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bbc and paul mcbride can't understand why an arrest

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What happened to Salmond when Novo was getting the death threats, I dont think it should happen to any player even Lennon who seems to have used all this to deflect from his lack of class on the touch line.

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Country is fucked, been saying and thinking it for a while now!

Quite fancy emigrating to Canada or NZ (once Scotland pays for my degree! :P)

NZ possibly the most boring country in the world to live..all the kiwi's are over in Oz. No Setan tv either so hard work getting the games etc.

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When he's not cranking the wheels of Shame FCs PR machine, m'learned friend, P McBride QC is looking out for other unjustly persecuted/prosecuted members of society.

Apparently being caught, red-knobed, by multiple witnesses still does not add up to enough evidence to prosecute a member of the legal profession for soliciting (irony?) in a public place the services of a teenage male prostitute.

Onya Paul.

A LEGAL Aid boss, who was arrested in a toilet with a rent boy, has kept his job and won't be struck off as a lawyer.

Douglas Haggarty, 58, was found with the teenager by security guards in British Home Stores in the St Enoch Centre, Glasgow, in January.

The head of legal services at the Scottish Legal Aid Board, where his duties include lecturing lawyers on their conduct, was charged with soliciting in a public place.

But his lawyer, Paul McBride, QC, claimed there was not enough evidence and charges were dropped.

The Crown Office said Haggarty had been dealt with by a direct measure but would not say whether it was a warning letter, fine or other penalty.



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McRide-my-arse is a rabid T*rrier prick - well, he's fond o' the prick - and although he claims this, that and the other on behalf of 'ra Selik - what he's really doing is raising his own profile so that come election time he'll have the vast support of the Unwashed when he stands for election as a Conservative candidate.

Now what a dilemma that will cause in many a T*rrier household throughout the land.

All those decades of being TOLD to vote Labour by the dirty parish bheasts, who then recently flipped and were TOLD by 'ra Kafflik hierarchy to TELL their flock (freedom of thought doesn't exist for yer' avarage papist - they do what they're TOLD to do) to vote for Alex Fishface's Scotland Needs Popery and now this.

There will be much gnashing of the yellow teeth and much genuflecting going on in Earl Haig Land as we speak. :sherlock:

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We are slowly walking into a police state bit by bit. Bear in mind it was the police who contacted the SG and asked for the summit. The SG cant exactly turn round and say no to that, imagine the outrage if they denied the police that. The SG as was said last night on newsnicht that frankly Salmonds got better things to concern himself (such as bringing about Scottish independence :sherlock:) with than a summit over a bit of handbags in Glasgow. The situation hasnt been helped by the amount of games between us and them in recent weeks, of course disputes will spill over into the next game when theres so many in a short space of time.

Time the police got a bit of perspective on this. It also doesnt help that theres an election coming up and the politicians and their lackeys in the mhedia are trying to blow this up out of all proportion. However, this thing where saying nasty things about Lennon online may get you arrested thats going down the road of thought crime, its like something out of George Orwell's book 1984. And that worries me, we have had enough freedoms taken away from us without them going onto the slippery road towards thought crime becoming a reality.

Don't forget, the English-born top cop in Strathclyde (PC Condemned House) who called this meeting did so not because the incidents took place in his manor (a London word used by Del Boy and Arthur Daley types), but because it gives him a chance to look really high profile in a national debate - you see he's desperate to get a National Scottish Plod Force - with him in charge, naturally, and this summit (about nothing) gave him that platform.

PC Condemned House was after the Met's top job - didn't get it, he then went after the job of policing the upcoming 2012 London Olympics - didn't get that either - and now sees his star waning.

He's one for watching is this guy. A self-publicist who is despised by the rank and file.

Much like Niall Manchild. ;)

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Two wrongs don't make a right and Im not into all this tit for tat stuff but I don't recall all this media attention when there was a facebook page dedicated to killing Nacho Novo. Also the coverage of Rangers players cars being set on fire was a damn sight more muted than we are seeing at the moment.

When will somebody in power grow a set and admit that there has been double standards for years now. They set the precedent not us !!


