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The Tax Case Situation


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Reading through the topics and post on here as per usual and there was a thread were Chick Young was giving his predictions.In this thread he brought up the tax case saying it has not evaporated in to thin air and he does not understand why Rangers are spending money.He also says this is why he feels Celtic will win the title.I do not care that Chick Young thinks Celtic will win the SPL but it got me thinking why are we rejecting offers for Whittaker, Bougherra ect if we are so desperate for money?Why are we signing players on long contracts?Is this so we can top dollar if we sell?or more likely is Craig Whyte confident that the tax case will go in our favour.I know this has been talked about in the past but your thoughts and any info you guys (and girls)know would be good to hear.

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Chick Yeung seemed extremely confident that we are getting hit with a bill.

Surely he hasn't been talking to the insider of all Rangers knowledge, Fhil Mhak? :shifty:

The club as a whole are confident of winning the case. :rangers:

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There will be deals put in place that we as fans won't know about if we do lose the case.

Whyte would not have bought us if he thought we would lose the tax case and he will also have a back up plan in case we do lose it

Selling our best players and assets for pennies right now would make no financial sense.

We need to be able to make money on the field by getting into the CL etc.

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whyte says we will win so a think he knows more than the bbc

I am of this opinion too, you cannot go back in time to change a law or regulation if it was not illegal in the past then no offense was committed in my opinion time will tell but I think Craig Whyte knows his stuff so here is hoping.

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:lol: :lol:

Chick Young knows nothing.

I'm pretty sure Whyte knows more than anyone about it. Rangers will win it.

But really, we'll be liquidated by Christmas and everyone on this forum will disintegrate by affiliation.

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I am of this opinion too, you cannot go back in time to change a law or regulation if it was not illegal in the past then no offense was committed in my opinion time will tell but I think Craig Whyte knows his stuff so here is hoping.

If it was as straight forward as you and others think, surely it wouldnt be moving into its 5th and 6th week of evidence though.

Thats the bit im concerned about. (tu)

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I am of this opinion too, you cannot go back in time to change a law or regulation if it was not illegal in the past then no offense was committed in my opinion time will tell but I think Craig Whyte knows his stuff so here is hoping.

John Spence was once Chief Executive of Lloyds TSB Scotland now Non-Executive Board member

he had a open book into our club if we had anything to worry about it would already have happend

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We lost the case and have paid it.

It wasnt as much as we thought, Timmy had just been using the Seville calculator when telling us about it.

That was a separate unrelated bill. Hearing starts in November again, moving into its 5th week (tu)

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Why do you think we will lose? Perhaps we will and it will just be a fine of a few quid?


I just think that if it was so clear cut, then the case would have been thrown out already. For it to last into its 6th week, then clearly there is a case against us. Ive dealt with and looked at EBT's before myself and they are a minefield. They are only legal if you operate them legally. The fact we havent yet proved we have lends itself to something being wrong.

You are right though, the amount of the fine is unknown and could be two bob and an tangerine. (tu)

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We won the last 3 titles with the tax case hanging over us, this year will be no different. Scaremongerng pish. Taigs are skint and we are soending millions. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

Spot on mate heard the tims are hitting 36m in debt when new figures come out.

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My old man was asking where their figures were? He said they are long over due.

I'm sure someone on here got a hold of a document that showed the mhopes had had to put up Lennoxtown as a guarantor to the bank for their mounting debts.

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