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UEFA Cup Final Bears hung out to dry


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How many of the guys were season ticket holders ? just wondering. I know my mate ended up in a pub full of chelsea headhunters.

are they all really rangers fans or just a big game hunter ? All we get told just now is they are rangers fans but they classed everyone there as that.

It amazes me that 2 years on we are still vague on this point. What about the guy from Greenock with the timmy name surely someone must know if he's one of them ... and if there was one them you can be sure there were more!

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Two friends and myself were staying with another friend onthe outskirts of Manchester after the game, and when we were waiting at the station for the train, there was an English guy who was not a Rangers fan slapping this girl about on the platform. I said to the security guy on the platform if he was going to stand there and watch this because if he was, it could turn nasty with a good few Bears already asking the guy to give it a break. He replied "what do you want me to do"?

"Yer fuckin job" I told him.

Within about 30 seconds there were 4 coppers on the platform and they wanted to know what MY problem was, and this guy is still slapping this girl around the platform. When I explained to them what the problem was, they took action. They did seem more concerned with getting me for something though, rather than this thug who thought it was OK to assault a woman.

When we got off the train, we were then confronted by around 10/12 Man Utd fans who couldn't have provoked us any more than they did if they had tried. We all just ignored them and walked on - it could have been so much different though had we retaliated.

Who would have got the blame? Us!

Unfortunately, after going into a local bar for a few beers, we then went to the kebab shop and in there was one of these cunts that were provoking us. He got a slap around the head from a 49 year old for his earlier shenanigans.

I really fuckin enjoyed that!

Thats just a couple of examples of how the authorities never gave a fuck about us, or our safety.

The same can be said for Bucharest last season - an absolute shithole of a place with a distinct lack of hygiene and basic necessities which human beings should all be provided with in a sports arena hosting a major event such as a Champions League game.

I sincerely hope Thomas Cook have taken my health, hygiene, and safety into consideration for this trip to Manchester next week. Because if they haven't, they'll be hearing from me.

And I'm no prude - I just believe in "fairs fair".

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Two friends and myself were staying with another friend onthe outskirts of Manchester after the game, and when we were waiting at the station for the train, there was an English guy who was not a Rangers fan slapping this girl about on the platform. I said to the security guy on the platform if he was going to stand there and watch this because if he was, it could turn nasty with a good few Bears already asking the guy to give it a break. He replied "what do you want me to do"?

"Yer fuckin job" I told him.

Within about 30 seconds there were 4 coppers on the platform and they wanted to know what MY problem was, and this guy is still slapping this girl around the platform. When I explained to them what the problem was, they took action. They did seem more concerned with getting me for something though, rather than this thug who thought it was OK to assault a woman.

When we got off the train, we were then confronted by around 10/12 Man Utd fans who couldn't have provoked us any more than they did if they had tried. We all just ignored them and walked on - it could have been so much different though had we retaliated.

Who would have got the blame? Us!

Unfortunately, after going into a local bar for a few beers, we then went to the kebab shop and in there was one of these cunts that were provoking us. He got a slap around the head from a 49 year old for his earlier shenanigans.

I really fuckin enjoyed that!

Thats just a couple of examples of how the authorities never gave a fuck about us, or our safety.

The same can be said for Bucharest last season - an absolute shithole of a place with a distinct lack of hygiene and basic necessities which human beings should all be provided with in a sports arena hosting a major event such as a Champions League game.

I sincerely hope Thomas Cook have taken my health, hygiene, and safety into consideration for this trip to Manchester next week. Because if they haven't, they'll be hearing from me.

And I'm no prude - I just believe in "fairs fair".

Who could fault what you said there? I think you've described, fairly well, much of went on that day. Many of us have been to football matches were it seems fans are fair game, and I hate that- fans are treated like the lowest forms of life.

The events last year in Bucharest were totally over hyped, the media too eager to sharpen their pencils about it.

