cause of these cunts! i travel on the subway to and from games! if you walk out of ibrox after the game then you go to cessnock! or walk round to govan! Do people not like waiting in a small que? if you go to ibrox underground fair enough its packed! but a 5min walk and your at cessnock or govan!

Why oh why in european nights or OF matches does it not bother these people? surely a tuesday or wednesday night you wouldnt want to be hanging around, if you cant manage it on a saturday afternoon! Once i left early and it was the gretna game we won 4-0 and guess what a missed a goal. Never done it since! If you pay to go to a theartre show, cinema or the like would you leave early then?

djgazbcm for a new poster your a bit of a :wanker:

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I notice most of the posters on here are fairly new. I'm not judging new posters, but the lack of "old-timers" on this thread just shows that this ground has been covered many times before and it is possibly the most circular argument (after Boyd) that we have on here.

I don't like seeing it, I think it looks terrible. It's quite embarassing and I wish people wouldn't do it. Having said that, you pay your money you takes your choice. People have the right to leave early if they want.

There you go, that's saved a 15-page thread (tu)

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Right so if I choose to stay an extra 5 minutes it adds around an extra hour if not more onto my journey home. It's orite for the ones that takes 10 15 mins to get home.

3 o'clock kick off means that if I stay until the very end I won't be getting home until half 7 if not 8 and when I mean home mean just getting back into Edinburgh. Although the fact of that I leave around 11 thats a long day just to watch 90 mins of football.

If I leave 5 mins early I look to get home about half 6. So for anyone to tell me that they get annoyed could just fuck off considering they either live 10 mins away or are in no rush to get out of Glasgow.

half 7-8pm? you going by horse and cart?

I always stay until the end, then get the underground and then the Edinburgh train. I normally make the 5.30 or 5.45 train.

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I don't like seeing it, I think it looks terrible. It's quite embarassing and I wish people wouldn't do it. Having said that, you pay your money you takes your choice. People have the right to leave early if they want.

I agree with the above sentence, however what compounds it for me, is, as was posted earlier, is the fact that a lot of the time when they are going out you can't see for them. I have an aisle seat and the worst thing of all is if something happens on the park they all just stop on the stairway, stand for a wee while and move off after the incident leaving us who are still there wondering what happened. If you are going to go, your choice!, but please be considerate and remember the people who are still trying to watch.

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I don't like seeing it, I think it looks terrible. It's quite embarassing and I wish people wouldn't do it. Having said that, you pay your money you takes your choice. People have the right to leave early if they want.

I agree with the above sentence, however what compounds it for me, is, as was posted earlier, is the fact that a lot of the time when they are going out you can't see for them. I have an aisle seat and the worst thing of all is if something happens on the park they all just stop on the stairway, stand for a wee while and move off after the incident leaving us who are still there wondering what happened. If you are going to go, your choice!, but please be considerate and remember they people to are still trying to watch.


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what a fucking daft thread, there can me loads of fucking reasons for people leaving early, my old man used to leave early as his nightshift in the fire brigade starts as 6pm so fuck being stuck over at ibrox at 5.15 trying to get the subway

and i can you he's put in a helluva lot more minutes for the bears than some of the wee fannies on here that are running their mouth

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A guy I know has been a season ticket holder for almost 10 years.

He has left every saturday game @ Ibrox around the 75-80min mark becasue he has to go to his work and is always cutting it fine getting there.

Does that make him an arsehole or not a true fan?????

Nobody knows what circumstances cause people to leave, granted a lot of them just want home quick but to tar all fans with the same brush is just childish.

At the end of the day we are all there to support the team in our own way.


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If ye hate the subway loyal clap your hands :clap:

:clap: totally agree mate. I can understand guys who have got small kids with them or guys who are travelling from a ridiculous distance leaving 2 or 3 mins early but there are guys leaving at 75 and 80 mins and it's a fuckin disgrace. give your ticket to someone else if you don't want to stay the whole game. I can remember my dad tellin me about this guy who sat next to him leaving at about 70 mins during the Marseilles game years ago and missed one of our finest nights in Europe. What a tit

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Personally I find the amount of fans leaving early really annoying. Guy next to me sits and slates everyone and anyone he feels is not giving their all on the park yet shoots the craw wi' 15 minutes to go at every game.

Worse than that I aactually feel it's now a growing trend hence the reason for this post. All this nonsense about beating the traffic - if you're not prepared to back the team for the WHOLE game don't bother coming.

Rant over!

It's time for you to take some chill pills.

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If ye hate the subway loyal clap your hands :clap:

:clap: totally agree mate. I can understand guys who have got small kids with them or guys who are travelling from a ridiculous distance leaving 2 or 3 mins early but there are guys leaving at 75 and 80 mins and it's a fuckin disgrace. give your ticket to someone else if you don't want to stay the whole game. I can remember my dad tellin me about this guy who sat next to him leaving at about 70 mins during the Marseilles game years ago and missed one of our finest nights in Europe. What a tit

why should someone who may have had a ST for 30 years give it up because they have to race off to get to work

come on, think about it now, no everyone can have their granny's funeral every second saturday

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If ye hate the subway loyal clap your hands :clap:

:clap: totally agree mate. I can understand guys who have got small kids with them or guys who are travelling from a ridiculous distance leaving 2 or 3 mins early but there are guys leaving at 75 and 80 mins and it's a fuckin disgrace. give your ticket to someone else if you don't want to stay the whole game. I can remember my dad tellin me about this guy who sat next to him leaving at about 70 mins during the Marseilles game years ago and missed one of our finest nights in Europe. What a tit

why should someone who may have had a ST for 30 years give it up because they have to race off to get to work

come on, think about it now, no everyone can have their granny's funeral every second saturday

I accept there are cases with people who have work and that's fair enough but you can't tell me half the stadium start their shift at 6?? What I'm saying isn't an attack on people who have a genuine reason for leaving but the vast majority who have no reason for leaving early and I don't understand it

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