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Apartheid Schools Brought Up On Live: Sectarian Legislation Debate

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Well said mr lamont.

I will be bitterly disapointed if he is hung out to dry for this the undeniable truth is there for all to see but the rc church don't want this debated because they will lose.

However I will not be in the least surprised to see this brave man attacked from the dark side and branded a bigot.

Keep a close eye on who does the attacking and who fails to support him it should be interesting.

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Well said mr lamont.

I will be bitterly disapointed if he is hung out to dry for this the undeniable truth is there for all to see but the rc church don't want this debated because they will lose.

However I will not be in the least surprised to see this brave man attacked from the dark side and branded a bigot.

Keep a close eye on who does the attacking and who fails to support him it should be interesting.

I count two on the record all ready Bob "tick the Irish box" Doris SNP and The Roman Catholic Propaganda minister in Scotland Peter kearney. More to come though.

Oh and Republican Rose was almost apoplectic swinging her fat arse round and round in her seat.

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They will deflect and ignore ALL Calls to debate Faith Schools.

Salmond and McConnell before him bow to Rome first and Scotland second.

From a financial point of view and in light of todays drastic cost cutting there can be no justification on keeping a two tier education system. That in my view is the angle of attack and not on religious grounds.

Ask the Executive to justify the huge financial costs in building and maintaining new RC schools and desiging shared campuses that pander to the RC's.

The cost of seperate teachers for one school system only and why their Church doesn't contribute towards the Education of their own little bigots.

This is the description they use to justify their existence but in my view they are not a separate "faith" school. They are part of the Christian faith but of a different denomination.Using their argument then we should have separate schools for all the different denominations of Christianity. We should attack them on their position of being a "faith" school and not accept that they are.I would say we should go further and tell tham we have no objection to them having separate schooling as long as it is privately and not publically funded.

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My bird's two nephews go to an integrated school and apparently the protestant kids and the catholic kids have separate R.E. lessons. This kinda defeats the purpose surely?

In my old area mate they went from 4 bigot schools to none iirc. They are all on one campus now and its the best way to get kids together.

My wee boy left nursery today and he actually asked me why 2 of his friends are not going to the same school as him :(

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I was pleased when I heard today's comments, about time.

I remember my arm operation in 2006 and saying I was talking to some older guys about politics and catholic schools - neither were Rangers fans - in the ward and at visiting times my Mum gawped and family friend was there too and said 'I agree' and she was catholic, that done it for me.

My Mum, who's a catholic, said when she was young she couldn't understand why she taken away from her pals and they used to call each other names.

I go to Church, unlike many OO without a drum or Rangers/Celtic fans other than at a christening or a wedding who 'say' they're catholic/protestant, and religion is/should be a choice and shouldn't be forced at school IMO - I don't even think I believe in christenings to be frank. I genuinely enjoyed learning at school at higher RE about whether god was real or not, from a massive Rangers fan.

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Watching this just now, the reaction to the subject of segregated schools was disgusting, those politicians making the noise obvious are not part of the real world.

Its a simple fact when your a kid (most likely) the next nearest High school was your rival, so that mindset is set in place when growing up but when you have the situation that more often than not one school will most likely be non-domination and the other will be Catholic the obvious siding of Rangers and Celtic will take place and is used as a focal point due to the popularity of football as a whole.

I grew up with another 6 or so kids, I was the only Rangers fan the rest were all tims, it was easy those due to the nine in a row years of course. We played football all the time, best mates but then it was that age for High School, they went to the Catholic school and me the non-domination, I could see from my diminishing contact with them a higher level of hatred towards my support of rangers and it all ended up with them sticking with their mates from their school and I stuck with those from mine and the same remains today about 10 years on.

You separate, you allow untruths and hatred to build for the other side, its simple.

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Your starting to see the light.

the bigoted piggy eyed cunt that he is.

Well, don't know about that.

I'll call the things the way I see it, SNP party member I am but I can be objective.

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About time the truth was exposed it takes the Torys of all Parties to deal with an issue that Divides and seperates a whole Country.

I came through this system in Glasgow and, when I went to school I was told those Kafflicks over there hate you and throw stones at ye so you just do the same to them and thats it .

And they did throw stones and I oblidged them back.

I then got rid of my bagage when I joined the Armed Forces and met some realy good English Kafflicks who couldnt understand this crap.Still have them as mates too.

Its the biggest Issue in all this debate and yet up till now they pick on the National Anthem and Rule Britannia as a bodyswerve these people making this bill up as they go realy are out of touch ,and have a look at the Scottish Daily Express where 2 Christian Groups are getting involved with Legal action against this Lot.

Watch Newsnight covering it now.

God save the Queen and Follow Follow

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WE realy are the laughing stock of world politics and this lot are making it up as they go

My mates in England cant believe whats going on up here and they have a right old laugh over this lot .

We had a word for this in the RAF Regt its called. GASH

But there is a seriouse side to it we have to live with this crap.

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