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UEFA to hammer Rangers


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Is there any other club that gets dragged over the coals near as often as us?

Every single team bar none will have their offensive chants, aimed at their rival clubs, go through any of them with a fine tooth comb and there is a potential case for discrimination/secretarianism in every club.

Even the UEFA big bosses must surely see this as a localised campaign against The Rangers by non supporters of our club, this is playground stuff and getting fucking silly now.

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So what are you doing about it?

I think that is a general sweeping generalisation there Oz. Have you ever considered that some bears might actually be over some of our songs? How do you know these "fenian cunts" in Europe arent RC representatives from say Osasuna or Barcelona?

I've been there with the emails sending complaints to the agenda driven journo's. I stopped listening to Clyde or reading the threads on here about Spiers, its sould destroying.

We all want a level playing field but our club doesnt have the stomach for a fight. We need a list of songs..the magic list to be published. Then the club can come out and defend us, but you really cant expect Bain or anyone at Rangers to come out and defend FTP or No Pope of Rome? Thier hands are tied while we sing these songs.

Drop the Paramilitary and the Pope stuff and see what they come at us with.

If the TBB was taken to a court it would be thrown out imo.

It's not what "I'm doing about it" that is the point here...And before I go any further, It seems I'm in agreement with what you said in parts of your first post,but you can't seem to realise that....And those Fenian cunts in Europe are in all probability papish representatives from Barcelona or Osasuna, but I don't give a fuck who they are or who they represent,as long as they play by the same rules we are made to play under, which Uefa certainly are not doing at the moment.

As for Bain or Rangers coming out in public defending our supporters chanting FTP or NPoR...who the fuck expects that to happen? cause I sure don't...And this debate has fuck all to do with those two chants...It's about songs like the Billy Boys which are apparently banned by Murray(and that's any version)

So if there is no Legal document anywhere in the world that states categorically that Billy Boys is against the law, why has it been banned by Murray?

I'll play fair if everybody else is made to play fair...Until then.....:crabflute:

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"SunSport understands that UEFA delegate Geir Thorsteinsson's dossier was NOT overly scathing of Gers' fans behaviour although he did highlight 'anti-IRA chants'.

Gers, who have been fined and warned three times by UEFA since 2006 over sectarian songs and offensive behaviour by fans, do not believe that is enough to land them in hot water again.

UEFA beaks confirmed the SPL champs will face disciplinary action - and they are bracing themselves for a three-match fan ban AND a £100,000 fine. "

Surely anti-IRA chants must be political ? If not, it would be worth any punishment to have IRA chants deemed sectarian by UEFA. The SFA would then have to act accordingly and the tims go down.

Can anyone find anywhere that UEFA have ever handed down a punishment like that ? There have been far worse incidents involving repeat offenders, racist abuse of players and fans fighting in the stands, yet UEFA still didn't mete out a punishment like that. Pishy journalism which we've seen on every previous occasion.

Now it's just the Sun, so the above can be taken with a truckful of salt, but if it turns out to have some truth, then timmy better start hoping we get off. It'd be ironic if their wee campaign stuffed themselves.

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so we are getting done for anti IRA chants??

anti terrorist chants?? WTF has happened to this fucking country. we get pumped for singing about how we hate an illegal terrorist group that maimed killed and wounded innocent people for years??

how the fuck can that be right?

what are we supposed to do? say we fully support the IRA.

if rangers get done over for this then our lawyers need a massive kick in the baws.

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Yea thanks a lot, ya lazy bassa :pipe:


I believe the the end game of the taigs is to get us point deductions in the SPL whenever it suits them.

I read some of their shite and am seeing them demanding this more and more.

Humping the refs and the SFA has got them feeling invincible (no fuckin wonder),and the amount of CL money has taken the rivalry to a whole new level for Dr Death and Co, the fuckers are lapping this up.

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so we are getting done for anti IRA chants??

anti terrorist chants?? WTF has happened to this fucking country. we get pumped for singing about how we hate an illegal terrorist group that maimed killed and wounded innocent people for years??

how the fuck can that be right?

what are we supposed to do? say we fully support the IRA.

if rangers get done over for this then our lawyers need a massive kick in the baws.

They also killed one of my fucking family members! Am i not allowed to show hatred towards them. If this is what its for Rangers will tear UEFA a new arsehole.

How would that stand up in court?

Well your honour i sang how i hated the IRA that killed many protestant people and blew up half of the UK.


Well ok thats that then :lol:

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I believe the the end game of the taigs is to get us point deductions in the SPL whenever it suits them.

I read some of their shite and am seeing them demanding this more and more.

Humping the refs and the SFA has got them feeling invincible (no fuckin wonder). The amount of CL money has taken the rivalry to a whole new level for Dr Death and Co.and the fuckers are lapping this up.

