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Once Again B. B. C. Scotland Can't Help Themselves


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CB, I get where you are coming from mate. To me, it's admirable that you care so much about the club to care what the Beeb are reporting and that there may be bias. I've witnessed many an incident where they have certainly been less than 'fair'. The recent episode with McCoist and the nifty editing is a prime example.

However, the Beeb are obviously a huge News corporation, who, like all the others depend on viewing figures. The irony of the situation is that if Rangers fans as a whole feel aggrieved at the bias, yet tune in to every news programme looking for something to report, then that in a twisted sort of way is helping them out by bumping up their viewing figures.

Of course, you could argue that we should watch, and report any perceived bias. And not to do so may be irresponsible. However, I think more direct action would be a better way of doing it....by switching off! We've seen how Rangers FC will act on anything that they see as irresponsible journalism, and they will undoubtedly have legal people acting for them. Surely if enough people switch off, and report why they are doing so, then they may change their stance?

Just my two cents worth! (tu)


Whilst I agree that switching off is an option, there are only two TV news outlets for viewers in Scotland - STV and BBC Scotland. STV is advert/viewer driven - the more viewers the more revenue, etc - BBC Scotland is tax-funded and whether I switch off or not I'm paying the bastards wages.

Radio is the same - I choose not to listen to Radio Catholic because of their blatant leanings towards the (b)east end. They are an advertiser-driven commercial station - I pay nothing towards their running costs and indeed avoid like the plague some companies that I recall advertising with them (Phoenix Motors for example....owned by a rabid) and I've never been a fan of Real Radio, so that left BBC Scotland. Well, where do you start with that lot?

All I'm looking for from BBC Scotland is a level playing field.

I don't see that happening any time soon.

Just my dime's worth. :D

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I'm sick of this bollocks.

Who gives a fuck what BBC say or think?

I'm sure you will all, at some time, sing "We are Rangers, Super Rangers, NO ONE LIKES US, WE DON'T CARE....."!

Precisely. We don't care so fuck them all, let's just get busy doing what we do best...winning titles!

The tit-for-tat brigade have outlawed that song, so you need to care, ok?

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Then study.

Go trawling through the years and years of examples on here and elsewhere.

It's not fun reading.

I cant even begin to imagine how i could find an example of what i put above. Surely you could help me out by giving me only one small example where it has happened. (tu)

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Was nothing to do way football, he was jumped for his wallet. Makes me angry

Aye, that's why folk are annoyed. People get mugged all the time, nothing to do with football so why are people always initially so desparate to put a sectarian element on it when the odds are stacked against it.

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Aye, that's why folk are annoyed. People get mugged all the time, nothing to do with football so why are people always initially so desparate to put a sectarian element on it when the odds are stacked against it.

This is the problem i have with this. The police said from the off there was no evidence of anything sectarian.

So who exactly "was desperate" to put a sectarian element on it ?

Confused.com. <cr>

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This is the problem i have with this. The police said from the off there was no evidence of anything sectarian.

So who exactly "was desperate" to put a sectarian element on it ?

Confused.com. <cr>

Well it's not me. I mentioned in a post (maybe two?) that the murderer was an RC - like the victim - but he is clearly also a Celtic fan.

I've yet to hear the word 'Celtic' when he is being discussed on TV. I've heard "went to the same school" and "followed the same team" - but never did they use the name of that team.

(There's that subliminal message again)

Strange.....don't you think?

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Well it's not me. I mentioned in a post (maybe two?) that the murderer was an RC - like the victim - but he is clearly also a Celtic fan.

I've yet to hear the word 'Celtic' when he is being discussed on TV. I've heard "went to the same school" and "followed the same team" - but never did they use the name of that team.

(There's that subliminal message again)

Strange.....don't you think?

Nope i dont. I dont expect everytime someone is murdered in Scotland that the news have to tell us what team they support, unless the incident is related to football.

