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I was looking forward to this season starting at the end of last season the championship in the bag the promise of investment in the squad and also the possibility of more attacking football.

But what i have seen so far is far from what i was expecting the signings have been underwhelming at best and the football has been complete and utterly horrific to watch. The team seem to struggle with the basics pass and move and we seem to have limited creativity.

The fact that McGregor continually punts it up the field to Jelavic is doing absolutely nothing for him at all he needs it played to his feet not to his chest. I feel very deflated these days that we have been screaming out for a new striker and a creative player and nothing!

Signings like Bocanegra aren't really lifting my spirits in anyway surely there are better players we could be signing? We employed 2 scouts at the end of last season Bomber Brown and Neil Murray what the hell have they been upto? Other teams can uncover cracking players cheaply why cant we?

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So I take it your one of the 'judge Bedoya in 20 minutes' brigade?

Not at all mate i hope he is a good signing. I just think that the team are playing well and the signings made so far are very underwhelming IMO Surely we could have got a good striker in by now?

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You want to buy a pump?

Only if it works on a tyre for a racer.

It could of been so much better and dont know really why it isnt.

We have made roughly £2.5m from sales which I guess we would already have received most f the money for and plus the supposed £5m.

I think goian has been a cracking buy so far and just hope he doesnt get injured at every slight knock. We got bartley back who unfortunately got injured and have brought in a couple more to back up the defence which we were all crying out for. We have brought ortiz who I havent been overwhelmed with, but the worst part is most of our so called targets have been made public and we have lost these players that wuld of made a difference. We definately need some more talented players and an out and out goal scorer but I dont expect to see more than 1 more signing arriving before the window closes. At best it will be a loan player coming in.

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Not at all mate i hope he is a good signing. I just think that the team are playing well and the signings made so far are very underwhelming IMO Surely we could have got a good striker in by now?

The only signing i have doubts over is Ortiz - Im also really looking forward to McKay. With any joy we will get a striker b4 wednesday.

The team needs time to gel and get stability - no excuses but injuries have been awful so far. I dont think we have been able to play the same back 4 two games in a row...

Any other season, EVERYBODY goes on about how the sign of champions is a team that keeps winning when they are not on form - its just because of all the change and the hype that fans want everything now!

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I think a lot of fans were duped, thinking that Whyte was going to start giving blank cheques to McCoist that was never the case.

He was only ever, clear our debts and tie up the backbone of the squad with longer contracts. Plus open up the opportunity to bring in a few faces on a SPL budget. So far he's delivered on all that.

Our Scouting system wont actually start paying dividends till years to come, it's not a instant success. You need to build up a profile and heavily invest. That takes a while... Clubs like Man Utd, Barcelona, Ajax, Borussia Dortmund etc have had systems in place for years, they know all the market and they pay the benefits for that.

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I'm gutted because out our European performances. That's it.

Domestically? Top of the league and playing like shite. Better days ahead. I'm sure the entire organisation is 'deflated' because of Europe. We'll get over that, the team will gel and we'll get on with winning the league again.

Not exactly the end of the world. But no European football at this stage of the season is a disgrace. Just ourselves to blame. Jela missing sitters, Whittaker mistakes.. Wallace switching off, Boogie wtf? etc. etc.

Experienced players that should have done better. The manager? Needs time and is probably well out of his depth. But that's where we are and of course, we need to back everyone.

Deflated?" Aye... but for me.. just for Europe. Can;t be deflated domestically when we're top. Winning trumps entertaining football every time for me.

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With our injury crisis and getting a new team to gel i must say in the league we have done quite well so far, sitting at the top looking down on the lesser more inferior teams.

big Doreen :) looks good Wallace looks good we know what Bartley has to offer cant see anything but positives.

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Overall, I'm extremely disappointed with our signings so far. Individually, each one may do a job......I think they will prove to be a mix of do a job types and flops. But there is no real quality there.

Last season we signed up Jelavic and Weiss. With the takeover going through I was hoping we'd add some quality of that sort of standard.....perhaps 2 or 3 players......who could genuinly lift the quality of our starting 11.

I don't think one of our signings does that.

Goian looks the best of the bunch, but for me will still struggle to equal Bougherra's influence over his 3 years with us. 2nd rate compared with the likes of Cuellar and Juharez.

Bocanegra I doubt will be better than Weir, even Weir of last season who finished in fantastic form.

Wallace in my view is no better than Papac due to his defensive frailties......personally I'd still have Papac as first choice.

Bedoya is apparently a high energy, box to box player with decent pace......but little quality in possession. Decent squad player.

McKay is apparently a decent passer with a bit of dig, spent all his career in Australia.......decent squad player.

Ortiz........versatile journeyman, lacks pace and doesn't look like someone who will regularly influence games. Decent squad player.

I'm not against bringing some of these guys in to add depth to our squad, but we really needed some genuine quality added, as we did last season with Jelavic and Weiss, and we managed that under much more testing financial circumstances. We did initially seem to be aiming for good quality players in Cuellar, Juharez, Verhoek......and depending on your view Miller and Goodwillie.....but we seem to have abandoned that for players of less quality and in most cases players with average ability who are completely untested in British football. I'm sorry, but I can't help but think of the likes of Paul Le Guen and Tony Mowbray when I look at our list of signings.

I know some people were jump all over posts like these as horrendous, unncessary negativity........personally I just see it as an honest assessment and I'd be delighted to be proved wrong. McCoist is a living legend to me. I have never believed that he's the right man to be our manager, but now that he is I'll back him 100% and cheer on the team as much as any.

But if there's going to be any point in contributing to a fans forum, surely our opinions need to be honest ones ? Surely we should make that honest opinion at the time, and not just always sit and wait until things go wrong ? So that's my opinion, as someone who loves and supports Rangers, I don't think Craig Whyte has given sufficient backing/support to our manager and I don't think we've brought in enough players of a high enough standard.

However........I think the same could be said for Celtic's board. They have brought in two average players on a bosman and a teenager for 900k. So despite our failings during this window, I still think we'll put up a good fight for the title. But that still won't hide the disappointing feeling that Whyte has failed to grasp the chance of pushing us forward after years of struggling to stand still.

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