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Does the RST have an AGM this Sunday?


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Folks.. just reading the last page here.. but it seems that the majority are now fed up with FF and a certain Mr. DIMwall and his band of militant bigots? About time.

UNITY is what it's all about -- not competition -- as the post above says.

i dont like dingwall(personal reason) but i dont think him and his mates are bigots

have you any proof of his bigotry?

Not very well up on the whole RST FF situation myself, but i've nevr heard Dingwall referred to as a bigoted before.

Every time i hear/see his name mentioned it's usually altered to Dingwallet, so i assumed folk just think of him as lining his own pockets?

That's my understanding but i could be wrong.

not far off the mark (tu)

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I have no need to name anyone as they know who they are,

is it being suggested that M Dingwall and the others in the trust are parasites and enemies of the club?

Wait a minute mate, you need to cach on a little here. Throw accusations around and you at least need to have the decency to make it clear who you're aiming at. For all I know you could be referring to me, although I think you'd have little cause to do so. I think it's fair however to know whether I'm the target of you're mud slinging.

So let's have it, who are you accusing of deliberate shit stirring against "RST/FF/Dingwall" (your words, not mine)

As i do not know who you are, i am not accusing you of anything here,

you would have to be blind not to have noticed the rhetoric towards them, they are former FF'rs and used to be very close to MD

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As i do not know who you are, i am not accusing you of anything here,

you would have to be blind not to have noticed the rhetoric towards them, they are former FF'rs and used to be very close to MD

We've just beaten the mhanky mob with half a team.

Can't we all just live in peace, love and harmony for a few days without bringing up inter-bear strife?

Let's celebrate: less :box: and more :cheers:

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Folks.. just reading the last page here.. but it seems that the majority are now fed up with FF and a certain Mr. DIMwall and his band of militant bigots? About time.

UNITY is what it's all about -- not competition -- as the post above says.

i dont like dingwall(personal reason) but i dont think him and his mates are bigots

have you any proof of his bigotry?

Not very well up on the whole RST FF situation myself, but i've nevr heard Dingwall referred to as a bigoted before.

Every time i hear/see his name mentioned it's usually altered to Dingwallet, so i assumed folk just think of him as lining his own pockets?

That's my understanding but i could be wrong.

not far off the mark (tu)

I think we are going into dangeous territory here, I know of no financial skullduggery re Mark Dingwall.

I don't know the guy, I don't want to know him. I know something about his politics, and I have read his points of view on FF.

But if this is the man who gives posters like the Gub carte blanche to give his poisoned, bigotted views on life and Rangers, without reproach, then this is a man who I don't want see anywhere near a Rangers Trust.

And I am an ex Trust member typing this under my framed share certificate because of that very same Trust. I thank them for it.

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This cloak and dagger shit is choking the RST to death.

As an outsider and non-member, it appears that the lack of communication with members and answering their questions goes largely ignored.

Any trust that does this will fold, and it appears that Dingwall's clique will soon fold.

The sooner the better, this great club needs a supporters trust it can be proud of.

Well said friend, well said. It needs to be understood that this frustration lies behind most criticism of hose currenly mis-managing the RST.

Cheers mate (tu)

I have no agenda against the RST, I'm not a member and have no interest in joining at present.

Some people on here are too quick to label anyone who is critical of the RST of having an agenda against the RST/FF/Dingwall.

They need to realise that while some may indeed have an agenda, the majority really just want an RST that we can be proud of and that can have real impact on the club.

The only cloak and dagger stuff going on is on this thread,

There are people with a pathological hatred of all things Dingwall/FF, and it is their intention is to damge the trust

most of them are not members of the trust and are therefore not entitled to be privvy to trust info, but hey ho why let that stop them, they throw their allegations around which are without substance, and as we all know when you chuck mud some of it sticks.

The tarriers must be delighted by their behaviour

Who is this post directed at?

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This cloak and dagger shit is choking the RST to death.

As an outsider and non-member, it appears that the lack of communication with members and answering their questions goes largely ignored.

Any trust that does this will fold, and it appears that Dingwall's clique will soon fold.

The sooner the better, this great club needs a supporters trust it can be proud of.

Well said friend, well said. It needs to be understood that this frustration lies behind most criticism of hose currenly mis-managing the RST.

Cheers mate (tu)

I have no agenda against the RST, I'm not a member and have no interest in joining at present.

Some people on here are too quick to label anyone who is critical of the RST of having an agenda against the RST/FF/Dingwall.

They need to realise that while some may indeed have an agenda, the majority really just want an RST that we can be proud of and that can have real impact on the club.

The only cloak and dagger stuff going on is on this thread,

There are people with a pathological hatred of all things Dingwall/FF, and it is their intention is to damge the trust

most of them are not members of the trust and are therefore not entitled to be privvy to trust info, but hey ho why let that stop them, they throw their allegations around which are without substance, and as we all know when you chuck mud some of it sticks.

The tarriers must be delighted by their behaviour

Who is this post directed at?

probably me and a few others(i dont like him) but i was a member and also in the gersave scheme so i think i have a right to have a go at an orginisation that i believed in and who i think ended going off on a selfish tangent by some of the board

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Thanks, but I'm interested in what Jbear has to say

You're in a queue mate. I'm still waiting from post #143 for Jbear to answer that same question. It looks like he may just have been lashing out for the sake of it. Imagine that eh?