Thats exactly the type of thing that leads to over-reaction by politicians and the general public.

"Oh look Jessie, that murderer supports Rangers or Celtic. It must be sectarian then eh"

I really, really dont see where you are going with this at all CB. Fighting inequality is something we should all be doing, but fighting it when theres nothing there does more harm than good.

Its like the perenial moaner in work. The person that moans about their seats. The air conditioning. The pens. The phones. The canteen machines. The colour of the walls. The carpets. The chairs. Their colleagues. It gets to a point where you just dont listen to them anymore. However when someone who picks their moans comes up and tells you about an unfair HR policy, you look at it seriously.

Thats my take on it and until you can give me at least one example where the BBC have referred to a non football related murder as a Rangers fan for no real reason, then im afraid I am going to continue to believe that Sellic should never have been mentioned in the article and pictures of them wearing Sellic tops should have not been displayed either in my opinion(another nasty trick of the media against both sides of the OF )

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It is a matter of wonder to me what criteria is used by newspapers to decide when it is relevant to mention which team one of the subjects of that tale supports.

Though I have noticed an alarming tendency for the news departments of many papers in Scotland to follow what gives the impression of being guidelines.

Two recent stories perfectly illustrate my point. The first relates to the tragic death of teenager, Reamonn Gormley, allegedly stabbed to death.

This innocent young man, we were told by the nation's newspapers, had just left a pub where he watched the Aberdeen-Celtic match, and was a Celtic supporter.

Therefore, in a subliminal way, the papers were planting the seed in minds that the alleged murder was sectarian.

Two men have been charged with murder, but at no time in police investigations ahead of their arrests, did they reveal any information the incident was of a sectarian nature.

In fact, it has emerged the alleged motive was robbery.

A few days later Laurence Winters - a criminal with 160 previous convictions stretching back 24 years - was freed at Perth Sherriff Court, leading to Sheriff William Summers expressing his disbelief that a new law in Scotland prevented him sending Winters to jail.

Alongside the story was a picture of a seedy, scruffy looking Winters, wearing an old fashioned Celtic top. But at no point in the story was Winters referred to as a Celtic supporter.

On the other side of the coin, whenever there is a story about the so called Lotto lout, Michael Carroll, there is always a mention in it that he is a Rangers supporter I fail to see how that is relevant.

There are other stories which illustrate this point.

Another came as recently as last Sunday, when the News of the World carried its latest rant against Andy Gray, digging up a claim from a girl in Birmingham about what Gray is alleged to have said to her at an Aston Villa function three years ago.

The Scottish edition of the News of the Word made only one mention of Gray's playing career, saying he is an ex Rangers player.

Strictly speaking that is is true. But in a career which stretched to close on 20 years, Gray turned out for Rangers just 16 times. He actually played more matches - 20 - for Scotland.

And the function he was attending when it is claimed he made the remarks, was an Aston Villa one, for whom he played for a number of years, before spending a similar spell with Wolves, and then moving to Everton, where he enjoyed his best spell.

This is something I have noticed on a number of occasions over a number of years. The message seems to be that anyone who does something good and worthy, or who is a victim, and supports Celtic, should be identified as such.

While anyone who has achieved a degree of notoriety, and who supports Rangers, should be flagged up as such.

If you examine this, then the conclusion must be that there is a subliminal message being trickled out, and it is that Celtic supporters are either good guys or victims, while those who support Rangers are wrong 'uns.

The truth is that there are as many victims and other assorted good 'uns who follow Rangers as who support Celtic.

Of course, there will be the usual rantings and ravings from both sides of the great divide over this view, with predictable attacks on my using the senseless loss of Reamon Gormley to help illustrate this point.

Therefore, let's be clear. What happened to this bright and decent young man was tragic. However, if it had been shown there had been a sectarian nature to the incident, we would surely be hearing plenty from those who may seek to be critical of what I have written.

