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Another perception on recent claims by contacts/boss

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Guest therabbitt
Yes but when FF or the protesters aired their views calling Muir the enemy within etc were they subjected to such personal attacks from elsewhere? Do you actually think the articles content and "bought for a haggis pakora" jibes were justified or warranted?

Let's be honest this was purely because ot contradicted the 47 days to save the club scaremongering.

P.s as for the attacks on Boss's article months back, was the Boss not vindicated when the full details of Duffy's plans and finances came to light? Or do we sweep that under the carpet..

I'm not here to defend what is said on FF but I have said there as well as here that I find this little cyber feud that seems to be developing as a complete and utter embarrassment.

Don't sidestep the issue I'm asking YOUR opinion, that doesn't involve you having to defend FF!

Were the attacks warranted or justified and was the Boss not vindicated given what we know now?

Leave that bit out, you'll give him a big heed.

When I joined he told me to address him as such...

Cool, can you call me chief?

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He's repeatedly told you to pm him if you have questions - you're running scared of the info he has or you'd have done it by now.

If, by definition, I'm ignorant of the information he has, how can I possibly be running scared from it? It takes a unique level of idiocy to accuse someone of running scared from information they are asking to see in a public forum.

I suspect you have some idea what the information is, or at the least, the repercussions it could have on your t-shirt forum, and you're marrying the theories of 'ignorance is bliss' with 'completely blustering your way through' when you're obviously too feart of the information.

If not, PM him.

If so, go away - you have your board and we have ours.

We wouldn't have got this much time arguing on ££, that's for sure.

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By Willhelm asking people to PM him he is ensuring nothing goes into the public realm. Private messages are 'private' and should they be leaked the sender can claim that the info was confidential, not for public consumption and therefore 'questionable'.

Private messages afford the accused NO right of reply.

If I want to accuse Willhelm of something without actually saying anything, I simply need to drop in a few hints, then offer to tell people by PM, then when asked to do that, change it to 'by phone'.

If you want to accuse people of something you need to just do it, not flirt with innuendo.

I dont know the strength of his claims. I dont know what his claims are. I DO know, however, that what has happened so far is rank cowardice. Alledging all kinds of inpropeity in public then demanding that detail is only to be imparted in private. If you have something to say, say it. If you have nothing to say, dont.

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You wanted clarity because according to you, there was conflicting evidence between contacts' article and one on ££.

Willhelm has given you two methods of finding out (pm or phonecall) and you've spurned both.

You clearly have a problem with the info that Willhelm and contacts have, or you wouldn't be carrying on with this nonsense.

It's simple - you have two options:

a) PM Willhelm for the info he has to clear up any situational conflicts and then choose to disbelieve it*,

b) go away.

*the choosing to disbelieve is complete speculation, as it seems to be that Walter Smith will become a Cel*ic manager before you ever PM Willhelm.

Contacts' information and Willhelm's are two different things.

Willhelm has no intention of backing up is innuendo by elaborating on this forum. Why is anyone's guess because I'm not even asking for sources at this stage. Until he does it remains innuendo.

My questions to contacts are in another thread but I don't expect those to be answered either which is unfortunate but there's not much that can be done about it.

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Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

It seems to be the way inside ibrox right now....who do you think is leaking the information that has been posted on follow follow over the last few months.

As a member of the make believe consortium and "ibrox insider" is feeding FF and backstabing muir maybe it's a logical step that donald muir plays the same game.

Would be a touch hyporitical to twist your knickers over that. It would be much easier if everyone was just being straight but as they say in the playground....they

started it.... doh

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By Willhelm asking people to PM him he is ensuring nothing goes into the public realm. Private messages are 'private' and should they be leaked the sender can claim that the info was confidential, not for public consumption and therefore 'questionable'.

Private messages afford the accused NO right of reply.

If I want to accuse Willhelm of something without actually saying anything, I simply need to drop in a few hints, then offer to tell people by PM, then when asked to do that, change it to 'by phone'.

If you want to accuse people of something you need to just do it, not flirt with innuendo.

I dont know the strength of his claims. I dont know what his claims are. I DO know, however, that what has happened so far is rank cowardice. Alledging all kinds of inpropeity in public then demanding that detail is only to be imparted in private. If you have something to say, say it. If you have nothing to say, dont.

what I've been trying to say (albeit in a less effective manner).

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You wanted clarity because according to you, there was conflicting evidence between contacts' article and one on ££.

Willhelm has given you two methods of finding out (pm or phonecall) and you've spurned both.

You clearly have a problem with the info that Willhelm and contacts have, or you wouldn't be carrying on with this nonsense.

It's simple - you have two options:

a) PM Willhelm for the info he has to clear up any situational conflicts and then choose to disbelieve it*,

b) go away.

*the choosing to disbelieve is complete speculation, as it seems to be that Walter Smith will become a Cel*ic manager before you ever PM Willhelm.

Contacts' information and Willhelm's are two different things.

