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Sir Alex Ferguson

Al Jolson

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Fergie won a European trophy with Aberdeen.

...and no manager in the history of football other than Sir Fergie himself could ever have achieved this astonishing feat.

sheep shaggers beating real madrid in a euro final ffs. walt disnay material intit.

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Will be interesting to see how Barcelona get on when the stars of their current team do start to get to retirment age, will their academy produce similar quality?

Although Messi's a long way off it!

i am convinced that the barca team that beat man u would be hard pressed to finsih in the top third of the english league because of the physical nature of it. their type of players and tactics just couldnt take the pounding week in week out.

and while fergie gets breaks from euro refs, unlike scottish teams, because of man u's status this rapidly disappears in finals when they meet the same fate with euro refs as we do.

with british style refs fergie would have won a barra load of CL championships. only the germans would have challenged him and, of course, the gers ;)

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i am convinced that the barca team that beat man u would be hard pressed to finsih in the top third of the english league because of the physical nature of it. their type of players and tactics just couldnt take the pounding week in week out.

and while fergie gets breaks from euro refs, unlike scottish teams, because of man u's status this rapidly disappears in finals when they meet the same fate with euro refs as we do.

with british style refs fergie would have won a barra load of CL championships. only the germans would have challenged him and, of course, the gers ;)

If ever there was proof you know fuck all about football, here it is. Do you think nobody tries to kick barca off the park? You have an odd obsession with the physicality of football. Barca would romp to victory in the epl. Look at the gulf in class in both Manchester utd finals

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It's not about 'style of football' or if you 'think' so and so's a better manager than Fergie, it's got to be about achievements because, as fans, we know that's the be all and end all.

For sheer longevity, and his achievements, and to do it with one of the world's leading club over such an extended period is remarkable. Particularly with the pace of change that's happened since he took over. He's had to adapt to a style that's seen the balance of power swing from the club/manager firmly to the player.

In time, though I doubt they will, a Mourinho or a Guardiola may accrue more honours, but there's no doubt it would be done over a spread of Clubs.

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If ever there was proof you know fuck all about football, here it is. Do you think nobody tries to kick barca off the park? You have an odd obsession with the physicality of football. Barca would romp to victory in the epl. Look at the gulf in class in both Manchester utd finals

once again you demonstrate your penchant for personal attack rather than insight.

as a scot i feel that the physical aspect of football is an essential component of the game to prempt the negative elements of the euro style eg. poofter diving . my preference of football style is brazilian with a souness element in midfield.

barca never get kicked off the park in the CL because refs protect them.

barca are a member of the elite, and currently sit at the top of that heap. one of the perks of this is biased refereeing. why, because the powers at be have deigned that perennial CL champions will not be the likes of the Genks and Glentorans. why, because there is no fucking money in it.

whether we like to admit it or not the same perk is given to the old firm in scotland.

furthermore the europeans are scared shitless of the domination of british style football - and they take whatever steps necessary whenever british domination occurs - liverpools dynasty being the prime example.

it is easy to say barca and the european model for the game would romp the epl, however, the fact that fergie has dominated the elite of euro mangers for so many years in the most competitive league on the planet would seem to dispute this notion. and why have so many owners in england opted for so many scottish managers for success than euro counterparts.- because euro style football does not win the fuckin league. it is a world of bartons where messi is the weekly appetizer.

man u lost those finals because fergie is not allowed to play british style football in a CL final. why? because he'd rarely fuckin lose.

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i am convinced that the barca team that beat man u would be hard pressed to finsih in the top third of the english league because of the physical nature of it. their type of players and tactics just couldnt take the pounding week in week out.


Good grief.

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Good grief.

disagreeing with arguments is one thing but to depend on a funny face and a two word comment as so many do on the site is, to say the least, a fuckin waste of time and space.

you disagree with an opinion, fine. but show some gray matter and the have the balls to argue your differences.