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Tell me how badly behaved the fans were at the game that merits such a gross over reaction?

And another thing...the sooner people put their egos and huffs to one side the better because self interest is going to destroy the internet community and harm the image of our club and fans forever.

Mark Dingwall...The RST...The RSA...Rangersmedia...Vanguardbears...Gersnet...Unionbears...TBO and any other fan group....GET TOGETHER PRONTO and start acting instead of posturing and ignoring each other.

This threat is real and sustained and is only going to target and damage us if we don't get our collective fingers out our backsides and start working together to defeat the commone enemy and not each other.

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Don't forget, the English-born top cop in Strathclyde (PC Condemned House) who called this meeting did so not because the incidents took place in his manor (a London word used by Del Boy and Arthur Daley types), but because it gives him a chance to look really high profile in a national debate - you see he's desperate to get a National Scottish Plod Force - with him in charge, naturally, and this summit (about nothing) gave him that platform.

PC Condemned House was after the Met's top job - didn't get it, he then went after the job of policing the upcoming 2012 London Olympics - didn't get that either - and now sees his star waning.

He's one for watching is this guy. A self-publicist who is despised by the rank and file.

Much like Niall Manchild. ;)

Beware of those with ambition especially in the public sector.

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Country is fucked, been saying and thinking it for a while now!

Quite fancy emigrating to Canada or NZ (once Scotland pays for my degree! :P)

Trust me mate. Canada is about as backwater as they come. The biggest underachieving 'nation' on the planet. Environmentally unfriendly, no one talks to each other, immigration policies that are a joke. And... a 'security service' that gladly hands over citizens to foreign governments knowing they will be tortured.

Will be leaving here soon!

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'ere want a real laugh cop for this quote fae mcride in the Scottish scum the day:

Mr McBride added: "If the police are quickly able to catch paedophiles on the internet and extremists threatening to blow up things why can't these people be identified?"

pot, kettle ? They really have the hardest necks in the world that glitterdome mhob.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3458028/Neil-Lennons-security-lockdown.html#ixzz1GBuG3L73


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It matters not a jot what mcBride is saying whether it's the truth or a lie.

The fact remains that the Celtic PR machine is in full flow portraying their manager as a victim and us as the bigots yet again.

Our response meantime is akin to tumbleweed rolling through a deserted mining town.

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Tell me how badly behaved the fans were at the game that merits such a gross over reaction?

And another thing...the sooner people put their egos and huffs to one side the better because self interest is going to destroy the internet community and harm the image of our club and fans forever.

Mark Dingwall...The RST...The RSA...Rangersmedia...Vanguardbears...Gersnet...Unionbears...TBO and any other fan group....GET TOGETHER PRONTO and start acting instead of posturing and ignoring each other.

This threat is real and sustained and is only going to target and damage us if we don't get our collective fingers out our backsides and start working together to defeat the commone enemy and not each other.

Great post and all the fan groups should unite and fight back against those that are attacking us.

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Great post and all the fan groups should unite and fight back against those that are attacking us.

Along with all the RSC's we should be getting together and demanding a meeting with Rangers to discuss these matters.

Then we should be demanding meetings with Politicians and the Police to put pressure on them to stop ignoring the issue of Faith Schools and start addressing the issue of Sectarianism openly and honestly.

My gut reaction is that i wish ALL football fans of ALL clubs could get together and collectively tell their clubs,the Police and the Politicians to shove their proposals and ideas up their arses.

The game has been ruined and no longer has any real appeal to me and i dare say thousands of others who don't fancy the hassle and potential jail threat simply for wearing a blue scarf.

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Great post and all the fan groups should unite and fight back against those that are attacking us.

Trying to get all Rangers fans to work together would be like trying to herd cats!

Would love to see us unite as a support and stand up for ourselves, its very clear the club is unwilling to stand up to anything!

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NZ possibly the most boring country in the world to live..all the kiwi's are over in Oz. No Setan tv either so hard work getting the games etc.

Trust me mate. Canada is about as backwater as they come. The biggest underachieving 'nation' on the planet. Environmentally unfriendly, no one talks to each other, immigration policies that are a joke. And... a 'security service' that gladly hands over citizens to foreign governments knowing they will be tortured.

