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VB statement on the recent attacks on our club and Chairman


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Great post and fully support it, except I just can't help myself hurling abuse at the vhermin scum. Is there a support group like anti scum annonymus I could attend??!!

All kidding aside, leave no stone unturned to OUT these evil hate filled vhermin!


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Whyte has had ample time to explain himself to the minority shareholders and has chosen not to do so. The case of the publication of unaudited accounts has gone from 'by the end of the year' to 'January the 31st or thereabouts' and has now become 'once the tax case is resolved'.

A call for unity is all well and good......but when the terms are being dictated by one particular group, no matter who it is, it will never work, not least of all when the other main supporter's groups are being attacked for the stance they have taken.

with tegards to the accounts casey whyte has always said he wanted the tax case finished before the end of 2011, perhaps the continuation of the cxase and the postponing of the accounts are linked (tu)

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I will get right behind the team, McCoist and his staff, but I won't blindly give my unwavering support to Whyte while there is such uncertainty hanging over us. I won't 'attack' him either, I just want some clarity. I want answers that go beyond 'not true'.

"Whyte states that the specific allegations of the £24M being used to buy the club or clear Lloyds debt are untrue he HAS to be trusted to his word.!"

£24m is an enormous amount of money. Whyte has said that the facility we used in relation to season tickets is 'the norm', both in terms of Rangers previous regime and other football clubs........but to such a high level ? I've struggled to find the time to keep up with the detail of this story, but I think I saw Johnston quoted as saying the previous board used the facility for a level of around £5m......I can get my head around that. I can't get my heard around what the need for £24m was when Whyte used his own finance to take on the Lloyds debt, provide us with working capital (I may be wrong but I think he was quoted as saying this would be up to around £10m), stated in writing that he would personally invest £5m per year into the club and our net spend for transfers since he arrived is sitting in the black. Take all that into account........and what the hell was the need for the £24m ?!

I'm sorry, but his rather vague answer to this issue so far has not been enough to put my mind at ease. We really need a more satisfactory answer to the £24m question, and I would rather that instead of waiting until another tabloid pins his back to the wall, or waiting until he's forced into holding an AGM, that he came out sooner rather than later, on his own terms, and told us with as much clarity as reasonably possible the purpose and need for the £24m.

Thats less than the remaining outstanding 7 million that was due to be payed right after the takeover. Hes full of shit.

They're caught out mate. They were going allow the tax issue to engulf and destroy our club so they could pick us up on the cheap.

Make no bones about it guys: the old board had no plans to apeal against HMRC.

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Good article, but every fan needs to think things through and come to their own conclusions. I am not in the anti Whyte camp, but think there are explanations required about a few things. This will come in time when we do have our AGM. We should survive unless the tax decision is very bad.

Just need to sit tight and let CW do his thing for now. My gut says we will have a happy May.

I dont think anyone can have a clear handle on things until the tax case is concluded, or, at least a decision is reached. Until then, we have a huge unknown quantity, completely unknown. Thats the worst part. I have never been one who supports a chairman, i support a club. Right now, out of all these so called uber rich fans, nobody, but nobody was willing to try and help us. Not one! Apart from Whyte. So, While an unknown quantity, and, during a seriously difficult time, I fail to see how he can be anything other than at the very least respected for actually trying to fix things. Thats where I come from on this personally

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It's substantially a very good article and a welcome addition to the debate. (tu)

The manoeuvring for position by several supposed "Rangers" men is disappointing at a time when they should be working towards unity; history will not judge them kindly.

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Mate, he's a piece of shite, not worth responding to.

I might hold similar opinions, however, unlike him, I feel it is polite to reply to questions.

Have to say, if that was me "attacking" him, then, wow, I must have lost my touch. A little token sarcasm perhaps, but, thats about it

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<cr> An overdraft is short term debt. And has been replaced by another type of short term debt. I can't understand your point.

Level interet on overdraft...level of interest on ticketus......you would expect them to be similar, I wouldn't .

Ticketus are a short term solution used by the old board for a few months.....3years is a long time

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Whyte has had ample time to explain himself to the minority shareholders and has chosen not to do so. The case of the publication of unaudited accounts has gone from 'by the end of the year' to 'January the 31st or thereabouts' and has now become 'once the tax case is resolved'.

