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Are they the most pathetic supporters in world football?


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Evening from China guys. I have been meaning to come on and introduce myself for a while now, but i will get round to that in a few days. I have a question however, and it is serious..are septics support now retarded , i mean regarded, as the most immature and pathetic fans in the world? I am basing this on one particular aspect, that is , the fact that they take time out of their day digging around in bins to actually join up to the forums of their bitter and more successful rivals. Now , don't get me wrong , i do nip onto their sites from time to time to see what is being said, but to actually join up and register etc just shows a level of patheticness ( or maybe it's a secret love) which i think goes unsurpassed in world football. I have plenty of mates who are not Rangers fans and they mention how they do it on their forums, too. Even tonight i see they are on ....big d and broxibear80 being the 2 obvious ones , especially big d as he mentioned it on celtic chat ( which amazingly has a whole section on us, god how they love us) Maybe it's because they are all below the puberty line both mentally and physically, i don't know. Anyhooo, i was just wondering if anyone can give me a reason for this, btw, my sis-in-law is one of them , but a decent one, and she cringes when she hears of this.

Cheers guys. No surrender!

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Evening from China guys. I have been meaning to come on and introduce myself for a while now, but i will get round to that in a few days. I have a question however, and it is serious..are septics support now retarded , i mean regarded, as the most immature and pathetic fans in the world? I am basing this on one particular aspect, that is , the fact that they take time out of their day digging around in bins to actually join up to the forums of their bitter and more successful rivals. Now , don't get me wrong , i do nip onto their sites from time to time to see what is being said, but to actually join up and register etc just shows a level of patheticness ( or maybe it's a secret love) which i think goes unsurpassed in world football. I have plenty of mates who are not Rangers fans and they mention how they do it on their forums, too. Even tonight i see they are on ....big d and broxibear80 being the 2 obvious ones , especially big d as he mentioned it on celtic chat ( which amazingly has a whole section on us, god how they love us) Maybe it's because they are all below the puberty line both mentally and physically, i don't know. Anyhooo, i was just wondering if anyone can give me a reason for this, btw, my sis-in-law is one of them , but a decent one, and she cringes when she hears of this.

Cheers guys. No surrender!

Could you do us some chicken and sweetcorn soup mate?

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They are like the swatty wee geek in school, who tries so hard to be liked by everyone, but is universally hated.

The one who always clipes to the teacher and ends up getting a kicking in the playground.

Pity poor timmy.

Spot on there, in fact when i meet one abroad, which is hardly ever ( 3 in 5 years travelling) i call them a David Brent...so just as you say, try so hard to be loved but are just looked upon as sad and pathetic. Two of these guys hated that name, so for me that's reason enough to call them that from now on.

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They are like the swatty wee geek in school, who tries so hard to be liked by everyone, but is universally hated.

The one who always clipes to the teacher and ends up getting a kicking in the playground.

Pity poor timmy.

No they're not.

That requires a level of Intelligence.

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I HATE them!! Stared work at 4pm and so far have been subjected to the most ill informed nonsense!!

"when rangers go bust, will u support celtic"

"the daily record stuff its sooo bad, all the information is all right" craig whyte this, craig whyte that"

I'm going 2 punch them one by one!!!

Rant over!!! ?

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Got a Chinese last night, got in the car, heard the bag rustle, looked over and saw a pair of eyes looking out of the top of the bag at me and dissapear again, shit myself and banged on the brakes ran back in the shop wi the bag. terrified, I asked the Chinese guy "WTF?" he said "You no wolly, it Peking duck"!!

as for your question,,, Yes

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