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Vanguard Bears official complaint


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Saying that he wants one of our members to 'rot in hell' after he has backed VB in saying the story was shite IS wrong Gid.

Yeah right, his position is so clearly aligned with VB that he's currently an object of ridicule on VB for the "support" he's offered. Weasel words are cheap and easy for those who use them often enough.

Well, if you want to show me where he's condoned the story then I'll happily change my mind.

Of course, I know you won't be able to.

And I'm sure he won't lose sleep over that mate, don't get feeling too proud over there ;)

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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

To be fair to the girl, it may not have been her who said such things.

It's not uncommon, infact it happens every minute of every day, for things you wrote as a reporter, to be completely re-written by the sub-editor and then printed in a more sensationalist (aka less true) kinda way. It happened to me more than a few times and happens on a daily basis in national newspapers. It may not be the girls fault.

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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

To be fair to the girl, it may not have been her who said such things.

It's not uncommon, infact it happens every minute of every day, for things you wrote as a reporter, to be completely re-written by the sub-editor and then printed in a more sensationalist (aka less true) kinda way. It happened to me more than a few times and happens on a daily basis in national newspapers. It may not be the girls fault.

If anyone takes anything from this thread it should be ... believe nothing you read in a newspaper.

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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

To be fair to the girl, it may not have been her who said such things.

It's not uncommon, infact it happens every minute of every day, for things you wrote as a reporter, to be completely re-written by the sub-editor and then printed in a more sensationalist (aka less true) kinda way. It happened to me more than a few times and happens on a daily basis in national newspapers. It may not be the girls fault.

I never even went as far as saying that and some posters have went ape with rage.

You're for it now, Gid.

Voice of reason and experience are not welcome with posters like MF.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

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I'm not saying you believe it and I'm sure you're genuine. However her posts on Twitter are very clear about her thoughts on Rangers fans. Her images with the Tri Colour also tell a story. Why is she a member of the I hate Nacho Novo fan club? In fact, Mr McJanet is also a member of this group too.

She was loving her little article yesterday and bragging about it on Twitter.

Oh, I know fine well she doesn't like Rangers fans as a whole, but she's not really that bitter or bigoted as to have an agenda I would think - hence why I've been trying to get a hold of her and ask her what she's playing at.

As was mentioned earlier in the thread, that's more or less her first big exclusive, so she would be bragging about it.

As for the tricolour thing, I know she likes Ireland as a country, but I've never known her to offer any sort of Republican views or whatever. That's not to say she might not have any, but I've never seen/heard anything like that from her in five years of being mates with her.

Just my opinions, but they are of someone who knows her well (or at least I think I do anyway).

I like USA as a country so much ive moved here but i dont have a stars and stripes on my wall.

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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

To be fair to the girl, it may not have been her who said such things.

It's not uncommon, infact it happens every minute of every day, for things you wrote as a reporter, to be completely re-written by the sub-editor and then printed in a more sensationalist (aka less true) kinda way. It happened to me more than a few times and happens on a daily basis in national newspapers. It may not be the girls fault.

I never even went as far as saying that and some posters have went ape with rage.

You're for it now, Gid.

Voice of reason and experience are not welcome with posters like MF.

I'm not saying that's whats happened only that i know what goes on in national newspapers and that's why I turned my back on it.

She may well be a dfb just don't believe everything you read. In fact if i was dishing out advice it would be "don't believe anything you read ... or see on Scottish BBC or STV either. STV is the most bollocks in my experience. :pipe:

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

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Most worrying for me is how this got by the editors. Did anyone actually read this article? It doesn't take much disecting to see this is strewn with errors. Also why was a girl, who seems to of mainly wrote about girly stuff and gossip, chosen to write about a footballing/sectarian incident. Just bizarre, and I can't get my head around it tbh.

Lets assume for arguments sake the story has a grain of truth in it, I can't understand why somebody would take a 10yr old to an Old Firm game, and then be surprised to hear some nasty things! It's not as if the hatred in this particular game isn't particularly well known or well documented, being one of, if not the, most famous derbies in the world. I certainly wouldn't take my 8yr old nephew to an Old Firm at Ibrox (never mind the Piggary!) on account of the fact I don't think he's ready to hear the things you hear on Old Firm days. Besides, my sister would boot my balls if I did!

I'm sure plenty of unsavoury things were said last Sunday, however not many others have made the news. The News of the World in that one article probably dedicated more column inches to it, than their whole stable of papers did to the disruption of the minutes silence.

That's what made me think someone else told her about it or told her to write it up.

But I'm only a student journalist, wtf do I know about the workings of the press, eh Maine/sOw? :rolleyes:


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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

To be fair to the girl, it may not have been her who said such things.

It's not uncommon, infact it happens every minute of every day, for things you wrote as a reporter, to be completely re-written by the sub-editor and then printed in a more sensationalist (aka less true) kinda way. It happened to me more than a few times and happens on a daily basis in national newspapers. It may not be the girls fault.

I never even went as far as saying that and some posters have went ape with rage.

You're for it now, Gid.

Voice of reason and experience are not welcome with posters like MF.

I'm not saying that's whats happened only that i know what goes on in national newspapers and that's why I turned my back on it.