A call for unity is all well and good......but when the terms are being dictated by one particular group, no matter who it is, it will never work, not least of all when the other main supporter's groups are being attacked for the stance they have taken.

An unhelpful, misdirected protest and a way to try and generate extra income? The latter is on a par with ambulance chasing!

Have you ever considered that perhaps, as this tax case is in progress, there are financials that cant be published, and, information that must remain private until the outcome?

"dictated terms"? you mean, stand up and support your club? shit, which bastards thought that was a good idea and that Rangers fans might do that?

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Sorry, i agree fans should stick together, but like someone else said above, it comes across as paranoid pish, like a 15 year old wrote it.

Blind faith is great, but to blame everyone from the bheasts to old board, but not Whyte is tremendously niave. You tell fans not to infight but slag off fans who have decided not to trust Whyte? Don't you see the hypocrisy?

Whyte's inability to be straight forward with answers has not done him any favours has it? He said he pumped 25 million in off his own wealth, and he HAS confirmed that he has borrowed on 4 years of season ticket sales with Ticketus for another 24 million. If true, then the Lloyds debt should be gone from Rangers with his initial 25m, leaving the ticketus money, Jelavic money, Adams % fee from Liverpool move, all safe to keep the club running and should have got us a striker (at least).

He made assets out of McGreg, Whit and Davis claiming this took up a hefty part of his proposed transfer money, making fools of the fans thinking we'd have all that money for NEW transfers.

I do agree that the old board have enjoyed creating waves and should shut their mouths as they have feck all to do with us anymore, and they have contributed far worse to our problems than Whyte ever could. No dignity at all, and they should be ashamed with themselves. BUT, although they appear to exaggerate at leasure with the facts, they did say from the start that Whyte wasn't clear on how he'd finance the club and seem to be right with that.

To say that this is all a vandetta is insanely paranoid. To tell loyal fans that they should just sit back and trust this man, who only addressed SOME matters after our RST had to publically call him out, is really unfair. He seems to only speak out when worried that we might not buy season tickets for next year, and even then he hasn't been clear with his answers. If he wants all the cash to prepare for HRMC, then I'd be only too happy to accept this and I'd be happy that someone at last is being sensible with the clubs finances. This would make sense for why he hid the last 6 months accounts from HRMC, in case it makes it easier for them to decide what financial penalty to give us should we lose. e.g We produce accounts saying we are in a healthier position than publicised, HRMC have a field day and take it all of us. This way they haven't a clue, just like the rest of us. Again, this would make sense imo... but he hasn't said this!

McCoist should be shot for some of the duds we've taken in though... and for our early Euro exits... he's making ginger baws looking good with the shite he's brought in. I wouldn't give super one more penny in all fairness.

rant over.

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:lol: Unity...... but not with the RST, FF, the Assembly, RM...............

We asked all to get involved in every BBC protest and it wasn't until the last one they even mentioned it and allowed their members to make up their own minds.

We've shown we're prepared to put aside differences for the greater good so we're perfectly placed to speak about Unity.

EDIT: Apologies to RM who have have supported everyone, only noticed that once I posted!

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Level interet on overdraft...level of interest on ticketus......you would expect them to be similar, I wouldn't .

Ticketus are a short term solution used by the old board for a few months.....3years is a long time

Which part of "previous avenues of funding are not available to the club at present" dont you understand?

We dont HAVE the overdraft option at the moment doh

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Level interet on overdraft...level of interest on ticketus......you would expect them to be similar, I wouldn't .

Ticketus are a short term solution used by the old board for a few months.....3years is a long time

And in an ideal world we would have retained the £15m overdraft facility. Let me know which bank would be willing to give us such a facility! And if you can't, let me know how else you would have funded the £15m! :rolleyes:

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Outlaw, it would appear you are arguing on two fronts, the perpetually pessimistic lobby of which casey belongs to, and the other snider. You're wasting your time. Casey (no offence) would grumble if he won the euro-millions but had to share it with 2 others , and the other one is, well, we both know.

Whilst you were doing that, I managed to find the "donate" option on the VB site though. (tu)

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