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So they show a career criminal and a murderer in a celtic top and the subliminal message is celtic fans are good guys ?

The scottish news of the world focuses on the scottish club andy gray palyed for and this surprises you...i would be more surprised that a newspaper that hasn't been printed in months was still running in Scotland...has no one told them to stop....

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Well it's not me. I mentioned in a post (maybe two?) that the murderer was an RC - like the victim - but he is clearly also a Celtic fan.

I've yet to hear the word 'Celtic' when he is being discussed on TV. I've heard "went to the same school" and "followed the same team" - but never did they use the name of that team.

(There's that subliminal message again)

Strange.....don't you think?

Should we have team names mentioned in every murder news report now...it seems important to you ?

I don't watch the scottish news now but is that what they do ? I can't remmeber the last time they said blah blad murdered someone and he was a rangers fan...but you probably keep a far clsoer watch on these things than me.

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It is a matter of wonder to me what criteria is used by newspapers to decide when it is relevant to mention which team one of the subjects of that tale supports.

Though I have noticed an alarming tendency for the news departments of many papers in Scotland to follow what gives the impression of being guidelines.

Two recent stories perfectly illustrate my point. The first relates to the tragic death of teenager, Reamonn Gormley, allegedly stabbed to death.

This innocent young man, we were told by the nation's newspapers, had just left a pub where he watched the Aberdeen-Celtic match, and was a Celtic supporter.

Therefore, in a subliminal way, the papers were planting the seed in minds that the alleged murder was sectarian.

Two men have been charged with murder, but at no time in police investigations ahead of their arrests, did they reveal any information the incident was of a sectarian nature.

In fact, it has emerged the alleged motive was robbery.

A few days later Laurence Winters - a criminal with 160 previous convictions stretching back 24 years - was freed at Perth Sherriff Court, leading to Sheriff William Summers expressing his disbelief that a new law in Scotland prevented him sending Winters to jail.

Alongside the story was a picture of a seedy, scruffy looking Winters, wearing an old fashioned Celtic top. But at no point in the story was Winters referred to as a Celtic supporter.

On the other side of the coin, whenever there is a story about the so called Lotto lout, Michael Carroll, there is always a mention in it that he is a Rangers supporter I fail to see how that is relevant.

There are other stories which illustrate this point.

Another came as recently as last Sunday, when the News of the World carried its latest rant against Andy Gray, digging up a claim from a girl in Birmingham about what Gray is alleged to have said to her at an Aston Villa function three years ago.

The Scottish edition of the News of the Word made only one mention of Gray's playing career, saying he is an ex Rangers player.

Strictly speaking that is is true. But in a career which stretched to close on 20 years, Gray turned out for Rangers just 16 times. He actually played more matches - 20 - for Scotland.

And the function he was attending when it is claimed he made the remarks, was an Aston Villa one, for whom he played for a number of years, before spending a similar spell with Wolves, and then moving to Everton, where he enjoyed his best spell.

This is something I have noticed on a number of occasions over a number of years. The message seems to be that anyone who does something good and worthy, or who is a victim, and supports Celtic, should be identified as such.

While anyone who has achieved a degree of notoriety, and who supports Rangers, should be flagged up as such.

If you examine this, then the conclusion must be that there is a subliminal message being trickled out, and it is that Celtic supporters are either good guys or victims, while those who support Rangers are wrong 'uns.

The truth is that there are as many victims and other assorted good 'uns who follow Rangers as who support Celtic.

Of course, there will be the usual rantings and ravings from both sides of the great divide over this view, with predictable attacks on my using the senseless loss of Reamon Gormley to help illustrate this point.

Therefore, let's be clear. What happened to this bright and decent young man was tragic. However, if it had been shown there had been a sectarian nature to the incident, we would surely be hearing plenty from those who may seek to be critical of what I have written.

What happened to no one likes us, we don't care?

If you are talking about journalists who you don't respect, who you feel are not doing their job correctly, why do you want them to love Rangers FC so much?