She may well be a dfb just don't believe everything you read. In fact if i was dishing out advice it would be "don't believe anything you read ... or see on Scottish BBC or STV either. STV is the most bollocks in my experience. :pipe:

I only speculated on what might have happened as well as provide some background, but nooo, I appeared to have committed a faux-pas of epic proportions by this.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

If Andy Walker stuck up for Speirs id wish hell rotting on him to, dont take it personally, i wish it on all Rangers and thier bumchums

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

No. As far as I can see, she's a journalist with a leaning towards one half of the Old Firm and was probably a bit pissed off after seeing the side her family support lose out to a last minute goal.

It strikes me that she probably IS clueless, hence not realising the extent of this article's effect.

Regardless, I have said numerous times that I back the VB's stance on this, as has LF.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

If Andy Walker stuck up for Speirs id wish hell rotting on him to, dont take it personally, i wish it on all Rangers and thier bumchums


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I need to ask this to everyone in this thread;

If you worked for a paper, would you turn down even half a chance to slaughter the scum in print? And be honest, please.

I've already said I'd jump at the chance to get tore into the mhanks if it came about.

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Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

No worries, your a good guy. And he is way off the mark.

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I need to ask this to everyone in this thread;

If you worked for a paper, would you turn down even half a chance to slaughter the scum in print? And be honest, please.

I've already said I'd jump at the chance to get tore into the mhanks if it came about.

Me too.

Already have :lol:

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I need to ask this to everyone in this thread;

If you worked for a paper, would you turn down even half a chance to slaughter the scum in print? And be honest, please.

Honestly, if I was a professional and it would affect my chances of being a respected impartial journalist then yes I would hold back. But honestly I would probably batter right in.

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Saying that he wants one of our members to 'rot in hell' after he has backed VB in saying the story was shite IS wrong Gid.

Yeah right, his position is so clearly aligned with VB that he's currently an object of ridicule on VB for the "support" he's offered. Weasel words are cheap and easy for those who use them often enough.

Out of all the things that go against our club and protestant heritage just now, I'm really worthy of a thread or topic on VB?

Get a grip MF.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

No. As far as I can see, she's a journalist with a leaning towards one half of the Old Firm and was probably a bit pissed off after seeing the side her family support lose out to a last minute goal.

It strikes me that she probably IS clueless, hence not realising the extent of this article's effect.

Regardless, I have said numerous times that I back the VB's stance on this, as has LF.

Understand, so we can't deny shes a taig but, she might not have wrote that about her biggest rivals as shes stupit but we really know she did. :lol:

This is too confusing.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

No. As far as I can see, she's a journalist with a leaning towards one half of the Old Firm and was probably a bit pissed off after seeing the side her family support lose out to a last minute goal.

It strikes me that she probably IS clueless, hence not realising the extent of this article's effect.

Regardless, I have said numerous times that I back the VB's stance on this, as has LF.

Understand, so we can't deny shes a taig but, she might not have wrote that about her biggest rivals as shes stupit but we really know she did. :lol:

This is too confusing.

Maybe she's suffering from that Timplosion that Tony 'McGeady doesn't understand words' Mowbray is struggling with ;)

Seriously, I know people (girls especially) who 'hate Rangers' because they are brought up in F*nian households, yet have never been to a Celtic game in their lives.

This lass strikes me as one of them from what I'm reading just now. Certainly worth complaint nonetheless.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

No. As far as I can see, she's a journalist with a leaning towards one half of the Old Firm and was probably a bit pissed off after seeing the side her family support lose out to a last minute goal.

It strikes me that she probably IS clueless, hence not realising the extent of this article's effect.

Regardless, I have said numerous times that I back the VB's stance on this, as has LF.

Understand, so we can't deny shes a taig but, she might not have wrote that about her biggest rivals as shes stupit but we really know she did. :lol:

This is too confusing.

Maybe she's suffering from that Timplosion that Tony 'McGeady doesn't understand words' Mowbray is struggling with ;)

Seriously, I know people (girls especially) who 'hate Rangers' because they are brought up in F*nian households, yet have never been to a Celtic game in their lives.

This lass strikes me as one of them from what I'm reading just now. Certainly worth complaint nonetheless.


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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

Do you justify the tri colour pic. ?

No. As far as I can see, she's a journalist with a leaning towards one half of the Old Firm and was probably a bit pissed off after seeing the side her family support lose out to a last minute goal.

It strikes me that she probably IS clueless, hence not realising the extent of this article's effect.

Regardless, I have said numerous times that I back the VB's stance on this, as has LF.

Understand, so we can't deny shes a taig but, she might not have wrote that about her biggest rivals as shes stupit but we really know she did. :lol:

This is too confusing.

Maybe she's suffering from that Timplosion that Tony 'McGeady doesn't understand words' Mowbray is struggling with ;)

Seriously, I know people (girls especially) who 'hate Rangers' because they are brought up in F*nian households, yet have never been to a Celtic game in their lives.

This lass strikes me as one of them from what I'm reading just now. Certainly worth complaint nonetheless.

I said that on page two. If you get that message through to that lot, you deserve your Hons. degree now. :lol:

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