Will be leaving here soon!

Any other suggestions? :sherlock:

Dont fancy OZ, they have big bitey spiders and snakes and shit!

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Trying to get all Rangers fans to work together would be like trying to herd cats!

Would love to see us unite as a support and stand up for ourselves, its very clear the club is unwilling to stand up to anything!

Well let's not make any bones about this issue then...there is one man in the Rangers support who could (If he wanted to) unite us all around the table but it appears he would rather not.

Yes there is a lot of history and ill feeling between certain parties and it would be churlish to deny this.(Faults on all sides so no one is blameless)

If that person was able to look at the bigger picture and realise that for the greater good of the club he professes to support then he has to come to a decsion soon,as do we all, to try and fight off the common enemy before it is too late.

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Trust me mate. Canada is about as backwater as they come. The biggest underachieving 'nation' on the planet. Environmentally unfriendly, no one talks to each other, immigration policies that are a joke. And... a 'security service' that gladly hands over citizens to foreign governments knowing they will be tortured.

Will be leaving here soon!

Shut the door when you do.

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Well let's not make any bones about this issue then...there is one man in the Rangers support who could (If he wanted to) unite us all around the table but it appears he would rather not.

Yes there is a lot of history and ill feeling between certain parties and it would be churlish to deny this.(Faults on all sides so no one is blameless)

If that person was able to look at the bigger picture and realise that for the greater good of the club he professes to support then he has to come to a decsion soon,as do we all, to try and fight off the common enemy before it is too late.

Great post Mate and if only the man in question would do it ! :sherlock:

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Great post Mate and if only the man in question would do it ! :sherlock:

I would like one good reason why he shouldn't after this sham summit that targeted us and no one else.

If we were united and all focusing our energies on the Politicians,the Police and Celtic we could do untold damage to the lot of them instead of to ourselves.

Someone somewhere is going to have to swallow their pride soon or we are fucked.

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I would like one good reason why he shouldn't after this sham summit that targeted us and no one else.

If we were united and all focusing our energies on the Politicians,the Police and Celtic we could do untold damage to the lot of them instead of to ourselves.

Someone somewhere is going to have to swallow their pride soon or we are fucked.

(tu) And another good follow up Son, you are talking to much sense for us heidbangers Mate ! :sherlock:

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hasn't been made yet about cyber threats to wee neil ? Someboady tell me this country isnae fucked ? Gie me some hope ? We urnae awe up tae oor eyes in debt ? Nae industry, nae fuck awe but whit aboot poor wee neil ? This country isnae fucked this country is deid in the watter !:sherlock:

Did McBride never think hey how can my client can make threats to people's face at a football match and not get arrested, i'm sure i would get lifted if i behaved the way Lennon did at a match.

Look closer to home McBride that's where the problem lies.

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Just because a comment originates on a Rangers site that in itself is no proof that it came from a Rangers fan.

And that isn't a Chick Young copyright cop out either.

There are plenty of Taigs on here..plenty of them on Facebook and plenty on FF.

Very very easy for a Taig to post as a Rangers fan simply to get the comment on TV as we witnessed last night on the BBC.

This is the main reason why VB is the way it is whether you agree with us or not.

However each site has their own way of working and i have no beef with that at all.

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Just because a comment originates on a Rangers site that in itself is no proof that it came from a Rangers fan.

And that isn't a Chick Young copyright cop out either.

There are plenty of Taigs on here..plenty of them on Facebook and plenty on FF.

Very very easy for a Taig to post as a Rangers fan simply to get the comment on TV as we witnessed last night on the BBC.

This is the main reason why VB is the way it is whether you agree with us or not.

However each site has their own way of working and i have no beef with that at all.

That's true i used to post on Follow follow for years and it seemed to get infected more and more each day, At one time they even stopped the "poll vote" names being shown in polls about Rangers and Celtic as it was showing up just how many of them posted on there.

I think its safe to say some would have tens of thousands of posts and be scum supporters.

It must be easier to be an undercover celtic supporter than a bear on Follow Follow.

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