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Cowardly Rangers turn a blind eye to bigotry


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The new Paddy McCourt chant was also on the go - apparently he's 'f****n to the core'.

If they mean he's a smelly lookin pikey bastard then they're spot-on...

Quality. :lol:

He sold his caravan to his mum for twice it's value according to a mole.

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Everytime i read an anti-rangers article written by such people, i get very angry. I feel aggravated at the injustice and i hate to think his input is influencing people and their feelings toward our club. But then i think that there is a reason these articles just keep coming with not much reprocussion: No-ones interested. And i feel that by writing such things he is merely embarassing himself. It's quite laughable actually, that at an event where celtic fans tried to run on a pitch, set off illegal fireworks, and publicly threatened a footballer whose property has before been vandalised. he is more concerned with one man shouting FTP. His agenda is obvious and the way he openly parades it is hillarious. A man of absolutely no integrity, and no class.

There's also a reason why we don't have people writing for us like this. It's because we are better than that

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I can't seem to get ma head around this one.

1. Speirs is the coward for not reporting the culprit.

2. Speirs is the coward for not just asking the culprit to refrain from "offending" him.

3. Speirs is the coward for publicising the incident/s in order to try and drum up some support for his childish behaviour.

4. Speirs is also a coward as he is obviously too scared to visit his doctor for a chech up on his (selective) hearing.

He can GTF!

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Everytime i read an anti-rangers article written by such people, i get very angry. I feel aggravated at the injustice and i hate to think his input is influencing people and their feelings toward our club. But then i think that there is a reason these articles just keep coming with not much reprocussion: No-ones interested. And i feel that by writing such things he is merely embarassing himself. It's quite laughable actually, that at an event where celtic fans tried to run on a pitch, set off illegal fireworks, and publicly threatened a footballer whose property has before been vandalised. he is more concerned with one man shouting FTP. His agenda is obvious and the way he openly parades it is hillarious. A man of absolutely no integrity, and no class.

There's also a reason why we don't have people writing for us like this. It's because we are better than that

Well said mate!! (tu)

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no way would spiers criticise celtic because he kows they would take action against him [remember the daily records thives and liars story]. fact is this clown iis allowed into ibrox given access to players and coaches and nobodyIN the club has the brains to work out the damage hes trying to inflict on the club. BAN HIM NOW.

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no way would spiers criticise celtic because he kows they would take action against him [remember the daily records thives and liars story]. fact is this clown iis allowed into ibrox given access to players and coaches and nobodyIN the club has the brains to work out the damage hes trying to inflict on the club. BAN HIM NOW.

If he gets banned his bile will multiply.

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no way would spiers criticise celtic because he kows they would take action against him [remember the daily records thives and liars story]. fact is this clown iis allowed into ibrox given access to players and coaches and nobodyIN the club has the brains to work out the damage hes trying to inflict on the club. BAN HIM NOW.

Everyone in the club knows his game. I'm only 19 and i've worked it out - these people are bluenoses like us and have been all their lives. The point is that they probably realise he is simply not a threat, and yeh to ban him would only make his points seem valid. I don't believe he is damaging us because i genuinly think that people more pity him and the way he conducts himself

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He may be a cock but he is partially right. It is still a problem that we need to fix. The club can only do so much and it is up to the fans to act and alter songs and quit the FTP crap. We have to stop the constant claiming its ok to sing it because they do......i couldnt give two fucks about them. We should all do everything that we can to ensure that our reputation isnt tarnished and we are seen to be proactively working towards a better resolution that we have right now..

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He may be a cock but he is partially right. It is still a problem that we need to fix. The club can only do so much and it is up to the fans to act and alter songs and quit the FTP crap. We have to stop the constant claiming its ok to sing it because they do......i couldnt give two fucks about them. We should all do everything that we can to ensure that our reputation isnt tarnished and we are seen to be proactively working towards a better resolution that we have right now..

Bit surprised you didn't manage to fit 'papering over the cracks' into that wee rant.

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He may be a cock but he is partially right. It is still a problem that we need to fix. The club can only do so much and it is up to the fans to act and alter songs and quit the FTP crap. We have to stop the constant claiming its ok to sing it because they do......i couldnt give two fucks about them. We should all do everything that we can to ensure that our reputation isnt tarnished and we are seen to be proactively working towards a better resolution that we have right now..

Bit surprised you didn't manage to fit 'papering over the cracks' into that wee rant.

There are issues that need to be looked at. I hate seeing all the articles about Rangers being sectarian and knowing that its partially correct. I dont see the problem of singing about hating the rebels (we all do), but we need to be clever about it and change the language we use. Something has to give at some point and at a time when the club are looking for new sponsorships, new kit manufacturers, the possibility of joining the EPL(though i dont see it happening); we dont need more bad publicity. Companys that want to advertise dont just want to advertise to 50,000 white protestants.

Maybe im being a little ott, but i just really worry about our future the way things stand

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He may be a cock but he is partially right. It is still a problem that we need to fix. The club can only do so much and it is up to the fans to act and alter songs and quit the FTP crap. We have to stop the constant claiming its ok to sing it because they do......i couldnt give two fucks about them. We should all do everything that we can to ensure that our reputation isnt tarnished and we are seen to be proactively working towards a better resolution that we have right now..

