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The official "Takeover Completed" thread


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I read this as.....

"We don't want to sell to Whyte...... All of our Board like getting paid the way things are.....So one of the old boys who has been part of taking us near to ruin has suggested a way we can raise £25 mil.....(Thats you the fans by the way but we'll talk about that later) We will still have £28 mil debt with the Bank and still be owned by the Invisible Charlatan but whatever you the Fans raise will be given to Ally....... Meantime we can still be ran in the same short term , no vision for future way.....Whatya say?"

Am I wrong?

two things

our debt at december wat 19 million.

only bain is paid.

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So if this £25m is coming from dave king, then maybe it's not that the board doesnt trust whyte but would rather it was king for their own sake! I mean why would bain want to vote for a takover that if succesful could see him out of a job..

Or it could be AJ just trying to force whytes hand, but with 'sources' close to whyte saying that they have proved they have the money for the full investment then someone isn't being completely honest and that's what's worrying me.

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We as fans must be prepared to do something sooner rather than later. Protests etc are not our way i know that but there really is no other way that the board will see what we think of them. Not the celtic game but perhaps the next home game after. A protest outside ibrox and a massive banner in the stadium would get the mesage across. No i know alot of people will not like the sound of this but we MUST get our point across.

This board seem to have egos that matter more than the club and at Rangers that is not an option.

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After several weeks of sitting back and observing this thread as a "guest" of this forum. With the posts of those people "in the know" and with many "sources", I've gone from sheer jubliation to contemplating suicide in the space of 24 hours on several occasions. I just cant cope with the stress it brings any longer. This is club is in my blood and we as fans are the blood of this club, without us the club would cease to exist. I just cant sit back and watch the people with the supposed clubs best interests at heart, treat us with continued utter contempt. The way we have been treated is nothing short of scandalous. Yet continually expected to sign a form and commit several hundred pounds of our hard earned money for season ticket renewals when the people in charge of running OUR club treat us like nothing but peasants and expect us to dance to whichever tune they hum. The key thing to remember her is this is OUR club, not theirs. We will be here longer after Martin Bain, John Greig and John McClelland have left. I accept that the non-renewal of season tickets is only hurting the club and not the people in charge. So what else are we to do? Sing songs about Whyte? Sing songs about the board? Who do we know who to trust? Are we in safe hands with the current owner? I think that question doesnt merit a response. In the beginning we were a passion of Mr. Murray but as his business empire grew, his passion for Rangers became smaller. Murray is not a Rangers man, in my heart of hearts i know a change of owner is the only way forward.

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The thing im not sure about is, if Johnston thinks whyte clearing the debt but not having much left for investment is a bad situation, what is he suggesting would happen if things stay as they are?

Have loads of debt and no money for investment?

I know what i'd prefer.

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After several weeks of sitting back and observing this thread as a "guest" of this forum. With the posts of those people "in the know" and with many "sources", I've gone from sheer jubliation to contemplating suicide in the space of 24 hours on several occasions. I just cant cope with the stress it brings any longer. This is club is in my blood and we as fans are the blood of this club, without us the club would cease to exist. I just cant sit back and watch the people with the supposed clubs best interests at heart, treat us with continued utter contempt. The way we have been treated is nothing short of scandalous. Yet continually expected to sign a form and commit several hundred pounds of our hard earned money for season ticket renewals when the people in charge of running OUR club treat us like nothing but peasants and expect us to dance to whichever tune they hum. The key thing to remember her is this is OUR club, not theirs. We will be here longer after Martin Bain, John Greig and John McClelland have left. I accept that the non-renewal of season tickets is only hurting the club and not the people in charge. So what else are we to do? Sing songs about Whyte? Sing songs about the board? Who do we know who to trust? Are we in safe hands with the current owner? I think that question doesnt merit a response. In the beginning we were a passion of Mr. Murray but as his business empire grew, his passion for Rangers became smaller. Murray is not a Rangers man, in my heart of hearts i know a change of owner is the only way forward.

great post mate, you should have contributed earlier (tu)

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