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Gers invited to play LA Galaxy


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Guest TheQueensXI
If it's true that a club representative has confirmed that it's a possibility, then put simply it's a no-brainer.

Beckham is still a HUGE market force, and a game against his new side in the USA would be one of the biggest money spinning friendlies we've ever had.

This MUST be done.

yes - people will be there to see beckham though more than us - but the publcity will rub off tenfold. it will certainly attract a lot more attention than this....


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Dancing to the tune of timmy here

im more sceptical

What do you mean Jad...? Selling ourselves all over ?

Yea, iv always been a sceptic of Celtic's ventures into America and Japan. Neither are footballing nations but both grow money of trees and can afford to dish out to whoever, its just whoever takes the bait.

The advantages are easy to see. Easy 7 figure sum in the bank for a game of football, and potentially opening up a arket on the other side of the world. The Celtic done it, now look at them? Financially sound with £18 mil profits this year and a good team. Wheras we are making bare profits, poor squad and poor performances.

The money as everyone as said will used on the team which can only benefit us.

But we are selling ourselfs out and selling our soul just for some easy cash to a nation who doesnt care about football, Scotland or Rangers Football Club. It will being about a lot of pretend fans with a different mentality and attitude to RFC than we experience all the time here.

In other words, Celtic done this but sold their soul to the devil in the process. They bought a commerical super-success in Nakamura for entrance to another market (hey, who out of Celtic will tell you this?) for more money, and use paid extra dividends by the guy can actually play football.

The point is, money money money doesnt get you anywhere. Our most succesful times have been built on the foundations of Scottish/British players and a history/tradition of training our own players. Murray Park will reap the dividends soon, just need to be patient. We already are financially fine, we can pay players extreme amounts of money and have enough scope to succeed in the SPL, which is our bread and butter, and do well in Europe.

How exciting would it be to have a squad of mainly Scottish players, maybe even home grown playres like McMillian, Loy, Harvey etc coming through and doing well in Europe? If Ajax can do it in the 90's, cant we do it? I dont disagree with foriegn players, more money increase the temptation to buy foriegn 'better' players, like Tore Andre Flo.

Overall, I think we have enough marketing, economical and materialism ability to succeed in all areas as we are. Selling out would just aid it slightly, with more significant disadvantages than an £1 million in the bank.

Lot of good points there...especially about them not caring about football...when they hosted the world cup all those years it was predicted the game would take off...it hasn't...certainly not in the way they had hoped.

I think our problem is that our support does not have the patience say of the Ajax supporters....which is a pity because I do feel if we exercised that patience it would reap dividends long term....not just on the playing field but for attracting promising youngsters to our club.

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If it's true that a club representative has confirmed that it's a possibility, then put simply it's a no-brainer.

Beckham is still a HUGE market force, and a game against his new side in the USA would be one of the biggest money spinning friendlies we've ever had.

This MUST be done.

Yep, no brainer is the perfect way to put it.

Would be (maybe) one of Beckham's 1st games, and against a British club. It would make us more money than any friendly Celtic will ever play!

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Will Beckham actually be with LA Galaxy in May, doubt it, probably July 1st before he is their player. Having said that there ain't no pitfalls with this one, it is at the endo of the season, so in the words of Nike

"just do it"

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Lot of good points there...especially about them not caring about football...when they hosted the world cup all those years it was predicted the game would take off...it hasn't...certainly not in the way they had hoped.

I think our problem is that our support does not have the patience say of the Ajax supporters....which is a pity because I do feel if we exercised that patience it would reap dividends long term....not just on the playing field but for attracting promising youngsters to our club.

The main point is the one about 'selling out' and is the basis of my worries.

Celtic have sold their soul, I dont want us to.

What happens if Celtic get 6 or 7 USA games, and earn £10 million.

We play 1 game, and earn £1 million or so.

Not only do they earn more, but they have more bragging rights and we cant complain much about being 'inferior' by dipping into the same market.

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Lot of good points there...especially about them not caring about football...when they hosted the world cup all those years it was predicted the game would take off...it hasn't...certainly not in the way they had hoped.