Bit surprised you didn't manage to fit 'papering over the cracks' into that wee rant.

There are issues that need to be looked at. I hate seeing all the articles about Rangers being sectarian and knowing that its partially correct. I dont see the problem of singing about hating the rebels (we all do), but we need to be clever about it and change the language we use. Something has to give at some point and at a time when the club are looking for new sponsorships, new kit manufacturers, the possibility of joining the EPL(though i dont see it happening); we dont need more bad publicity. Companys that want to advertise dont just want to advertise to 50,000 white protestants.

Maybe im being a little ott, but i just really worry about our future the way things stand

FTP and the IRA is a merry tune to be frank.

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Everytime i read an anti-rangers article written by such people, i get very angry. I feel aggravated at the injustice and i hate to think his input is influencing people and their feelings toward our club. But then i think that there is a reason these articles just keep coming with not much reprocussion: No-ones interested. And i feel that by writing such things he is merely embarassing himself. It's quite laughable actually, that at an event where celtic fans tried to run on a pitch, set off illegal fireworks, and publicly threatened a footballer whose property has before been vandalised. he is more concerned with one man shouting FTP. His agenda is obvious and the way he openly parades it is hillarious. A man of absolutely no integrity, and no class.

There's also a reason why we don't have people writing for us like this. It's because we are better than that


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October 06, 2009

Cowardly Rangers turn a blind eye to bigotry


Graham Spiers

Following Sunday's Old Firm game at Ibrox I find myself with a highly unusual dilemma on my hands, which is this: should a journalist report a supporter for indulging in bigoted or racist chanting?

Since the tousy affair at Ibrox, which Rangers won 2-1, I have received a number of e-mails from people after I mentioned in my column yesterday in The Times that a Rangers supporter sitting directly behind me in the main stand at Ibrox had twice bawled "F*ck the Pope" during some of the home supporters' communal singing.

Bigoted chanting is an old sore with Rangers FC and its support, and the club makes weekly tannoy requests urging fans to report other supporters who indulge in such antics. Rangers even advertise a telephone number by which supporters can file such complaints with details (where the offender sits, etc). As you can imagine, the so-called "grassing" hotline is hardly popular among those Rangers diehards, for whom songs about Popes, Fenians and the rest of it is both a right and a privilege.

But journalists getting involved? It is one thing for someone in my position to report it and comment on it, but quite another to wade in and become an active participant. And yet more than one correspondent has written to me since Sunday and said something such as: "Go on then Graham ... let's see if you've got the guts to do it."

In fact, Sunday at Ibrox was no exceptional symptom of the Old Firm's bigotry problem - that is, if you are used to these things and simply accept that the droning choristers will not be able to help themselves. And in this regard, Rangers as a club are between a rock and a hard place.

Uefa has already punished Rangers for the bigoted antics of its supporters in 2006, an episode which proved excruciating for the club's directors. Yet since then, while some of Rangers' efforts to cure the problem have definitely slackened off, more and more people are commenting that the old Ibrox ills are creeping back. The Rangers pre-match anthem, Simply the Best, is now embarrassingly hijacked by throngs of supporters, who apply their own offensive lyric to the tune, as was the case once more on Sunday.

In my own specific experience on Sunday, a Rangers fan sitting behind my press position in the main stand was chanting so loudly and excitedly - and offensively - that it simply became a distraction. It was also quite sad when I turned round to look at him: he was youngish, maybe 18 or 19, and highly animated by events on the pitch, and in every other way quite a respectable-looking bloke.

It always comes back to the same dilemma: what can be done? Thousands of Rangers fans on Sunday afternoon repeatedly let rip with their popular refrain "we hate Celtic - f****n bastards", precisely the sort of language which caused Uefa to punish the club in 2006. Yet are Rangers, their stewards or the police supposed to wade in and apprehend hundreds of fans? It just isn't feasible.

Yet Rangers have gone mute on this subject, thanks in the main to local Scottish media pressure easing on them: not a cheep, not an utterance of condemnation from the club in recent times about such songs. Rangers are currently practising a cowardice on the subject which will once more return to haunt them. And it all remains cringe-making for those legions of decent Rangers fans who just wish the tribes of oafs in their midst would either be muzzled, or removed, or both. The club's image remains in the gutter.

I may or may not report my main stand miscreant to Rangers. In all honesty, I'm loath to. And in any case, the way Rangers are copping out of all this at the moment, would they be in the slightest bit interested?

spiers not saying that celtic fans yet again sang about the ira on sunday

Hey Norman, if you're looking in (and I suspect you, or a spy may be), read the following two articles about you.

Hey, it might inflate your ego, but I'd love to see you address the points raised.



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This will come back and haunt us i know at least 4 people in my work who have written to UEFA to complain. Why dont we sing the Blue Sea and other Rangers songs.

You need to change job. Who do you work for, Shellikfitbaclub?

Did you question your colleagues on their opinions on the Hooped Horrors' song choices, or meekly say nothing?

Tell them tomorrow that UEFA has no jurisdiction over SPL matches, and if they did, they might be interested in the Green'n'Grey's "extremist ideological propaganda"

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You need to lay off with the abuse opportunityknox racism and sectarianism is wrong no matter who perpetrates it.

So is blatant and open support of terrorists,. but i can't see any f*cker getting brought to book over that slight misdemeanour either - can you?

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