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Sick to Death


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Well here goes , no doubt I will need the auld tin hat when some quarters read this .

I am sick to death of Us and our club sitting back in silence when others out there from players to media and beyond make statements or pass comment that if said by us would deem us as bigots .

Diamond and others apart this has been going on far to long , alah spiers and cronies for years.

In my humble opinion its time that from inside the club and all FANS fire back , not counting those who say , ' Lets keep quiet or we will just be like them ' Well feck it , lets be like them in the vain that we stand up for our club , its values , traditions and what we believe in , what gives them the right to have a say or opinion ( if thats what its called). Without us having the right of redress.

No doubt am gonna get pelters , well pelt away , we have taken this pish for far to long and its time it stopped.

We Are The People , we do matter and we should make sure the clowns out there know it .

If by defending my club its fans and values leads to me being branded a bigot well come on down, for those who have been making opposing comments for years and getting away with it will be the ones that brand me , well here is the news .

Your opinion does not count with us , your thoughts are not even that , you have all got nothing to say worth listening to and your saying it far to loudly for my liking .

Well get this I am proud of who and what I am , I am proud and privilaged to be a Rangers supporter but more so I am proud of the traditions that makes all us Rangers supporters who we are .

The bit you other lot dont like is that WE ARE THE PEOPLE and it chokes you all , long may that continue to be the case .

Rant Over , Tin Hat on !!!!!

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Well here goes , no doubt I will need the auld tin hat when some quarters read this .

I am sick to death of Us and our club sitting back in silence when others out there from players to media and beyond make statements or pass comment that if said by us would deem us as bigots .

Diamond and others apart this has been going on far to long , alah spiers and cronies for years.

In my humble opinion its time that from inside the club and all FANS fire back , not counting those who say , ' Lets keep quiet or we will just be like them ' Well feck it , lets be like them in the vain that we stand up for our club , its values , traditions and what we believe in , what gives them the right to have a say or opinion ( if thats what its called). Without us having the right of redress.

No doubt am gonna get pelters , well pelt away , we have taken this pish for far to long and its time it stopped.

We Are The People , we do matter and we should make sure the clowns out there know it .

If by defending my club its fans and values leads to me being branded a bigot well come on down, for those who have been making opposing comments for years and getting away with it will be the ones that brand me , well here is the news .

Your opinion does not count with us , your thoughts are not even that , you have all got nothing to say worth listening to and your saying it far to loudly for my liking .

Well get this I am proud of who and what I am , I am proud and privilaged to be a Rangers supporter but more so I am proud of the traditions that makes all us Rangers supporters who we are .

The bit you other lot dont like is that WE ARE THE PEOPLE and it chokes you all , long may that continue to be the case .

Rant Over , Tin Hat on !!!!!

Go to the AGM and tell Rangers personally how sick and tired you are of this cowardice.

It's the ONLY way you can tell them exactly what you think.

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No need for a tin hat mate, its D'Arts post in laymans terms.

We just know nothing will change. We are fighting a losing battle and if anyone has any ideas how to REALLY change things, then please, let us know!

I believe the Rangers fans are looking for leadership, some help from those who can make change and from the one source we support, OUR CLUB, our club is rudderless, its leaderless and therefor until things change at the top there, nothing can change.

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They never listen Adoniram..That's the Rangers way under Murray.

I wish we still had people like Willie Waddell in charge of the club.....no cunt messed with us then.

But i for one am not one for shirking or hiding....we have to stand against these bastards.

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They never listen Adoniram..That's the Rangers way under Murray.

I wish we still had people like Willie Waddell in charge of the club.....no cunt messed with us then.

But i for one am not one for shirking or hiding....we have to stand against these bastards.

If enough fans go to the AGM and shout down the Chairman during AOB they will soon get the message.Better still if the fans got up and turned their backs on the Chairman and Speakers to show their disgust.

Enough is Enough and if it means a few noses get put out of joint then so be it.

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I'm sick of what seems to be a competition these days to see who can be the most offended and i won't be taking part in any of it.

Good for you, except it's not taking offence it's about parity. Which currently it's not
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I'm well aware of the double standards that exist in Scotland, but i think we'll have a hard time changing it.

A lot of it is to do with the success we've had. These double standards exist in England with Manchester United, in Italy with Juventus, etc. It's the price we pay.

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A lot of it is to do with the success we've had. These double standars exist in England with Manchester United, in Italy with Juventus, etc. It's the price we pay.

Celtic are pretty successful, why dont they suffer the same double standards?

In this poisonous country, its alot more, than to do with our success, and you know it.

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Celtic are pretty successful, why dont they suffer the same double standards?

In this poisonous country, its alot more, than to do with our success, and you know it.

As are Liverpool, AC Milan, Real Madrid, etc yet they dont suffer it as much as other teams. Scotland has unique factors surrounding it but at it's base there is something which is prevelant in just about every country. The most succesful team is the most hated.

Look at Celtic, they have had a couple of golden ages throughout their history. Take away the Martin O'Neill years and they have been pretty much ordinary since Jock Stein left.

Rangers are the standard bearers, but unfortunately for us there is a price to pay.

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As are Liverpool, AC Milan, Real Madrid, etc yet they dont suffer it as much as other teams. Scotland has unique factors surrounding it but at it's base there is something which is prevelant in just about every country. The most succesful team is the most hated.

Look at Celtic, they have had a couple of golden ages throughout their history. Take away the Martin O'Neill years and they have been pretty much ordinary since Jock Stein left.

Rangers are the standard bearers, but unfortunately for us there is a price to pay.

Im sure Liverpool would disagree with you, they have been battered from pillar to post in the media for last few years. I dont see the hatred of Man U at all, not in the press anyway, they have so many fans in the media too to fight their corner.

Italian football i cannot commment on and dont really care for anyway.

My worry is Rangers, and to say we are hated simply because we win more than others is wrong, it may be a factor for some, but for those who mock our dead, wish harm on our people and write poison about us every day, it is much more to do with something else. Something which STB rightly pointed out, will be very hard to change, but we must start somewhere, fighting back is long over due.

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Im sure Liverpool would disagree with you, they have been battered from pillar to post in the media for last few years. I dont see the hatred of Man U at all, not in the press anyway, they have so many fans in the media too to fight their corner.

Italian football i cannot commment on and dont really care for anyway.

My worry is Rangers, and to say we are hated simply because we win more than others is wrong, it may be a factor for some, but for those who mock our dead, wish harm on our people and write poison about us every day, it is much more to do with something else. Something which STB rightly pointed out, will be very hard to change, but we must start somewhere, fighting back is long over due.

Dont get me wrong - I'm not saying it's the only factor, as I said Scotland has unique factors surround our football. But mostly, in my opinion, that stuff is used against us by people looking for the lowest common denominator to insult us with. It happens everywhere. Look at England with Liverpool fans mocking the dead of Munich in 58 or United fans mocking Hillsborough.

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