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disagreeing with arguments is one thing but to depend on a funny face and a two word comment as so many do on the site is, to say the least, a fuckin waste of time and space.

you disagree with an opinion, fine. but show some gray matter and the have the balls to argue your differences.

Ok, your argument is based on the supposition that they dominate in a league of softies and couldn't hack it in England. This argument works only if we ignore the fact that they have also dominated in the Champions League against the best every league has to offer, including the English.

Further more, Barcelona have dominated in a league full of apparently drastically inferior teams who can't provide the kind of competition the English premier league enjoys. These lesser teams have supplied, for example, two players who are currently strolling the English premier league without even enjoying a bedding-in period. Given that Sergio Aguero, for example, is no Messi and Juan Mata, for another, is no Xavi/Iniesta, and were indeed notably lesser players in the supposedly inferior (easier) Spanish league, I am struggling to understand exactly why Barcelona's players (who have humiliated the best England have to offer remember) would not absolutely destroy every team in England.

Aside from anything else, the idea that the lesser teams in England (ie the proverbial Stoke at the Britannia) who would supposedly provide too much bite and "Britishness" for Barcelona are in some sense defensive titans is uttely risible. In 2010 I saw Jose Mourinho park the bus with the best defense in the world. They still conceded. Twice in fact. Only a refereeing decision stopped Barcelona dumping them out of Europe.

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Ok, your argument is based on the supposition that they dominate in a league of softies and couldn't hack it in England. This argument works only if we ignore the fact that they have also dominated in the Champions League against the best every league has to offer, including the English.

Further more, Barcelona have dominated in a league full of apparently drastically inferior teams who can't provide the kind of competition the English premier league enjoys. These lesser teams have supplied, for example, two players who are currently strolling the English premier league without even enjoying a bedding-in period. Given that Sergio Aguero, for example, is no Messi and Juan Mata, for another, is no Xavi/Iniesta, and were indeed notably lesser players in the supposedly inferior (easier) Spanish league, I am struggling to understand exactly why Barcelona's players (who have humiliated the best England have to offer remember) would not absolutely destroy every team in England.

Aside from anything else, the idea that the lesser teams in England (ie the proverbial Stoke at the Britannia) who would supposedly provide too much bite and "Britishness" for Barcelona are in some sense defensive titans is uttely risible. In 2010 I saw Jose Mourinho park the bus with the best defense in the world. They still conceded. Twice in fact. Only a refereeing decision stopped Barcelona dumping them out of Europe.

now that, jimmy, is more like it, an intelligent argument void of the 'idiot' or 'stupid cunt' or 'pish' or funny face; however, i, of course, disagree.

the short answer to my position is on your own posts ie. the souness tackle.

my view of the euro game is primarily based on the very successful euro players and coaches who have demonstrated over the years that they just cant cut it when transposed to the british football environment.

look at PLG for instance, he is a laughing stalk on this site. if you look at the way the lyon team he managed played against euro competition - they were phenomenal. but his career was over in a very short time because of his inability to deal with the relatively simple task of controlling a traditional british captain.

what foreign manager has dominated the english league like ferguson - none. the chelsea manager - the new euro messiah, was devoured and spit out in the first 20 minutes of the game on the weekend by sir fergie.

and if you look at the quality of arsene's teams over the years they have superceded man u in terms of the beautiful game. but it not enough. his team and the man are like poor PLG - broken entities at this point in time.

wine and yogurt will not supplant fish and chips and beer in Britain. this is why fergie succeeds here and is doomed to failure in europe because the powers at be will not allow the reverse to occur in europe. and when we adapt and dominate - the way liverpool did. the goal posts are moved

look forward to addressing your points later.

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You are stupid though and are not worthy of a response from someone like jamie who knows what they're talking about.

Barcelona finishing mid table in England bwahahaha

once again personal slag necessary because of the absence intellectual competence.

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At least I'm not missing an entire brain though, babes.