This club has some serious water to navigate over this match in Manchester, basically because I sense the media are playing with this a little. I'll be glad when those matches are over.

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It amazes me that 2 years on we are still vague on this point. What about the guy from Greenock with the timmy name surely someone must know if he's one of them ... and if there was one them you can be sure there were more!

Thats a bit harsh Thermo, a lot of good Bears have got dodgy names. Somewhere along the line their branch of that family have seen the light. They don't deserve to be tarred like that imo.

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Thats a bit harsh Thermo, a lot of good Bears have got dodgy names. Somewhere along the line their branch of that family have seen the light. They don't deserve to be tarred like that imo.

Usually though if you have an Irish surname you don't call your son declan ... or whatever his name was

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Who could fault what you said there? I think you've described, fairly well, much of went on that day. Many of us have been to football matches were it seems fans are fair game, and I hate that- fans are treated like the lowest forms of life.

The events last year in Bucharest were totally over hyped, the media too eager to sharpen their pencils about it.

This club has some serious water to navigate over this match in Manchester, basically because I sense the media are playing with this a little. I'll be glad when those matches are over.

You are right it's almost becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy now because both ourselves and the Mancs will be expecting something to kick off and that makes it much more likely to happen :anguish:

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Usually though if you have an Irish surname you don't call your son declan ... or whatever his name was

Aye, usually. Always an exception to every rule though, and to label him a tim, just after he's been harshly banged up just seems a bit unfair. We are all together in this, or we should be. Some bams may well have been justifiably locked up (dancing on a coppers head is just idiocy) but 9 months for throwing a bottle?

Theres a few of us should be doing healthy streches if thats the case. These lads were picked out by Strathclyde Police as they were mainly known faces already. A few tasty previous convictions will do the prosecutions job for them in stitch-ups like this.

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Aye, usually. Always an exception to every rule though, and to label him a tim, just after he's been harshly banged up just seems a bit unfair. We are all together in this, or we should be. Some bams may well have been justifiably locked up (dancing on a coppers head is just idiocy) but 9 months for throwing a bottle?

Theres a few of us should be doing healthy streches if thats the case. These lads were picked out by Strathclyde Police as they were mainly known faces already. A few tasty previous convictions will do the prosecutions job for them in stitch-ups like this.

Where did the bottle hit ?

I think the bampot that smashed the bottle of the guys head next to me should get 9 months.

the so called rangers fans that threw bottles hitting rangers fans deserve all they get.

the guy will be scarred because of that tube.

what if the bottle had killed him ? 9 months too long then ?

It was just lucky it smashed .

Its not just throwing a bottle as if its nothing. when you do something like that you don`t know the outcome.

I don`t know the individuals cases so I can`t judge if it was harsh or not.

just talking about the bam who did it to one of our own.

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Aye, usually. Always an exception to every rule though, and to label him a tim, just after he's been harshly banged up just seems a bit unfair. We are all together in this, or we should be. Some bams may well have been justifiably locked up (dancing on a coppers head is just idiocy) but 9 months for throwing a bottle?

Theres a few of us should be doing healthy streches if thats the case. These lads were picked out by Strathclyde Police as they were mainly known faces already. A few tasty previous convictions will do the prosecutions job for them in stitch-ups like this.

You must point out where I labeled him a tim

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Where did the bottle hit ? probably a riot shield, no injuries due to the missiles were reported (as far as I'm aware) otherwise it could have been YEARS in the pokey.

I think the bampot that smashed the bottle of the guys head next to me should get 9 months. I agree.

the so called rangers fans that threw bottles hitting rangers fans deserve all they get. there was a crowd throwing bottles from behind a tent and into our crowd, turned out to be Burnley lads so I'm led to believe.

the guy will be scarred because of that tube.

what if the bottle had killed him ? 9 months too long then ? Obviously not,

It was just lucky it smashed .

Its not just throwing a bottle as if its nothing. when you do something like that you don`t know the outcome. They were convicted of throwing missiles, not injuring the well protected police.

