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Does the RST have an AGM this Sunday?


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COTW, are any current Board members expected to step down at this AGM or will they all be standing for election again?

Some are stepping down and seeking re-election, others aren't.

What of the other Board members who aren't seeking re-election?

"The RST Board wishes to announce the following changes. David Edgar is stepping down as Vice-Chair and will be replaced by Gordon Dinnie. David will remain a media spokesman and a committed and highly valued member of the Board. Due to work and family commitments Fraser Martin is being replaced as Secretary by Andy Cumming but will also remain on the Board. The Board would like to thank David and Fraser for all the work carried out in these roles and are delighted that they are staying on the Board. We also wish Gordon and Andy all the best in their new positions.

Stepping down from the Board is Graeme Hanna. We thank Graeme for his contribution in the last year. Following John Gilligan’s resignation earlier in the year this left two vacancies. We are delighted to announce that we have co-opted two new Board members, Kenny Park and Glen Kane. Both gentlemen have vast experience of business and are, of course, committed Rangers fans and Trust members. We are looking forward to working with them and are sure they will make a significant contribution to the running and development of the Trust.

Additional changes and opportunities will be announced in the next few days."

That was more than 2 weeks ago. What additional changes, COTW?

Some people were considering their positions on the Board and we thought we might have to seek new Board members but that isn't the case now.

Were these new Board members elected, and if so, by whom?

There will be 4 people up for election at the AGM.

I see. The announcement just made it seem that these Board members were already in place. Is there anyone standing against them or is it just a formality of electing the only candidate for each position?

The constitution of the RST states that a number of board members are to be elected and a number to be co-opted. These new members have been co-opted and presumably are already formal board members.

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Some people were considering their positions on the Board and we thought we might have to seek new Board members but that isn't the case now.

Three people are stepping down completely, one person is seeking re-election and we have three applications for Board membership. It probably will be a formality but you never know. Also the appointment of two co-optees has to be ratified.

I'm confused. Your first post seems to suggest that these people aren't standing down and your second post states that they are.

Would it not be appropriate to formally announce that there were 3 vacancies, so that members knew that was the case and have the opportunity to put themselves forward?

Members may not want to put themselves forward against existing board members but they may do so if they were aware of vacancies.

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I honestly can't be arsed reading this thread 'cos I know it will basically be an anti-RST thread.

It's about 70/30 Jim. The 70 is the usual suspects, the 30 is cooperonthewing. So yes, it's like every other RST thread! :sleep:

Incidentally, this wasn't meant as support to one side or the other. I used to be an RST member but have not renewed this year. I think COTW takes a hard time on here considering she is the only RST board member who will openly (well, sort of openly) fight their corner anywhere but 'you-know-where.' I have spoken to COTW by PM about member numbers etc, but the policy stands of not openly discussing membership numbers.

It's one of the many problems the RST have, another of which, in my perception, is that the 'powers that be' have an attitude that equates to "well fuck them, if they don't agree with us they are wrong." There seems to be a lack of open discussion among the Rangers supporters that they would like to speak for.

Just my opinion, of course.

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used to be a member and was in the gersave scheme wonder if cotw or anyone else can tell me what happened to my shares

are they still held in the RST or have i been sent them and lost them

The RST hold the shares in trust, unless they have already sent them to you following a specific request. You should be able to request that they issue them to you.

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I honestly can't be arsed reading this thread 'cos I know it will basically be an anti-RST thread.

That's where people like you always get it wrong. You assume there's a crusade against the RST whe there is nothing of the sort. Does't it strike you as strange that most of the people you would label as critical have all been Trust members, many from the very start. I'm not anti-RST, far from it. What I do object to is the way something very important has been hijacked by a sordid wee clique who for years now have run their own personal agenda rather than act in the interest of any of the membership. I'm not anti-RST but I am sick of the lack of achievement and I am sick of the dishonesty.

The only way the RST will ever have a useful future is if the present organisation is closed down and a fresh start is made. The issue about the current membership numbers is twofold. Firstly, they testament to the inability of the Trust to attract a membership of sufficient size to give it credibility, which of course is why the current board is so desperate not to present the numbers openly and are persuaded to lie about them in public. Secondly, he unwillingness to reveal these membership numbers sums up perfectly the underhand gamesmanship of the current Trust leadership and bringing attention to this issue again and again is useful in demonstrating to a wider audience the ridiculous behaviour of the people in charge today.

Don't be so fast to assume those who appear critical are anti-RST ....... some of us may be the most ardent supporters you are likely to find of a healthy and honest Rangers Supporters Trust. Something we certainly don't have today.

People like COTW are not defending the RST. They are defending the small cartel gathered around the feet of Mr Dingwall.

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You're on top form today cooper. I'm wrong again. :D

Answer me this. What percentage of members live in the West of Scotland?

For many, the September weekend isn't suitable, regardless of the pedantics over who has what holiday where.

I'm not expecting you to make any great concessions, but to at least accept that it's a possibility that people will be unable to make it, and that it would be a good idea to avoid this weekend in future?

