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Fcuking stewards super grassing fans


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A Strathclyde policeman was arrested at Ibrox stadium for singing a sectarian song, a court heard.

Jamie Hetherington, who has since resigned from the force, is alleged to have shouted "fenian b*****ds" during a sing-song at the Rangers v Aberdeen match in April last year.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that the 23-year-old was detained by officers on duty at the stadium before revealing he was a police officer.

Hetherington, of Mitchell Street, Edinburgh, denies committing a sectarian breach of the peace at the stadium on April 7, last year.

The court heard from security steward Sarah Horton who claimed that she saw Hetherington singing the offensive words and pointing at Aberdeen fans during the match.

Miss Horton said: "I heard the fans singing sectarian songs and I turned round and saw him. He was just belting it out with no discretion. Other people were trying to hide it so we couldn't really pick them out but he was just belting it out."

The 19-year-old claimed that Hetherington was singing the song "We are Rangers, super Rangers".

Miss Horton added: "Me and the other steward got a supervisor and they took him downstairs to the concourse area and the police took over from there."

The court also heard from PC John Harley who said that he was asked to stand with Hetherington at the concourse area.

Prosecutor Jill Clarkson asked PC Harley if he spoke to Hetherington.

He replied: "He spoke to me, he said 'I'm fucked' and then informed me that he was a police officer with Strathclyde Police."

Hetherington also gave evidence and told the court that he had met up with his brother and best friend at around 3pm that day.

He said that the three of them went for a few drinks at around 5pm but claimed that he only had three glasses of wine.

When asked if he had said the offensive words, he added: "I'm fully aware of the repercussions of shouting something like that and, bearing in mind my occupation at the time, I swear on my mother's life I never did it."

Hetherington told the court that he believed it was a case of mistaken identity.

He added that he was a probationary officer at the time of the alleged offence with just 18 months service.

He said: "Owing to the allegations against me, I was asked to resign from my post."

The case, before Sheriff Lindsay Wood, will continue in October due to witness difficulties.

This guy has had to resign from his job based on a allegation from some arsehole steward. Notice the case has been postponed till october due to witness difficulties <cr> . I wonder if someone pushed the star witness down the stairs whistle.gif

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If one fan was to go as a witness they should be fucking named and shamed and made to never come back to Ibrox. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if a "fan" came forward as a witness thats how some of the support are these days. Its fucking disgusting. Fucking arsehole fenian bastard stewards

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This guy has had to resign from his job based on a allegation from some arsehole steward. Notice the case has been postponed till october due to witness difficulties <cr> . I wonder if someone pushed the star witness down the stairs whistle.gif

Whatever happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY..or does the law of this country not apply to you if you are a Rangers fan.

And thankfully he has had the sense to plead not guilty to this charge.

Pleading guilty is the worst thing you can do.

Deny it and continue to deny it and get all manner of witnesses to say you didn't do what they accused you of.

A disgrace that he was asked to resign because of an allegation.

And the thing that puzzles me here is why would any Rangers fan point at an Aberdeen fan and sing a song about Celtic fans?

Stinks to high heaven.

If that were the case then the stewards should be ejecting every single fan singing this song and not being cowards and arresting one fan to make it look good for them.

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This is a flimsy case by the looks of it and I doubt the steward would stand up to a bit of pressure from a solicitor asking if they were 100% sure he was saying it giving light travels faster than sound could she be 100% sure it was him, if she was a bit of distance away.

This poor guy has had to throw a good career away because of an accusation, same as mcgregor will always be tarred with a rape allegation.

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"Me and the other steward got a supervisor and they took him downstairs to the concourse area and the police took over from there."

What a fucking disgrace!! It sounds like being grassed off by some prick prefect back during school time, "" Sir, Sir he swore in the playground at lunchtime.."

The whole system is totally lopsided, we get nailed for singing or saying just about anything whilst the filth can act with impunity.

Dirty rhats the lot of them...

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The reason Celtic fans don't get arrested is because they employ their own stewards for home and away games.

Their stewards (who are fans) aren't going to grass on their own.

We on the other hand go out our way to employ every taig on the planet so it is any wonder our fans have more chance of being arrested and put up on such a flimsy charge?

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The last OF game I asked both a steward and a copper the same question- would you eject me from the stadium for singing tbb ?

Steward answerd yes. Copper said no

this is obviously a problem within the club and not the strathclyde police.

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The reason Celtic fans don't get arrested is because they employ their own stewards for home and away games.

Their stewards (who are fans) aren't going to grass on their own.

We on the other hand go out our way to employ every taig on the planet so it is any wonder our fans have more chance of being arrested and put up on such a flimsy charge?

Sort of right, protectevent are either tims or non english speakers with the occasional deficient cunt. The guys who do green brigade are 90% bluenoses.

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This is more than a football issue. You don't need to be in a football environment to sing a "football" song or say a word that is deemed sectarian.

It's the culture that the PTB are fostering and encouraging. These prosecutions can only happen if people make a complaint.

I envisage more and more cases in the courts in the future.

The Scottish Executive have a pdf file relating to their aims - www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/90629/0021809.pdf

It's all about politics ....

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Personally i think the fans should stand up to the Stewards at Ibrox, currently just about every fan is scared shitless of Rock Steady n co, how about we turn the tide and start to harass and bully them? C'mon 50,000 of us scared of what 200 of them?


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Personally i think the fans should stand up to the Stewards at Ibrox, currently just about every fan is scared shitless of Rock Steady n co, how about we turn the tide and start to harass and bully them? C'mon 50,000 of us scared of what 200 of them?


What sort of action would this involve ?

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Got talking to guy in Annie Millars a while back who turned out to be an Ibrox steward. Seemingly they are told to pick out anyone for songs like this and as a fair amount of the stewards are timmies they jump at the chance. According to him they take their orders from Rangers security. This to me looks like Rangers once again saying 'look at us trying to stamp out bigotry' to appease the phress. Do you think the bheasts from the east would be informing their stewards to do the same - no chance!

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"Other people were trying to hide it so we couldn't really pick them out but he was just belting it out."


Were they covering their mouths with their hands? Were they facing the ground, so their mouths could not be seen? Did they have their backs turned to the stewards?

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