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Still raging!

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I was and still am furious that the game wasn't stopped immediately. That was a clear head knock and the ref saw it happen, you didn't even need to see it to know it was serious that thud made my heart sink I honestly thought he had been seriously injured. Anyway whats everyone else's thoughts? Oh and hope the big mans ok!

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Sasa put it all on the line the with the clearance but to be fair to the ref I didn't expect it to be stopped for a block on the line as nobody on there would be able to tell how badly sasa was hurt.

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Can't say I expected it right away.... but Madjid's half-arsed clearance was an embarrassment. There's a simple comparison. Sasa puts his body on the line for the cause... 'Magic' -- oh well.... At least use yer hands! Do something.

Madjid's comrade is lying there half dead from doing the right thing.

Bougherra can leave any time he wants. Overrated.. stupid... trying to put the yellow card back in the Ref's pocket. ok, a good comedy skit, but not tonight. The guy has no heart, intelligence... and thinks he is sooo much better than he really is.

It's just the comparison to what Sasa did to what Madjid did within seconds. Tells you something about the character of both men imho.

Bartley has to start next match. Big Davie will start.. so sit Bougherra....

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Can't say I expected it right away.... but Madjid's half-arsed clearance was an embarrassment. There's a simple comparison. Sasa puts his body on the line for the cause... 'Magic' -- oh well.... At least use yer hands! Do something.

Madjid's comrade is lying there half dead from doing the right thing.

Bougherra can leave any time he wants. Overrated.. stupid... trying to put the yellow card back in the Ref's pocket. ok, a good comedy skit, but not tonight. The guy has no heart, intelligence... and thinks he is sooo much better than he really is.

It's just the comparison to what Sasa did to what Madjid did within seconds. Tells you something about the character of both men imho.

Bartley has to start next match. Big Davie will start.. so sit Bougherra....

That our 2nd best player tonight yer talkin about there aye?

Use yer hands? Go get some kip

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Player headed the ball away from a shot, the ref would never stop the game for that, looking for any excuse with that, we could have still been playing that game now and we'd not have a shot on target

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To be fair maybe I am clutching at straws but when its your own team you should for everything. I just think if that was a goalie who was impeeded game woulda been halted. Ref saw it as clear as I did and my initial reaction was shit he's really hurt. Thats when I think he should have blew. On a sidenote yeah i'm raging with the team for the lack of support for diouf and the shit passing. That was a celtic side there for the taking imo

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Come on to fuck boys, leave the greeting and moaning the to taigs!

There was about 3-4 seconds in between Papac clearing it and Wilson scoring theres no way any ref would have stopped it!

We had plenty of chances to stop it on our own and didnt so lets not start making pish excuses!

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I would love to agree with you on this...but I have to be honest and say it wasn't a head knock. It was a header off the line. You can't stop the game for a header. And the fact that it was litrally two seconds after it that wilson scored.

I can't blaim the ref!

I do however blaim boggie for his crap effort at trying to keep it out and also that fact that wilson had so much space! He was completely unmarked and allowed to take the first shot and the rebound! Not good enough from the defence IMO!!!

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It should've been stopped, simple. If it was the other way about we all know the shite we'd be listening to right now

There's no way the referee could've known he was injured inside 2 seconds

Murray cheated us out of a result last night but not because of that

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Did Sasa not say a while back that he was one head knock away from a serious injury?

Or am I thinking of someone else?

Don't think he said that exactly. He couldn't know how many head knocks away he was from serious injury. But he did express concern after his previous concussion since he was involved in a serious car accident a few years back. Said he was still getting headaches and stuff.

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yeah i started a thread on this and glad im not alone (op)....i totally agree and it is fact that if a player is seriously injured the referee has a responsibility to stop the game. Whether its in the box, centre circle wherever. Also refs are trained (allegedly) and paid to make split second decisions. If I can know within the same time frame that a player not moving in the foetal position holding his head is seriously injured then why cant a referee?

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