Willhelm has no intention of backing up is innuendo by elaborating on this forum. Why is anyone's guess because I'm not even asking for sources at this stage. Until he does it remains innuendo.

My questions to contacts are in another thread but I don't expect those to be answered either which is unfortunate but there's not much that can be done about it.


I can't make it much clearer - if you were that interested - you'd have taken one of the options. You're just shitstirring and you're boring us all now.

Either pm him or go away.

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Lets end all this petty squabbling and wait for contacts to clarify his position.

Let's NOT get into a drawn out war between RM and FF as that is simply not needed or desired by any of the two forums.

Lets leave all the gnashing of teeth to the MOPES.

Let's lighten up and if we continue this "discussion" let's do it in a civil and decent manner.

Thanks all!

Contacts need not do anything though, it's 100% up to him. He wrote an article and I posted it onto the homepage for discussion; he's then been attacked from all quarters for doing so. What is the point in arguing the toss with people that will seemingly go to such lengths to discredit and tarnish a reputation (albeit online) of someone that wrote an article on a football forum/site.

This article and Boss' were a few days in preparation, any suggestion that they were hurried to quash or discredit the protest are simply incorrect.

Agreed but imo it may well be better if he clarifies things a bit more. In the end I do think that FF are probably very annoyed that they were not included in the 5? people who met with D Muir. This is the crux of the matter imo.

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I suspect you have some idea what the information is, or at the least, the repercussions it could have on your t-shirt forum, and you're marrying the theories of 'ignorance is bliss' with 'completely blustering your way through' when you're obviously too feart of the information.

If not, PM him.

If so, go away - you have your board and we have ours.

We wouldn't have got this much time arguing on ££, that's for sure.

Despite my best efforts I'm sorry to say that you are suffering from paranoia and an unhealthy dislike for an internet forum.

I have other things to do tonight but my offer remains to anyone on here: if you want to elaborate on Willhelm's veiled accusations and actually state in plain English what he is referring to then please do because I'm all ears.

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Fair enough, now have you ever seen RM release an article that attacks FF or A.N.Other poster in the same manner?

Yet they're the ones doing the attacking .... <cr>

I think the Boss had a dig in one of his articles but I'm not keeping score.

Are you referring to "the only show in town" quote? If so it's hardly in the same league as this savaging that they've been subjected too plus no individuals had their characters assassinated.

For the record "the only show in town" was a massive own goal and I'm still awaiting the retraction from the NOTW for making it up. I also remember Boss making an apology that wasn't due to defuse the situation.......

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Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

It seems to be the way inside ibrox right now....who do you think is leaking the information that has been posted on follow follow over the last few months.

As a member of the make believe consortium and "ibrox insider" is feeding FF and backstabing muir maybe it's a logical step that donald muir plays the same game.

Would be a touch hyporitical to twist your knickers over that. It would be much easier if everyone was just being straight but as they say in the playground....they

started it.... doh

Not hypocritical at all. Certainly not from me.

I just want everyone to be open and honest with the Rangers support. Fed up hearing of these confidential meetings with so called "influential fans."

It happened with Murray, and it's now happening with Muir.

They are no better Rangers fans than me nor you. They may have more money but that shouldn't automatically have them privvy to "confidential" info we're not.

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I have read many different viewpoints on the whole financial situation and i think, and i would imagine most other psoters would too, that unless you are actually a member of Lloyds Bank Team who manage the Rangers account or a member of the Rangers board then we have NO idea what is really happening.

I am glad to get as much information as possible as "Knowledge is Power" and the more you find out, the more you can make up your own mind but when there is as much conflicting information as there is out there then any more just muddies the water further.

I hope for clarity sometime soon .. but i doubt we will get it.

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Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

It seems to be the way inside ibrox right now....who do you think is leaking the information that has been posted on follow follow over the last few months.

As a member of the make believe consortium and "ibrox insider" is feeding FF and backstabing muir maybe it's a logical step that donald muir plays the same game.

Would be a touch hyporitical to twist your knickers over that. It would be much easier if everyone was just being straight but as they say in the playground....they

started it.... doh

Not hypocritical at all. Certainly not from me.

I just want everyone to be open and honest with the Rangers support. Fed up hearing of these confidential meetings with so called "influential fans."

It happened with Murray, and it's now happening with Muir.

They are no better Rangers fans than me nor you. They may have more money but that shouldn't automatically have them privvy to "confidential" info we're not.

Well you are not going to like the guys that are pretending they are going to be our next owners then......

As it happens i agree with you in principle, the whispering campaigns are getting us nowhere......

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Despite my best efforts I'm sorry to say that you are suffering from paranoia and an unhealthy dislike for an internet forum.

I have other things to do tonight but my offer remains to anyone on here: if you want to elaborate on Willhelm's veiled accusations and actually state in plain English what he is referring to then please do because I'm all ears.

I refer you to my earlier post.


I can't make it much clearer - if you were that interested - you'd have taken one of the options. You're just shitstirring and you're boring us all now.