I think our problem is that our support does not have the patience say of the Ajax supporters....which is a pity because I do feel if we exercised that patience it would reap dividends long term....not just on the playing field but for attracting promising youngsters to our club.

The main point is the one about 'selling out' and is the basis of my worries.

Celtic have sold their soul, I dont want us to.

What happens if Celtic get 6 or 7 USA games, and earn £10 million.

We play 1 game, and earn £1 million or so.

Not only do they earn more, but they have more bragging rights and we cant complain much about being 'inferior' by dipping into the same market.

Yep Jad...remember a mate going on about how they were virtually "prostituting" themselves all over the globe pre season.

Were some of their players even not complaining about the schedule ?

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Will Beckham actually be with LA Galaxy in May, doubt it, probably July 1st before he is their player. Having said that there ain't no pitfalls with this one, it is at the endo of the season, so in the words of Nike

"just do it"

NOpe beckhams first game will be against the tims.

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If we accept the game against La Galaxy, Pencilled in for the 20th May 2007, It would bring in further revenue which would allow Smith to strengthen the squad further ( If SDM releases the funds)

However, David Beckham will not be an La Galaxy player in May as he is contracted to Real Madrid until July.

Worth while doing, But might not turn out to be the money spinning idea that is made out to be. I'd like to see us tour America in July, When the likes of Man Utd, Chelsea and Celtic go over there.

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OH please make it happen! RFC need to hit up the US every year and reap the benefits of the many Gers fans like myself paying to see them.

So those of us in the States can truly follow follow the gers!

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Not just for the revenue but would also be good for the Bears living in America/Canada, they could go and watch this current Rangers team!

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Not just for the revenue but would also be good for the Bears living in America/Canada, they could go and watch this current Rangers team!

Lets be realistic for a minute. The main reason for Rangers touring any Country is mainly for financial gain, If it means Rangers fans from America/Canada get a chance to see a game in the progress then great.

If the money was greater in South Africa, Japan, Austraila etc etc I would much rather see us touring these countries and making a tidy profit, Rather than looking at whether or not fans based in other countrys would be able to see a game or not.

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Not just for the revenue but would also be good for the Bears living in America/Canada, they could go and watch this current Rangers team!

Lets be realistic for a minute. The main reason for Rangers touring any Country is mainly for financial gain, If it means Rangers fans from America/Canada get a chance to see a game in the progress then great.

If the money was greater in South Africa, Japan, Austraila etc etc I would much rather see us touring these countries and making a tidy profit, Rather than looking at whether or not fans based in other countrys would be able to see a game or not.

Wasn't doubting that, I was just pointing out that it would also be good for our supporters living in America.

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If we were to go to america play these 'glamour' friendlies we should always make football a priority. i know it doesnt really matter now but remember the tims getting humped by hearts after playing in japan?

Plus i think we should have a few friendlies a year at ibrox against teams you would actually want to watch rangers play, like arsenal or inter!

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Not just for the revenue but would also be good for the Bears living in America/Canada, they could go and watch this current Rangers team!

It would be good for the west coast bears but it's nearly as cheap and easy for me to fly to Glasgow from my home in Orlando than it is to fly to LA, San Fran or Vancouver. When I fly to Glasgow I see competitive games not friendly games. The country is just that big. The Toronto area has by far the biggest Rangers support in North America but I would imagine that only a few would fly the 3,000 miles to LA for a friendly, more likely to fly the 3,500 miles to Glasgow for a league game.

After saying that I still believe it is a great idea for Rangers to visit the US. At school level football (soccer) is now the biggest game in the states and I believe it's just a matter of time before it takes off big time. That's the reason that LA Galaxy are gambling $250 million over 5 years on Beckham. Let's hope we can get in at the start.

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Jadams: How is this selling out ?

Rangers go over there, play a game, collect a lot of cash and fly back to Scotland.

And if a lot of American Bears go to the game and show those burger-loving chumps what Rangers-fans are known for then we'll be creating a whole new fan-base :)

A fan-base that is known for buying tons of merchandising, might I add.

I can see where you're coming from, doing it for only the cash and all that, but this has nothing to do with selling out.

Principles are good, but they won't get you anywhere in modern football.

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