Do you really feel that these journalists are responsible for creating some kind of 'sectarian' divide in Scotland? Are they inciting violence between Protestants and Catholics?

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Nope i dont. I dont expect everytime someone is murdered in Scotland that the news have to tell us what team they support, unless the incident is related to football.

Thats exactly the type of thing that leads to over-reaction by politicians and the general public.

"Oh look Jessie, that murderer supports Rangers or Celtic. It must be sectarian then eh"

I really, really dont see where you are going with this at all CB. Fighting inequality is something we should all be doing, but fighting it when theres nothing there does more harm than good.

Its like the perenial moaner in work. The person that moans about their seats. The air conditioning. The pens. The phones. The canteen machines. The colour of the walls. The carpets. The chairs. Their colleagues. It gets to a point where you just dont listen to them anymore. However when someone who picks their moans comes up and tells you about an unfair HR policy, you look at it seriously.

Thats my take on it and until you can give me at least one example where the BBC have referred to a non football related murder as a Rangers fan for no real reason, then im afraid I am going to continue to believe that Sellic should never have been mentioned in the article and pictures of them wearing Sellic tops should have not been displayed either in my opinion(another nasty trick of the media against both sides of the OF )

My point has been missed in its entirety by you WeissMan.

I ask you to do a search of this website (or any other Rangers site) where you will find numerous gratuitous mentions of Rangers by BBC Scotland in various stories and you throw it back at me to provide you with just one.


Do it yourself. Go look.

If you wish to remain unfazed by an ongoing BBC Scotland agenda - all well and good.

Have a nice day.

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Should we have team names mentioned in every murder news report now...it seems important to you ?

I don't watch the scottish news now but is that what they do ? I can't remmeber the last time they said blah blad murdered someone and he was a rangers fan...but you probably keep a far clsoer watch on these things than me.

According to admission this my pet budgie watches the Scottish news more than you, so how come you feel you can add anything to a debate about something you admit to having no up-to-date knowledge of?

Or are you just shit-stirring? :angry:

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According to admission this my pet budgie watches the Scottish news more than you, so how come you feel you can add anything to a debate about something you admit to having no up-to-date knowledge of?

Or are you just shit-stirring? :angry:

Is that what they do on scottish news as i have never seen it happen ? is questioning you now seen as shit stirring.....i don't think it's me that's shit stirring here....

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The Question I think everybody on here is missing why in a season when

neil lennon was qouted as saying he was bringing a war to the SFA and refs because he was "anti establishment"

DR John Reid, Baron Reid of Cardowan, PC British politician, Member of Parliament (MP) cabinet minister most notably as Defence Secretary (2005-06) and then Home Secretary (2006-07) said that Celtic and its supporters i.e Catholics were "2nd class citizens" and "would not sit at the back of the bus"

yeah I know the Irony is lost on him.

In January 2011, the Royal Mail intercepted packages containing bullets addressed to Lennon and Celtic and Northern Ireland players Niall McGinn and Paddy McCourt.[44] In March 2011, a suspect package addressed to him was discovered in a mail depot in Saltcoats.[45]

In March 2011, Lennon and two high-profile fans of Celtic were sent parcel bombs. The device sent to Lennon was intercepted by the Royal Mail at a depot in Kirkintilloch, Scotland whilst the two other devices were delivered, but treated as suspicious packages and were not opened.[46]

The Murder happened on the 1st of Feb

Why was this Murder of man who had no official ties to Celtic allowed to be hijacked by Celtic with the Manager attending the funeral videos played before matches

Why was the Sectarian element never put to bed by an official source or even brought up in the first place in such a powder keg of a season that was last year.

Will Celtic be doing this for every fan that happens to be killed or will they only being doing it for the photogenic unversity ones that they can make capital off if indeed their murder was indeed sectarian

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Police said Reamonn may have been the victim of a botched robbery.