Either pm him or go away.

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While I have no idea if what Barry 221 is posting is accurate. It has eminated from him.

How do you look up a poster previous threads on FF, i cant find how to do it <cr>

I wouldnt mind seeing his history of threads to see what sort of poster he is.

Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

I've not spoke to Contacts or anyone else on this so this is just speculation...

Maybe he is drip feeding information to get posted on fans forums etc? If so, I'd rather he just came out and said it.

I think it's fairly obvious.

It's to portray his side of the coin and what a good guy he is. He would also want to stop the protest against him. Anyone who thinks otherwise is beyond self delusional.

Now Muir in fact be a great guy about to save our souls I dont know. We must however be very wary of dancing to anyone's tune with these people. SDM was a master at it and given his experience Muir also seems to be no amateur.

The biggest problem for me at this point is bears bein manipulated or worse, being driven by a personal agenda.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

you are incorrect. there was a multi page thread on FF offering hearty and deserved congratulations to all involved

Are you for real?The entire thread was chopped but not before Amo was congratulating the wrong committee for the efforts

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I had hoped we could have a real discussion on what this means for Rangers and any prominent fans being manipulated.

I think you'll find that's exactly what's happening here; a real discussion with many differing viewpoints. :sherlock:

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While I have no idea if what Barry 221 is posting is accurate. It has eminated from him.

How do you look up a poster previous threads on FF, i cant find how to do it <cr>

I wouldnt mind seeing his history of threads to see what sort of poster he is.

Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

I've not spoke to Contacts or anyone else on this so this is just speculation...

Maybe he is drip feeding information to get posted on fans forums etc? If so, I'd rather he just came out and said it.

I think it's fairly obvious.

It's to portray his side of the coin and what a good guy he is. He would also want to stop the protest against him. Anyone who thinks otherwise is beyond self delusional.

Now Muir in fact be a great guy about to save our souls I dont know. We must however be very wary of dancing to anyone's tune with these people. SDM was a master at it and given his experience Muir also seems to be no amateur.

The biggest problem for me at this point is bears bein manipulated or worse, being driven by a personal agenda.

Or maybe he is answering a whispering campaign started by the famed FF ibrox insiders. they seem to have manipulated all of you into believing what they wanted about Muir......

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Why is Donald Muir courting Contacts & others when he could instead be communicating with those that really matter. The Rangers support as a whole.

It seems to be the way inside ibrox right now....who do you think is leaking the information that has been posted on follow follow over the last few months.

As a member of the make believe consortium and "ibrox insider" is feeding FF and backstabing muir maybe it's a logical step that donald muir plays the same game.

Would be a touch hyporitical to twist your knickers over that. It would be much easier if everyone was just being straight but as they say in the playground....they

started it.... doh

Not hypocritical at all. Certainly not from me.

I just want everyone to be open and honest with the Rangers support. Fed up hearing of these confidential meetings with so called "influential fans."

It happened with Murray, and it's now happening with Muir.

They are no better Rangers fans than me nor you. They may have more money but that shouldn't automatically have them privvy to "confidential" info we're not.

Well you are not going to like the guys that are pretending they are going to be our next owners then......

As it happens i agree with you in principle, the whispering campaigns are getting us nowhere......

Exactly the same goes for this consortium. Fed up of drips and drabs. Anything that doesn't have to be kept confidential to comply with the market regulations, shouldn't be.

I don't believe for a minute the contents of Contacts article is all that was said at the meeting - he says himself most of it was publicly available anyway, therefore what's being kept from us and why?

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Just out of interest, when this thread is confined to RM history, how many of our new followers will still be here offering us their opinion?

We all know the answer so why not just leave now, buy a t-shirt and call a few new posters tims. It is the FF way after all.

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You wanted clarity because according to you, there was conflicting evidence between contacts' article and one on ££.

Willhelm has given you two methods of finding out (pm or phonecall) and you've spurned both.

You clearly have a problem with the info that Willhelm and contacts have, or you wouldn't be carrying on with this nonsense.

It's simple - you have two options:

a) PM Willhelm for the info he has to clear up any situational conflicts and then choose to disbelieve it*,

b) go away.

*the choosing to disbelieve is complete speculation, as it seems to be that Walter Smith will become a Cel*ic manager before you ever PM Willhelm.

Contacts' information and Willhelm's are two different things.

Willhelm has no intention of backing up is innuendo by elaborating on this forum. Why is anyone's guess because I'm not even asking for sources at this stage. Until he does it remains innuendo.

My questions to contacts are in another thread but I don't expect those to be answered either which is unfortunate but there's not much that can be done about it.


I can't make it much clearer - if you were that interested - you'd have taken one of the options. You're just shitstirring and you're boring us all now.

Either pm him or go away.

Who are you to tell people what to do? I've PM'ed Willhelm and it's certainly not any pertinent information (no offence) which relates to the takeover/articles but that's fine.

Lay off Phil, he gets a hard enough time on FF without it happening here too :D

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