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Guest therabbitt
Thanks, but I'm interested in what Jbear has to say

As an aside from this discussion. If you are the same OpportunityKnox that has articles published in No1 then I'd like to say those are a brilliant read!


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Thanks, but I'm interested in what Jbear has to say

You're in a queue mate. I'm still waiting from post #143 for Jbear to answer that same question. It looks like he may just have been lashing out for the sake of it. Imagine that eh?

What the hell is going on at the Trust?

There must have been a lot of folk who started this share save scheme, for instance, have they not got a right to know from the new board what direction they are going?

To be honest, I think they are going round in circles, membership and influence falling, they are as moribound as the present government. (which I voted for, I must admit)

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For a lot of people oblivious to what is happening and has happened in the RST then these criticisms can appear rather odd or indeed unjustified.

The reality is though that the people with the criticisms are ,in the main,ex members.

The RST is going backwards NOT forwards despite claims to the contrary.

Membership is dwindling

Board Members have resigned due to infighting.

The Media do not take them seriously anymore.

But hey, to 'criticise' the RST or raise concerns is not allowed is it as they are infalllable and can do no wrong.

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For a lot of people oblivious to what is happening and has happened in the RST then these criticisms can appear rather odd or indeed unjustified.

The reality is though that the people with the criticisms are ,in the main,ex members.

The RST is going backwards NOT forwards despite claims to the contrary.

Membership is dwindling

Board Members have resigned due to infighting.

The Media do not take them seriously anymore.

But hey, to 'criticise' the RST or raise concerns is not allowed is it as they are infalllable and can do no wrong.

Its a real pity

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Too many questions, too few answers.

Either there are no answers, or they are biding their time, or they have given up on RM and we are all doomed.

Or else their main contributor to this site has been banned.

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Or else their main contributor to this site has been banned.

As a general reminder, RM only bans users in extreme cases, and as a last resort, where there has been a major or continued breach of the terms of the site. It is easier to pass Badger through the eye of a needle than it is to get him to ban someone.

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Too many questions, too few answers.

Either there are no answers, or they are biding their time, or they have given up on RM and we are all doomed.

It sure is a hell of a lot of time to bide then cos I've been trying to get answers from the RST for three years and still haven't got a singgle one.

The only sensible conclusion is that these people are rightly embarrassed by their failure but far too self-obsessed to admit it.

The lot of them clearly need to go so that better people can start the project again.

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We deserve better than the current RST regime. In principle i am all for an RST but only if its one that is focussed on the good of the club and is fully open and transparent and can act in a grown up manner and not be used as a soapbox for people who like the sense of power as much as the sound of their own voice.

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If people don't like who is in charge of the RST they should elect another board :rolleyes:

Asked if there was any way of getting an absentee ballot. I know a few members over here in the States who have no chance of attending the AGM but was basically told we don't count.

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Given that the turnout for the recent AGM was so low, it wouldn't have taken much for a vote of no confidence to have succeeded, if the majority of the floor voted for it, and the forced resignations of the entire board as a result.

I am not sure how the constitution of the RST is set up, but I have only once in the seven years of the trust seen a proposal to join the RST board been outvoted, and that was in 2008. So it seems that while a lot of bears like to have a moan about it, none of them want to put their own ideas into practice by joining the board themselves, myself included.

Doesn't make it any harder to still have a go on an internet mesageboard of course, but it does make the argument have a lot less credibility if they are only shouting without anything constructive to say in opposition to the current policies.

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Given that the turnout for the recent AGM was so low, it wouldn't have taken much for a vote of no confidence to have succeeded, if the majority of the floor voted for it, and the forced resignations of the entire board as a result.

I am not sure how the constitution of the RST is set up, but I have only once in the seven years of the trust seen a proposal to join the RST board been outvoted, and that was in 2008. So it seems that while a lot of bears like to have a moan about it, none of them want to put their own ideas into practice by joining the board themselves, myself included.

Doesn't make it any harder to still have a go on an internet mesageboard of course, but it does make the argument have a lot less credibility if they are only shouting without anything constructive to say in opposition to the current policies.

Last time I looked it was still possible to express an opinion without the qualification of standing for office. Are you saying I can't make a credible criticism of government unless I stand as an MP? No one is shouting and as for current RST policies, it's hard to say anything constructive about them if we're never actually told what they are...... doh, there I go, shouting again. :rolleyes:

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Given that the turnout for the recent AGM was so low, it wouldn't have taken much for a vote of no confidence to have succeeded, if the majority of the floor voted for it, and the forced resignations of the entire board as a result.

I am not sure how the constitution of the RST is set up, but I have only once in the seven years of the trust seen a proposal to join the RST board been outvoted, and that was in 2008. So it seems that while a lot of bears like to have a moan about it, none of them want to put their own ideas into practice by joining the board themselves, myself included.

Doesn't make it any harder to still have a go on an internet mesageboard of course, but it does make the argument have a lot less credibility if they are only shouting without anything constructive to say in opposition to the current policies.

You have absolutely no idea what involvement some of the people posting on this thread have had with the RST, some for example were involved from the very first meeting to form an RST.

It has now been successfully hijacked by a man whose only interest is to make money out of Rangers fans, stated on here before, "its his buisness".

This RST will never be able to gain the trust of any significant number of Rangers fans but it will carry on bumbling along doing nobody any good because of one mans ego.

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