The AGM seems to get later every year aswell?

In 2004 it was in July, 2005 it was at the end of August English Bank Holiday (which some in Scotland get too), and has been gradually creeping year on year. Just seems odd, that's all.

Presumably minutes will be sent out to members?

Yes, you're not having a good day, are you? :pipe: I don't know the percentage of members that live in the West of Scotland is the simple answer. Perhaps if I can find the time I'll try to work it out. Regardless of when we have the AGM, it will not suit everyone. It isn't really getting later each year. In 2006 it was on 1st October. People unable to attend have the option of submitting a question or proposing a motion either by e-mail or to our PO Box. There have been none submitted by e-mail so far, I'm not sure about the PO Box yet.

Neither, it would seem, are you. Or the RST Website is hopefully inaccurate.

"August 2006

News Archive

23 August 2006

Trust AGM Reminder

Can all our members please note this year's AGM will take place on Saturday 09 September in Partick Burgh Halls from 10.30am (for a 11am start) till 1pm (Rangers play Falkirk at Ibrox that day KO: 3pm)."

I'd already checked the dates before asking the question.

You can pick the AGM any time you want next year, because I won't be renewing.

By the looks of it, I won't be the only one.

Bar one or two trouble makers, most people (including myself) are genuine in raising concern about certain issues.

If you can't take people at face value and do your best to be civil, then it doesn't inspire me to renew.

I honestly can't remember, the minutes say it was 1st October so somebody has made a mistake. Hardly a hanging offence. What made you join/ renew this year and then decide not to renew next year? Why not go on the RST website and complain?

I never said it was a hanging offence. We all make mistakes. Even me.

That said, not renewing is not one of them.

Last year I still had some belief in the Trust. I now have none.

My understanding is that only 10 board members turned up to the AGM (thereby partially justifying my thoughts on the timing of it), with only 16 other members turning up, of whom 3 were elected to the board, meaning there were only 13 non board members present by the end of the meeting.

With that level of interest, perhaps its time that the Trust called it a day.

I also hear that a ÂŁ20 Grand profit has been wiped in the space of a year. It doesn't instil any confidence in the Trust.

If you think I take any pleasure out of this you'd be mistaken.

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You're on top form today cooper. I'm wrong again. :D

Answer me this. What percentage of members live in the West of Scotland?

For many, the September weekend isn't suitable, regardless of the pedantics over who has what holiday where.

I'm not expecting you to make any great concessions, but to at least accept that it's a possibility that people will be unable to make it, and that it would be a good idea to avoid this weekend in future?

The AGM seems to get later every year aswell?

In 2004 it was in July, 2005 it was at the end of August English Bank Holiday (which some in Scotland get too), and has been gradually creeping year on year. Just seems odd, that's all.

Presumably minutes will be sent out to members?

Yes, you're not having a good day, are you? :pipe: I don't know the percentage of members that live in the West of Scotland is the simple answer. Perhaps if I can find the time I'll try to work it out. Regardless of when we have the AGM, it will not suit everyone. It isn't really getting later each year. In 2006 it was on 1st October. People unable to attend have the option of submitting a question or proposing a motion either by e-mail or to our PO Box. There have been none submitted by e-mail so far, I'm not sure about the PO Box yet.

Neither, it would seem, are you. Or the RST Website is hopefully inaccurate.

"August 2006

News Archive

23 August 2006

Trust AGM Reminder

Can all our members please note this year's AGM will take place on Saturday 09 September in Partick Burgh Halls from 10.30am (for a 11am start) till 1pm (Rangers play Falkirk at Ibrox that day KO: 3pm)."

I'd already checked the dates before asking the question.

You can pick the AGM any time you want next year, because I won't be renewing.

By the looks of it, I won't be the only one.

Bar one or two trouble makers, most people (including myself) are genuine in raising concern about certain issues.

If you can't take people at face value and do your best to be civil, then it doesn't inspire me to renew.

I honestly can't remember, the minutes say it was 1st October so somebody has made a mistake. Hardly a hanging offence. What made you join/ renew this year and then decide not to renew next year? Why not go on the RST website and complain?

I also hear that a ÂŁ20 Grand profit has been wiped in the space of a year. It doesn't instil any confidence in the Trust.

Out of interest, what profit did the Trust declare this year if any?

I believe they held an annual dinner which is usually a big contributer to the funds, so I would expect there should be some profit?

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From 5,000 alleged members to around 500 actual members

FROM ÂŁ20,000 profit to a loss in one year.

Still think Mr RST is doing a good job?

Vetting questions for the AGM to avoid the awkward ones.

Arranging the AGM for a holiday weekend.

Giving out precious little notice of said meeting.

All in all the actions of people with something to hide or a guilty conscience ....or both.

The Trust is finished.We know it and they know it and it is a laughing stock in journalistic circles.

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From 5,000 alleged members to around 500 actual members

FROM ÂŁ20,000 profit to a loss in one year.

Still think Mr RST is doing a good job?

Vetting questions for the AGM to avoid the awkward ones.