I don`t know the individuals cases so I can`t judge if it was harsh or not. Compared to sentences dished out every week for similar behaviour, they were, in the main, incredibly harsh.

just talking about the bam who did it to one of our own. As I said, theres more than a fair chance it wasn't one of our own who did that, not saying for certain, just don't be so quick to blame our own. Others were present.

I'm willing to bet that the GMP injured more people than Rangers fans did that night.

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Due to the fact that, in 'SSHHEVVILLLEEE' the mhanks only attacked each other, stabbed one another and generally made a cunt of themselves without actually attacking the forces (the only thing they didnt do, due to being so fuckin feart), they came out smelling of paella roses.

Had it kicked off with them.......we probably STILL wouldnt have heard about it.

The Bears are Public Enemy #1, and even were before any one of us stepped foot in scumchester.

Therefore, i wish EVERY SINGLE ONE OF OUR BOYS a quick sentence and evil to those GMP bastards.

We may have had lads out of order....but not ALL Rangers.

Those who were....have been sanctioned under a magnifying glass.

I personally feel that the CL draw, picking Man Utd, made the sentences for our Boys ten-fold worse than they normally would have been, and they have been used as 'examples'.

Had we got NO english team...and the case came up naturally...i genuinely feel they would not have got anythin as brutal as they did.

We send u our best wishes Boys.

No Surrender.

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[quote name='RangersKenny' date='05 September 2010 - 01:37 AM'

The Bears are Public Enemy #1, and even were before any one of us stepped foot in scumchester.

Therefore, i wish EVERY SINGLE ONE OF OUR BOYS a quick sentence and evil to those GMP bastards.

We may have had lads out of order....but not ALL Rangers.

Those who were....have been sanctioned under a magnifying glass.

We send u our best wishes Boys.

No Surrender.

Absolutely. (tu)

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I will say one thing about this outcome.

Anybody travelling to manchester for the United game will need to keep their wits about them,as there will be a complete zero tolerance towards our support by GMP.

They will take any opportunity to apply force if given such an opportunity.

With trips to spain (where we have seen OTT policing before) and turkey (not the friendliest of places for British football fans)i really fear for our support and this case has really set the tone for OTT policing against our good fans from both.

Take care everyone travelling.

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Was listening to the Off The Ball podcast, there.

Interesting to hear Derek Parlane, Tam Cowan and Stuart Cosgrove all sticking up for the Rangers fans.

Parlane explained about how Rangers fans were crammed into a facility that didn't even work and caused tension and Tam Cowan even said 6 Motherwell fans got jailed in Odense a couple of weeks ago and only a few hundred travelled. Work out a ratio type percentage and compare it to the Rangers fans in Manchester.

Well said them men.

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I don't mean to take you out of context, but I think it's you that's "completely missing the point"

We get a raw deal as it is, so who cares if we were "all tried and convicted" I don't.

PS - it's not defending the indefensible, as you put it. That's the whole point the majority of the people on this thread are making, beacuse there were excuses and reasons for what happened. Not that it makes it right.

It's as if you have ready made excuses.....

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I read you were 26 earlier, it was like finding out muff wasn’t 55.

The old bastards like wvb have an excuse, a new generation of people that think like you just worries me…..


I have a great desire to say nothing and let all the other lads rip back into you like they did earlier, and maybe you will go back into hiding for a few hours :lol:

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Was listening to the Off The Ball podcast, there.

Interesting to hear Derek Parlane, Tam Cowan and Stuart Cosgrove all sticking up for the Rangers fans.

Parlane explained about how Rangers fans were crammed into a facility that didn't even work and caused tension and Tam Cowan even said 6 Motherwell fans got jailed in Odense a couple of weeks ago and only a few hundred travelled. Work out a ratio type percentage and compare it to the Rangers fans in Manchester.

Well said them men.

6 fans / 200 fans = 3%

11 fans / 200 000 fans = 0.0055%

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