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Sectarianism - Facts before Fiction


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Your frustration is entirely normal, but every organisation has adherents who won't, can't, or don't have the ability to do the things that others do. Rangers fans would be hard to unite, especially when there are a few representative bodies, some of whom don't co=operate, might have mutual suspicion, or just plain don't like or trust one another.

I personally think if Rangers fans groups were more united that would help with the kind of problems you rightly suggest exists. The Zeitgiest is against Rangers, especially in Scotland when there is a move towards independence by many powerful forces in Scottish society.

Against the backdrop you rightly portray, it is important that those fans groups articulate the case of Rangers properly- Rangers themselves should be doing that anyway and I detect with the new regime that is happening; but the fans groups, as well, have a responsibility to be articulate and put the matters that frustrate Rangers fans as articulate as they can.

This i feel is not even up for debate it simply has to happen. I have been over the issues and i think everyone knows where the major problem is and it baffles me why more people aren't at least asking questions as to why there is no attempt at unity?

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The biggest frustration i and many others have is when you see fans just not caring about things that directly affect the club or the fans or our image. I am realistic enough to know that many simply have no interest in the politics side of things and i have to accept that. However the biggest frustration for me is knowing that there are so many fans and groups who do recognise the many enemies we face and yet will not group together and defeat them WITH EASE.

I have always maintained that if we can take around 250,000 fans to Manchester. Another 35,000 inside Ibrox and countless tens of thousands in pubs and clubs all over Scotland and indeed all over the world then just what would we achieve with unity.

And thanks for the post but i feel it's always fair and proper not to take credit for things we have not done.

Perhaps they will begin to care when the consequences of such apathy start to affect them directly although I truly believe Ad that the sleeping dragon which, as you point out is the vast Rangers support, is now awakening.

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This i feel is not even up for debate it simply has to happen. I have been over the issues and i think everyone knows where the major problem is and it baffles me why more people aren't at least asking questions as to why there is no attempt at unity?

If it helps to articulate the points better, certainly to the standard that the OP has, then the fans groups, in particular, have a responsibility to unite and point one coherent voice to these matters. You are clearly right when you state it 'is not even up for debate' for them to do so.

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Imagine referencing Prof' Steve Bruce who has compiled statistics on sectarianism for over 20 years and has concluded, it's not a problem in Scotland. Why don't the Scottish Parliament, BBC Scotland, and the SNP listen to the voice of reason?

No, no, it's far easier to wind up rent a mouth, he who appears at the opening of a fridge door, and who plays the vicTIM card at every turn, Prof' Tom Devine. Tom says what they want to hear.

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That last part with statistics is pretty much everything that's wrong with this country nowadays. The governments priorities are a fucking shambles.

Only in Scotland can singing an "offensive" song land you in jail for longer than being convicted of paedophilia and, speaking from personal experience of someone I know, longer than pulling a blade out and slashing fuck out of someone carrying a baby. :anguish:

Never been this disillusioned with life in this country.

Hey - be found guilty in a Court of Law in this country of being involved in a plot which brought down a Pan Am plane on Lockerbie killing hundreds of innocent US and British citizens and yet have your sentence commuted, apparently because you're on your last legs, and get sent to your home country (at our expense) yet you're still living and breathing two years later - by this same shower of SNP reprobates who would jail you for decrying an illegal terror organisation that has killed thousands of innocent British citizens.

Salmond and his crew are a shower of despicable terrorist-loving apologist devious bastards. :angry:

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I put some info on the violence thread in the Debating Chamber with regards to the real problem in this sick little Country of ours.

The real scourge .Poverty,Inequality, leading to Alcohol and Dug's emanating in Violent Crime and Abuse.

These are the real issues in life .Not some naughty songs sung by Football Fans.

Honest article with valid points. They will never listen to it.

The only answer is to vote these socialites out .

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Hey - be found guilty in a Court of Law in this country of being involved in a plot which brought down a Pan Am plane on Lockerbie killing hundreds of innocent US and British citizens and yet have your sentence commuted, apparently because you're on your last legs, and get sent to your home country (at our expense) yet you're still living and breathing two years later - by this same shower of SNP reprobates who would jail you for decrying an illegal terror organisation that has killed thousands of innocent British citizens.

Salmond and his crew are a shower of despicable terrorist-loving apologist devious bastards. :angry:

The less said about the Lockerbie bomber the better. Yet another example of our embarrassing approach to "human rights" that only seem to apply to foreigners in this country :angry:

Anyone suggest a country for me to fuck off too :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

D'a; I don't back the bigotry bill much at all but we are trying as a government here in Scotland to address our drinking with minimum pricing and other ideas/laws? Why not acknowledge this, with respect?

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Great article d'art.

Frightening how much tunnel vision those who we have elected to represent us are showing on this issue.

Sadly the Scottish electoral is reaping what it has sown byb refusing to consider voting conservative and seeing the snp as the only alternative to labout

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