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Murray - Only made one mistake


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http://www.<No links to this website>/2012/03/11/rangers-in-crisis-sir-david-murray-says-selling-club-to-craig-whyte-was-his-only-mistake-at-ibrox-86908-23783428/

FORMER Rangers owner Sir David Murray yesterday described his decision to sell the club to Craig Whyte as his “one mistake”.

He said he had been duped into doing a deal with disgraced Whyte and claimed he had no idea that the businessman had previously been banned from being a director of a company.

But critics have said Murray should have been aware of Whyte’s murky past before selling him the club for £1.

Since Rangers crashed into administration, many fans have blamed Murray for their club’s plight – and not just for handing control to Whyte last May.

The steel tycoon once famously promised to spend a tenner for every £5 spent by Celtic, but now his financial management of the club during his time in charge is in the spotlight.

Murray said yesterday: “Everyone forgets the good times.

“But the one mistake I made is I sold Rangers to somebody who was, unfortunately, untrustworthy.

“There’s no system, it’s self-policing. If someone is struck off as a director, it’s their duty to tell you. So if he doesn’t tell us and he doesn’t even tell the SFA or the bank, then we’re not magicians. We’re not mind-readers.”

Whyte was disqualified from running a company for seven years in 2000.

After paying £1 to take control at Ibrox, he wiped out an £18million debt owed to Lloyds Banking Group – but later admitted finding the money by selling four years’ future season ticket sales to London firm Ticketus for £24.4million.

craig whyte monaco Image 1

The SPL champions were forced to call in administrators last month when it emerged that HMRC were owed more than £9million in unpaid tax since Whyte took over.

Last week, administrators Duff and Phelps said Whyte didn’t put a penny of his own cash into Ibrox.

Murray has said privately that he had no idea that Whyte used the Ticketus cash to fund his takeover.

An independent probe by Lord William Nimmo Smith found that Whyte’s failure to disclose he was banned from being a company director breached SFA rules.

A source close to Murray said: “The main thing was that the club had been for sale for four years and no one had come forward. Then Whyte comes forward.

“Murray asked for proof of funds and Whyte gave it. The money was in the bank – no one knew where it came from.”

But fans say Murray’s use of a controversial Employee Benefit Trust has been the major catalyst for the crisis at Ibrox.

The trust, through which players received tax-free cash in an offshore account, led to an investigation by the taxman, which is ongoing.

Meanwhile, Murray has told friends he believes the club will be sold to an outsider and not the Blue Knights consortium being headed by former director Paul Murray.

The source said: “He thinks it’ll be an outsider who’ll buy it and that’s probably for the best.”

School should give Whyte the boot

Craig Whyte’s former headmaster has urged his old school to remove mention of the shamed Rangers owner from their website.

John Duff was rector at Kelvinside Academy in Glasgow when Whyte was a pupil from 1985 to 1987.

A story on the school’s website hails Whyte’s takeover of Rangers – but since it was published the businessman’s carefully constructed image has been destroyed.

Duff said: “I wouldn’t regard him as one of ours to shout about. I would be keen to see it removed.”

What an utter wanker, am almost lost for words at his blinkered view and total failure to take almost any form of responsibility for the mess he left us in... "he only made one mistake" during his time at Rangers and for that he was "duped" by Craig Whyte. No mention of remorse for his complete failure to do any form of due diligence on the man he sold the club down the river for a quid...

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People are far too quick to forget the good things. How many were complaining when Murray was signing some of the best in Europe?

Its true that in retrospect he has made an arse of a number of things and is one of the main reasons why we are where we are. I still do believe though he like all of the rest of us chased a dream of becoming one of the European big guns. Whyte on the other hand is just a wanker.

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So he promised to only sell to someone who could take the club forward and had the clubs best interests at heart? Was he just relying on Craig Whytes word the he was trustworthy. How about during CW's due diligence of the club, your perform due diligence on him. Fuckin bawbag!

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People are far too quick to forget the good things. How many were complaining when Murray was signing some of the best in Europe?

Its true that in retrospect he has made an arse of a number of things and is one of the main reasons why we are where we are. I still do believe though he like all of the rest of us chased a dream of becoming one of the European big guns. Whyte on the other hand is just a wanker.

He chased a dream using the banks money.

Its like me borrowing £1m & buying 1m lotto tickets to try and win £40m in the Euro lottery, failing & then trying to work out how to pay it back!

Any business man with any real savvy would not have did what he did.

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Murray lost a lot of money to Rangers and overspent

He made some bad decisions and some good

Ultimately he got us into shit loads of debt and may have screwed the tax man

Anyone who thinks we would be the same as we are now under Murray needs to wake up

We were in debt under Murray

We are in crisis and on the brink because of Whyte

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He chased a dream using the banks money.

Its like me borrowing £1m & buying 1m lotto tickets to try and win £40m in the Euro lottery, failing & then trying to work out how to pay it back!

Any business man with any real savvy would not have did what he did.

The guy built up a networth of over £700 million and only lost a large portion of it due to the recession. To say he has no real business savvy is a silly statement.

To compare trying to make an instiitution like Rangers the biggest club in Europe to buying lottery tickets for personal gain tells me all I need to know to be honest.

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The guy built up a networth of over £700 million and only lost a large portion of it due to the recession. To say he has no real business savvy is a silly statement.

To compare trying to make an instiitution like Rangers the biggest club in Europe to buying lottery tickets for personal gain tells me all I need to know to be honest.

If I had his supposed personal wealth Rangers would not be in the mess its in right now.

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Murray knew what he was doing and knew all about Whyte , but the clock was ticking and he knew he had to get out , at any cost .

The guy is a compulsive liar and has proved it many times over the years .

Hopefully its jail him and Whyte end up in ............

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If I had his supposed personal wealth Rangers would not be in the mess its in right now.

He lost 3/4 of his wealth due the economic problems. He had over £700 million at one time. He ploughed £100 million of his own money into Rangers. Something Whyte certainly wouldn't do.

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well he used to say the club deck was a mistake. ebt's I guess we will see about.

in truth if we win the big tax case he did pretty well. huge debts after advocatt but wiped those and appointed eck to keep us successful. then backed Walter and ran up debts but ultimately sold the club to whyte with only 20 million or so of debt and 3 in a row only 2 games away.

his legacy will all hinge on the ebts.

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He lost 3/4 of his wealth due the economic problems. He had over £700 million at one time. He ploughed £100 million of his own money into Rangers. Something Whyte certainly wouldn't do.

Not disagreeing with this, but to deny murray didnt gamble with our very existance is niave in the extreme.

I re-iterate, if I had 1/4 of £700m Rangers would not be in this mess. And I'm sure many many fans feel the same.

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He lost 3/4 of his wealth due the economic problems. He had over £700 million at one time. He ploughed £100 million of his own money into Rangers. Something Whyte certainly wouldn't do.

100million of his own money, i think most would have called MIH money, if MIH goes tits up Murray doesnt pay anything out of whatever personal fortune he has

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Selling to Whyte was a mistake that has seen HMRC putting us into administration, however, the EBT'S which he used for years is another which he seems to conveniently forget

If the FTT goes against us it could ultimately lead to liquidation does he not have an opinion on that except for his "tax advisors are confident we will win this" from previous interviews?

Does he not connect the ongoing tax cast and potential £50 mill tax liability for the reason there was no others willing to buy the club?

I only hope his advisors are correct and as for this article, spin at it's best (or worst dependant on your point of view) with a you will get your interview on the understanding that ETB's are not discussed. Not the fourth estates finest hour.

People will remember the good , but also the price we are now paying for them now when forming a view on SDM's time as castodian of our club.

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