Arranging the AGM for a holiday weekend.

Giving out precious little notice of said meeting.

All in all the actions of people with something to hide or a guilty conscience ....or both.

The Trust is finished.We know it and they know it and it is a laughing stock in journalistic circles.

500 actual members - in their dreams maybe.

Take away the trapped 'lifers' and they couldn't muster anything like 500 members. It's not a sensitive issue for no reason.

The RST is a dead parrot, it has ceased to be.

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You're on top form today cooper. I'm wrong again. :D

Answer me this. What percentage of members live in the West of Scotland?

For many, the September weekend isn't suitable, regardless of the pedantics over who has what holiday where.

I'm not expecting you to make any great concessions, but to at least accept that it's a possibility that people will be unable to make it, and that it would be a good idea to avoid this weekend in future?

The AGM seems to get later every year aswell?

In 2004 it was in July, 2005 it was at the end of August English Bank Holiday (which some in Scotland get too), and has been gradually creeping year on year. Just seems odd, that's all.

Presumably minutes will be sent out to members?

Yes, you're not having a good day, are you? :pipe: I don't know the percentage of members that live in the West of Scotland is the simple answer. Perhaps if I can find the time I'll try to work it out. Regardless of when we have the AGM, it will not suit everyone. It isn't really getting later each year. In 2006 it was on 1st October. People unable to attend have the option of submitting a question or proposing a motion either by e-mail or to our PO Box. There have been none submitted by e-mail so far, I'm not sure about the PO Box yet.

Neither, it would seem, are you. Or the RST Website is hopefully inaccurate.

"August 2006

News Archive

23 August 2006

Trust AGM Reminder

Can all our members please note this year's AGM will take place on Saturday 09 September in Partick Burgh Halls from 10.30am (for a 11am start) till 1pm (Rangers play Falkirk at Ibrox that day KO: 3pm)."

I'd already checked the dates before asking the question.

You can pick the AGM any time you want next year, because I won't be renewing.

By the looks of it, I won't be the only one.

Bar one or two trouble makers, most people (including myself) are genuine in raising concern about certain issues.

If you can't take people at face value and do your best to be civil, then it doesn't inspire me to renew.

I honestly can't remember, the minutes say it was 1st October so somebody has made a mistake. Hardly a hanging offence. What made you join/ renew this year and then decide not to renew next year? Why not go on the RST website and complain?

I also hear that a ÂŁ20 Grand profit has been wiped in the space of a year. It doesn't instil any confidence in the Trust.

Out of interest, what profit did the Trust declare this year if any?

I believe they held an annual dinner which is usually a big contributer to the funds, so I would expect there should be some profit?

I believe this year returned a loss, but cotw would be best placed to answer.

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I'm still a member but have lost interest.

Looking from the outside i don't have a clue what they are doing. I've always been of the impression it was/is a vechicle for the ego/ideas of a certain website owner and his followers.

Nothing much has changed my mind.

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The RST is dead because a couple of strangers on the internet say so.........

I would wager that these strangers know a lot more about the goings on at the RST then the RST would like.

If these strangers are so wrong and so wide of the mark why does the Trust not release a statement clearing up all the concerns that many members and ex members have?

Why do they not post the answers to these questions on their own website.

Why are these questions suppressed and deleted on another inferior website?

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The RST is dead because a couple of strangers on the internet say so.........

I would wager that these strangers know a lot more about the goings on at the RST then the RST would like.

If these strangers are so wrong and so wide of the mark why does the Trust not release a statement clearing up all the concerns that many members and ex members have?

Why do they not post the answers to these questions on their own website.

Why are these questions suppressed and deleted on another inferior website?

To see the Trust in chaos is sad.

However, what is heartening, that Rangers supporters do not want to be associated with the FF clique, Mr Dingwall, tHe Gub and their band of bigot brothers.

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Jesus 'H' tap-dancing Christ....is this thread still 'live'?

This wasn't a can of worms I opened with my simple, matter-of-fact question, nor was it an industrial-sized can as I opined half-way into the thread, no....it would appear I've opened Pandora's box.

We're all doomed.......doomed I tell you. :(

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The RST is dead because a couple of strangers on the internet say so.........

I would wager that these strangers know a lot more about the goings on at the RST then the RST would like.

If these strangers are so wrong and so wide of the mark why does the Trust not release a statement clearing up all the concerns that many members and ex members have?

Why do they not post the answers to these questions on their own website.

Why are these questions suppressed and deleted on another inferior website?

To see the Trust in chaos is sad.

However, what is heartening, that Rangers supporters do not want to be associated with the FF clique, Mr Dingwall, tHe Gub and their band of bigot brothers.

What's even more heartening is to see so many supporters groups and different websites communicating rather than competing and cooperating rather than squabbling. Not only is this the first glimpse of unity for a long time but it's serving to further marginalise said clique and the pathetic distraction of their sub-plot, the RST. The real future of supporter representation and collective action undoubtedly lies in the very "internet sites" that David Murray tried so hard to ridicule.

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