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Whyte's blue-print for Rangers - Seven days and counting


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The mans just in the door and folk are leaping onto every bit of doubt timmy can put out.

Did anyone expect him to takeover and then hold court at Ibrox telling all and sundry what his plans are, what his financial position is and exactly what he is going to be doing in the near future. Plus his thoughts on dealing with the tax issue. (already stated)

He got rid of a hostile board - shock horror.

Alright, he put back a statement for a few weeks. That must mean he's at it. It couldn't be that there's been a lot of change recently or anything so mundane.

Secretly he bought Rangers intending to lose £20m and make himself the most hated man in scotland just for a laugh.

Can we not wait and see what he says or does before condemning him for things some think he might say or do.

Oh, and as for his "blueprint", I very much doubt there will massive amounts of detail in that either. no doubt that will have the usual suspects coming out with "ah, that wasn't in there, that must be cos....."

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I don't think Whyte will listen too your seven days demand

Just as well I'm not making a demand then, eh?

The 7 days in title refer to the date where he publishes a share-holder circular which is apparently going to detail formally his plans (at least partially).

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I have said all along that I know little if anything about Whyte , But what I have also said is i know more than enough of the fuck ups Ellis has made and being the lesser partner if you like , does not make me any the more comfortable or happy regarding his involvement.

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The mans just in the door and folk are leaping onto every bit of doubt timmy can put out.

Did anyone expect him to takeover and then hold court at Ibrox telling all and sundry what his plans are, what his financial position is and exactly what he is going to be doing in the near future. Plus his thoughts on dealing with the tax issue. (already stated)

He got rid of a hostile board - shock horror.

Alright, he put back a statement for a few weeks. That must mean he's at it. It couldn't be that there's been a lot of change recently or anything so mundane.

Secretly he bought Rangers intending to lose £20m and make himself the most hated man in scotland just for a laugh.

Can we not wait and see what he says or does before condemning him for things some think he might say or do.

Oh, and as for his "blueprint", I very much doubt there will massive amounts of detail in that either. no doubt that will have the usual suspects coming out with "ah, that wasn't in there, that must be cos....."

The day I leap onto 'timmy' based doubt is a long way away I can assure you. My concerns are based on facts outlined in the article - all of which are fair and valid.

It should go without saying that we be patient and not jump to conclusions about certain issues. However, it is only prudent to ask valid questions and be concerned until such a time where questions can be answered and the concerns allayed.

I'm hoping for an exciting new era under Whyte and certainly don't buy into the conspiracy theories about his background or intentions. That doesn't mean that I automatically pass him as suitable either and I'd like to see more good news than the bad I've experienced since I've been on holiday.

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I wonder if he has the readies to make good on his promise to Golden Bollocks?

I further wonder if he'll be using the ST money to fund said promise?

I wonder if the outgoing owner knows what's in store?

I wonder if the 7-days will last as long as the 48-hour takeover?


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The day I leap onto 'timmy' based doubt is a long way away I can assure you. My concerns are based on facts outlined in the article - all of which are fair and valid.

It should go without saying that we be patient and not jump to conclusions about certain issues. However, it is only prudent to ask valid questions and be concerned until such a time where questions can be answered and the concerns allayed.

I'm hoping for an exciting new era under Whyte and certainly don't buy into the conspiracy theories about his background or intentions. That doesn't mean that I automatically pass him as suitable either and I'd like to see more good news than the bad I've experienced since I've been on holiday.

Background ? he doesn't appear to have one, or at least not one that throws up a single success in a catalogue of failed companies, there surely must be one that is recorded, maybe he's the bagman for take your pick...Merchant Gemini Turnaround Fund, nice round figure £50 million just about the alleged total to cover our club, wonder how it is doing :rolleyes: after all our leader is heading the fund up.

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I keep hearing phrases like "A curdy? He hasn't got one", "brass lint" and that old music hall classic regarding pots and the pissing in thereof.

More of a concern is the lack of clarification from said gent himself.

One would think that, given the timing of the ST renewal period being here and now that said gent (spiv?) would be spreading the good word to all and sundry - allaying those fears up front.

Surely no Stock Market rules would be broken now? :sherlock:

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We the fans know little so will just have to wait until Whyte comes forward with his plans. Strictly neutral until then, but hopeful too. One good signing will blow a lot of this nervousness away.