They also said they could not rule out a sectarian motive for the attack.

Initial report

By running with nonsense like this, the media play a HUGE part in stirring up trouble.

IMO, Canadian Bacon's point is that the killer's football-team, or religion, should not be a feature of the story at all; yet the media laid it on thick, completely focusing on the fact this poor boy was a celtic fan, he'd been watching a celtic game, he'd be to Thailand to help the Thai tims.... in fact I can't find a report that doesn't mention his team, to the point where they actually twisted the police statement to drop the 'sectarian' suggestion in.

Before we knew ANY of the details behind the attack, they were infering he was killed BECAUSE he was a celtic fan....yet when it actually turns out the killer was a celtic fan himself, his allegance become an afterthought.

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Is that what they do on scottish news as i have never seen it happen ? is questioning you now seen as shit stirring.....i don't think it's me that's shit stirring here....

Why not take my, and others on here, word for it?

After all, you admit to not watching the Scottish news.

Making points on a thread about the BBC Scottish news when you freely admit to having no knowledge of same could, by many observers, be construed as shit-stirring.

No doubt you'll twist this reply too. :disappointment:

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On a side note; in looking for that piece, I found this thread on kerrydiddiestreet.

My link

There was very little suggestion of this being a sectarian-murder on there, in complete contrast to the 'impartial' media .

1st page


"It's a disgrace that there are still young men still dying in this shampoohole, backward country because they wear a green shirt or scarf."

No matter how much they want to say they are an inclusive club welcome to all we know what that poster is getting at.

P.s how can you be a club open to all surely Protestants cant sit easy supportin Celtic when 50000 are calling you a sad bastard because of your religion and de humanising you by calling you a barbarian all because of your religion?

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Why was this Murder of man who had no official ties to Celtic allowed to be hijacked by Celtic with the Manager attending the funeral videos played before matches

Why was the Sectarian element never put to bed by an official source or even brought up in the first place in such a powder keg of a season that was last year.

Will Celtic be doing this for every fan that happens to be killed or will they only being doing it for the photogenic unversity ones that they can make capital off if indeed their murder was indeed sectarian

No doubt this will be twisted but i would like to think that if a good Bear was out in some South American country voluntarily working with under privileged or handicapped kids and learning them Rangers songs before getting murdered by 2 scumbags that the club would recognise his life and what he was doing and send some sort of representation to his funeral ffs.

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1st page


"It's a disgrace that there are still young men still dying in this shampoohole, backward country because they wear a green shirt or scarf."

No matter how much they want to say they are an inclusive club welcome to all we know what that poster is getting at.

P.s how can you be a club open to all surely Protestants cant sit easy supportin Celtic when 50000 are calling you a sad bastard because of your religion and de humanising you by calling you a barbarian all because of your religion?

Yes, he's suggesting he was killed because of his team, and was corrected.

Two days before the Sun made it's own 'sectarian' suggestion.

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The BBC and STV used the same picture of Daryn Maxwell.

Their was no editing of the picture. It is low quality, no more no less.

Watch the news from the BBC and STV.

BBC Evening News 10.10.2011 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b015tskr/Reporting_Scotland_10_10_2011/

STV Evening News 10.10.2011 - http://player.stv.tv/programmes/news-at-six-glasgow-west/2011-10-10-1800/

Is it really that important that The BritishBullshitCompany did not mention that the murderer Daryn Maxwell was a celtic supporter?

The news was highlighting the total contrast in the lives of young men of similar ages, who attended the same school and supported the same team but who's lives were taking completely different paths.

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Why not take my, and others on here, word for it?

After all, you admit to not watching the Scottish news.

Making points on a thread about the BBC Scottish news when you freely admit to having no knowledge of same could, by many observers, be construed as shit-stirring.

No doubt you'll twist this reply too. :disappointment:

I don't need to twist it, the fact you won't answer my question says it all.... :disappointment:

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