That (and other things) is exactly what they are playing at, and being aided admirably by cuntface Creep and PhilDaGobbler as the cheerleaders in their sinister covert campaign.

I noticed you wrote this in your reply to brissybear...I have known many diehard celtic fans all my life, when I ask them about our songs the standard reply is "I could give a monkeys fuck what you sing". Then again the ones I know are not keyboard warriors on constant alert for a new mission.

Now as I was reading that part, I thought about what my immediate relations on my late Mother's side would say about that statement....Seeing as how they are all Catholics (some very staunch) mainly live in the Coatbridge/Glenboig area,and are all Celtic supporters....So I decided to do around 10 or so early morning calls to my rellies.

Hi Uncle Jimmy!...got a question for you..."Does it worry you when Rangers supporters sing the Billy Boys or the famine song?"

Reply: "Och Son, I've been following Celtic for over 70 years and your lot have been belting oot the Billy Boys since I was a wee laddie,and I ken every word of it :lol:...as for that Famine song, I'm no wan o' those silly buggers that think I'd want to live in that place...I'm a Scot who happened to have Irish ancestry and although I think it's disrespectful in some ways, I know it's having a poke at these daft buggers in ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ, who should go back tae school and learn some History."

"So uncle Jimmy,If I came into your house and started belting out the Billy Boys,it wouldn't worry you?"

Reply: Son! I couldnae gie a fuck what yea sing,as long as you bring me a wee Guinness!"

Phones up the others for their opinions on it...One detested it, two were a bit "Iffy" about it, but the others said they didn't give a fuck,as it was only football banter....In fact, one of my cousins actually sang the song word perfect over the phone.

So that basically backs up your story, minnbear! :pipe:

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I'll play fair if everybody else is made to play fair...Until then.....:crabflute:

Love that argument highlighted above (not)-

If other people mis-behave I will mis-behave.

if someone else gets away with a crime, then I can be a criminal.

If other people beat their wife I can do that as well.

Or you could try thinking about what is right!

In using this 'everybody else is at it and gets aways with it argument' you are allowing yourself to be defined by others actions rather than defining your own path. If you want to make some sort of stance (as intimated earlier in this thread) then fine - but at least have the moral fortitude to do it because you think it is worth defending - dont do it just because others get away with it.

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Love that argument highlighted above (not)-

If other people mis-behave I will mis-behave.

if someone else gets away with a crime, then I can be a criminal.

If other people beat their wife I can do that as well.

Or you could try thinking about what is right!

In using this 'everybody else is at it and gets aways with it argument' you are allowing yourself to be defined by others actions rather than defining your own path. If you want to make some sort of stance (as intimated earlier in this thread) then fine - but at least have the moral fortitude to do it because you think it is worth defending - dont do it just because others get away with it.

my 2 bob worth here

Gonnae just shut the fuck up

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Love that argument highlighted above (not)-

If other people mis-behave I will mis-behave.

if someone else gets away with a crime, then I can be a criminal.

If other people beat their wife I can do that as well.

Or you could try thinking about what is right!

In using this 'everybody else is at it and gets aways with it argument' you are allowing yourself to be defined by others actions rather than defining your own path. If you want to make some sort of stance (as intimated earlier in this thread) then fine - but at least have the moral fortitude to do it because you think it is worth defending - dont do it just because others get away with it.

There you go again Don fuckin Quixote! I will be responsible for my own actions at football matches and in everyday life.

I am not doing it because everybody else is doing it. I am stating my preference, so if you don't like it you can please yourself.

And don't talk to me about fuckin moral fortitude when you haven't got the guts to stand beside somebody that is singing a song that you get so upset about,and not say a fuckin word.

You just sit in your wee seat and moan and groan about aw these bad boys singing naughty songs at a football match.

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There you go again Don fuckin Quixote! I will be responsible for my own actions at football matches and in everyday life.

I am not doing it because everybody else is doing it. I am stating my preference, so if you don't like it you can please yourself.

And don't talk to me about fuckin moral fortitude when you haven't got the guts to stand beside somebody that is singing a song that you get so upset about,and not say a fuckin word.

You just sit in your wee seat and moan and groan about aw these bad boys singing naughty songs at a football match.

At least my views are thought out and not defined by someone else - I also note also lots of promises of action from you, from far away, and sometime in the future!?

You want to agitate people into doing things that can and will get the club into trouble, while you are '000s of miles away.

You want to do this because others do it to.

Try marching to your own drum beat and not be a perpetual follower.

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noone has a right to free speach. you simply cant by law in the uk say whatever you want.

the idea of free speech comes from hollywood and isnt even an american law. they have a right to free speach about constitutional matters i think but they cant just say whatever they want either.

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