I've got the first class honours degree. How about yourself :broadfoot:

i happen to have two degrees from Queens University with first class honours; however, in my experience degrees from university in this day and age mean fuck all when it comes to thinking and presenting arguments.

as your posts would attest to.

i must say, though, your new name for me is quite a departure from the usual 'idiot' or some such uncreative like. i am left to assume that the intellectual abuse i have given over the last while is actually a turn on for you. or am i mistaken, babes, as to regards your sexual deviances?

tell me, (i promise to keep it between you and i), does an evening with lenny with handcuffs and whip tickle your fancy?

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i am convinced that the barca team that beat man u would be hard pressed to finsih in the top third of the english league because of the physical nature of it. their type of players and tactics just couldnt take the pounding week in week out.

and while fergie gets breaks from euro refs, unlike scottish teams, because of man u's status this rapidly disappears in finals when they meet the same fate with euro refs as we do.

with british style refs fergie would have won a barra load of CL championships. only the germans would have challenged him and, of course, the gers ;)


You're a fud.

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i happen to have two degrees from Queens University with first class honours; however, in my experience degrees from university in this day and age mean fuck all when it comes to thinking and presenting arguments.

as your posts would attest to.

i must say, though, your new name for me is quite a departure from the usual 'idiot' or some such uncreative like. i am left to assume that the intellectual abuse i have given over the last while is actually a turn on for you. or am i mistaken, babes, as to regards your sexual deviances?

tell me, (i promise to keep it between you and i), does an evening with lenny with handcuffs and whip tickle your fancy?

The only intellectual abuse going on is that of the RM faithful who have to read the shite you type. 2 degrees? I call bullshit :D

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Ok, your argument is based on the supposition that they dominate in a league of softies and couldn't hack it in England. This argument works only if we ignore the fact that they have also dominated in the Champions League against the best every league has to offer, including the English.

Further more, Barcelona have dominated in a league full of apparently drastically inferior teams who can't provide the kind of competition the English premier league enjoys. These lesser teams have supplied, for example, two players who are currently strolling the English premier league without even enjoying a bedding-in period. Given that Sergio Aguero, for example, is no Messi and Juan Mata, for another, is no Xavi/Iniesta, and were indeed notably lesser players in the supposedly inferior (easier) Spanish league, I am struggling to understand exactly why Barcelona's players (who have humiliated the best England have to offer remember) would not absolutely destroy every team in England.

Aside from anything else, the idea that the lesser teams in England (ie the proverbial Stoke at the Britannia) who would supposedly provide too much bite and "Britishness" for Barcelona are in some sense defensive titans is uttely risible. In 2010 I saw Jose Mourinho park the bus with the best defense in the world. They still conceded. Twice in fact. Only a refereeing decision stopped Barcelona dumping them out of Europe.

it is not necessary to ignore barcas domination of the CL because as i have repeatedly said barca like all euro teams when they play british opposition succeed a great deal of the time because of the diabolical prejudice of euro refs toward the british game. look at what that cunt of a ref let those diving pussy swedes away with against us.

there is no question that some euro players and managers will have success in the british game the law of averages dictates this. however, domination by a euro manager has not transpired regardless of the millions at their disposal.

i still remain inconvinced that the current barca team could take the pounding handed out week in week out by the joey bartons of the epl.

in consideration of your obvious adulation for the barca style of play, i am particularly intrigued and humoured that you have chosen a raking tackle by souness to represent you on your posts rather than slick messi like move and interplay.

dare i say that i think this choice of yours clearly dmonstrates that, at heart, you are a fish and chip man...or should i pass the yogurt, denis?

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The only intellectual abuse going on is that of the RM faithful who have to read the shite you type. 2 degrees? I call bullshit :D

again you should note these psychologically solipsistic tendencies of yours - you dont, thank fuck, speak for everyone on RM. and from what i saw of the reponses regarding your 'euro exit' comments there seems to be a number of RM members whc consider you, like me, the personification of your user name with, of course, the addendum '..of fuckin time'

send me your email and i will forward attachments of my degrees to appease your doubt.

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