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D&P Speak Out


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Statement kind of read out on Clyde there, assuming will be live on the website soon.

Essentially they (TBK) have plenty of opportunities to lodge the best bid...

Only £2 Million up front from TBK.

They work in the best interests of the creditors and are legally bound to do the best for these creditors.

Best bid that is deliverable and the best bid over Liquidation...

For the avoidance of doubt statements by Kennedy and Murray at todays conference essentially weren't true.

Tweet RANGERS administrators Duff and Phelps have released the following statement.

David Whitehouse, joint administrator, said: "The most important information today for Rangers supporters is that discussions with two bidding parties are at a very advanced stage and we hope to reach agreement with one at the earliest opportunity.

"We have noted today the publication of reasons for the findings of the SFA's judicial panel.

"We welcome the fact that the panel described the witnesses who appeared on behalf of the Club at the hearing as credible and reliable but as stated previously we were very disappointed that the panel did not differentiate sufficiently between the actions of the Club compared with the actions of individuals. We look forward to the appeal being heard next week.

"It is most unusual for us to comment publicly on individual bids but due to the allegations made by Mr Kennedy and Mr Murray today with the regard to our conduct as administrators we feel compelled to reveal important facts in relation to the various Blue Knights attempts to buy the Club.

"For the avoidance of doubt some of the comments made at today's press conference were grossly misleading.

"First I would state unequivocally, that every opportunity was afforded to these parties.

"The fundamental reason we could not proceed with the Blue Knights/Ticketus combination was that we were advised there was not agreement within the consortium in relation to the funding of their bid.

"Throughout the process Mr Kennedy told us repeatedly he would be the 'last man standing'. As Mr Kennedy today made a virtue of explaining publicly details of his bid we are in a position to comment on those remarks. Of the £5.5 million cash on 'day one' figure Mr Kennedy quoted, £3.5 million of that would be provided by us in any case from the Club's debtors.

"The bid structure also factors in performance in Europe, and reaching the later stages of the UEFA Champions League which cannot be achieved next season for example.

"We therefore find it extraordinary and very disappointing that Mr Kennedy in particular should assert that the amount being offered is irrelevant. Time and again he and others have been afforded the opportunity to become the best bid in play and it has not happened. We have a statutory duty to accept the best bid that is deliverable.

"The bid should also be commercially better than the liquidation of the business. Mr Miller's bid was deliverable but he chose not to proceed. We firmly believe the best interests of the Club would be served by all involved in the process respecting the bidding process."

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Statement kind of read out on Clyde there, assuming will be live on the website soon.

Essentially they (TBK) have plenty of opportunities to lodge the best bid...

Only £2 Million up front from TBK.

They work in the best interests of the creditors and are legally bound to do the best for these creditors.

Best bid that is deliverable and the best bid over Liquidation...

For the avoidance of doubt statements by Kennedy and Murray at todays conference essentially weren't true.

As expected, fair response stating what their obligations are, and so many people seem to be forgetting,

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Thats right many seem to think they are working for Rangers, but they are not they are working for the creditors and are basically their to keep us afloat while they try and recoup as much money as possible for the creditors!

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Which is what so many posters on here seem to miss...legally bound to take the best bid for the creditors.

It's not hard to understand.

Exactly! So simple yet people ignore it. Glad it's not just me that realised that (tu)

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£2 million TBK

£3.5 million Rangers Debtors

£5.5 mil total...

I don't see how people can think that could even be close to being accepted.

By the time they take off admins fee there will be fuck all left for creditors

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By the time they take off admins fee there will be fuck all left for creditors

Not hard to see why they can't accept the deal.

It's all well and good saying we've met the bidding amount...

X over so many years

X up front

X after this

X after that

Completely comical.

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At least this will probably mean the end of TBK and Kennedy for good.

After now knowing what they have offered, and their constant playing to the media, trying to get fan onside, proves to me that they were in it for a quick buck. What a waste of time

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All those protesting really need to understand this bid was just nowhere near enough to save this club. Words are easy and cheap, action is a different ball game.

These guys are not just made up administrators, they obviously know far more about the process than all the bidders and l to make false claims that could lead to them in front of a judge.

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Aye but that kennedy speaks well , just like souness , and souness and walter would be involved. Fact is 2 million with conditions is a fucking farce of a bid so goodbye the failed knights

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After now knowing what they have offered, and their constant playing to the media, trying to get fan onside, proves to me that they were in it for a quick buck. What a waste of time

Sadly some of the more gullible supporters have been led down the garden path and we'll be seeing more protests etc no doubt.

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