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We the fans know little so will just have to wait until Whyte comes forward with his plans. Strictly neutral until then, but hopeful too. One good signing will blow a lot of this nervousness away.

No openness and transparency will get us all on side, but I do know that the press are shit scared of his lawyers, much the way it used to be with Murray, only he used succulent lamb to control his puppets. A carrot so to speak, while our new leader appears to favour a baseball bat. (tu)

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The day I leap onto 'timmy' based doubt is a long way away I can assure you. My concerns are based on facts outlined in the article - all of which are fair and valid.

It should go without saying that we be patient and not jump to conclusions about certain issues. However, it is only prudent to ask valid questions and be concerned until such a time where questions can be answered and the concerns allayed.

I'm hoping for an exciting new era under Whyte and certainly don't buy into the conspiracy theories about his background or intentions. That doesn't mean that I automatically pass him as suitable either and I'd like to see more good news than the bad I've experienced since I've been on holiday.

I wasn't meaning you Frankie. More the usual suspects that have been constantly dripping doubts on the board.

Of course we must remain vigilant, I would be among the first having a go if it looked like Whyte was at it, but until then I will remain neutral.

I can't believe some are having a go on here about him being tough on the press, for months I've been reading post after post complaining that Rangerd needed to get tough on the press.

It seems some will use ANYTHING to attack Whyte.

To be honest, I can't see how Whyte would get anything from this in the short term except grief. The only way he can succeed is by growing the team and the brand.

There are no assets to strip. Nothing to sell quickly. He could have invested his £20m and bought some land or somesuch far easier to turn a buck.

I may be wrong, but since we were goosed anyway, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and maintain a watching brief until I see him doing something untoward.

Those having a go can't point to anything he's done yet, but still do it anyway. I can only conclude they are either timmys or just like greeting. The same sould no doubt spent years forecasting doom and gloom about the previous regime and will do so about the next one.

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I wasn't meaning you Frankie. More the usual suspects that have been constantly dripping doubts on the board.

Of course we must remain vigilant, I would be among the first having a go if it looked like Whyte was at it, but until then I will remain neutral.

I can't believe some are having a go on here about him being tough on the press, for months I've been reading post after post complaining that Rangerd needed to get tough on the press.

It seems some will use ANYTHING to attack Whyte.

To be honest, I can't see how Whyte would get anything from this in the short term except grief. The only way he can succeed is by growing the team and the brand.

There are no assets to strip. Nothing to sell quickly. He could have invested his £20m and bought some land or somesuch far easier to turn a buck.

I may be wrong, but since we were goosed anyway, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and maintain a watching brief until I see him doing something untoward.

Those having a go can't point to anything he's done yet, but still do it anyway. I can only conclude they are either timmys or just like greeting. The same sould no doubt spent years forecasting doom and gloom about the previous regime and will do so about the next one.

Neutral ? :lol: :lol: :lol: crawlin barsteward more like.. ;)(tu)

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Excellent article Frankie. This circular going out on Monday should make for interesting reading. I think the board changes should have been expected to be honest. Most of all from those board members who very publicly dismissed the legitimacy of his apparent "wealth". I for one felt it was much needed, changes from top to bottom. The people at the top lead our club in to such dire straights and i don't think should have been allowed to go unpunished for their mistakes.

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Excellent article Frankie. This circular going out on Monday should make for interesting reading. I think the board changes should have been expected to be honest. Most of all from those board members who very publicly dismissed the legitimacy of his apparent "wealth". I for one felt it was much needed, changes from top to bottom. The people at the top lead our club in to such dire straights and i don't think should have been allowed to go unpunished for their mistakes.

Ham'n'Egg sat in on many a Murray-led meeting and apparently said diddley-squat, as did the Alfred Hitchcock look-alike - yet both are to be spared the axe man's swipe.

With the former I could understand why as his business acumen would be the square root of zip - the latter.....well, the same could most definitely not be said and it is this one that puzzles me.

Interesting times ahead though. :sherlock:

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Maybe we're returning to the old days when the manager told the players what they were getting paid, they said thanks and walked out the office? :D

And the Manager's 1st question was "Whit school did ye go tae son?"

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