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22 posts ? And your going on about debt and taxmen ? Get the wicker man built immediately.

Does it matter how many post's i've made big man? no... oh and btw, got to http://rangerstaxcase.com/ obviopusly a paranoid bunch of celik fans, but still.there's something edgy going on at ibrox

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Does it matter how many post's i've made big man? no... oh and btw, got to http://rangerstaxcase.com/ obviopusly a paranoid bunch of celik fans, but still.there's something edgy going on at ibrox

Hahahah, bye bye Dheclan.


Well spotted jimmy. One of Phils alter bhoys doing his advertising for him. If admin had any brains amongst them they would delete the link, the post, the thread and ban this piece of f****n mhuck.


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Well spotted jimmy. One of Phils alter bhoys doing his advertising for him. If admin had any brains amongst them they would delete the link, the post, the thread and ban this piece of f****n mhuck.


He hardly made it difficult with that last one.

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Aye our debt is gone, it's Mr Whytes now haha...but he expected UCL/UEL money to come in. I dunno how with the backing he's gave Ally so far.

In order to achieve European football next season, we need to keep onto our top players...pretty sure the SPL winners go straight into the Group Stages. Wish someone would clarify this because I'm curious myself.

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Whyte didnt pay off all our debt, the tazman was at ibrox not two weeks ago mind, or has something happened since then?

Youth is defo the answer. No more beattie's or healy's or kerkar's in...

the taxman wwas there because of a debt that whyte found and hadn't been dealt with previously. nothing at all to do with our current tax case or debt that was moved to wavetower.

If we get a favorable result in the current tax case then the debt that was moved to wavetower will be waived.

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Does it matter how many post's i've made big man? no... oh and btw, got to http://rangerstaxcase.com/ obviopusly a paranoid bunch of celik fans, but still.there's something edgy going on at ibrox

why in the hell would anyone want to visit that site.... it's made up of total bullshit made up by rabid tarriers

that link should be fkn banned from this forum

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Why is the word f****n now blanked out? <cr>:anguish::(

Probably to do with the BT and the new internet polis that don't want you thinking naughty words, just twatting the Sellick manager in complete silence.

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Probably to do with the BT and the new internet polis that don't want you thinking naughty words, just twatting the Sellick manager in complete silence.

It must have just recently happened, just more proof that these animals are running our country and everything in it.

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