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In defence of D & P

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its whyte and his fanbhoys all over again.

good luck to you.


Fanbhoys?….Nope just people with sensible heads on who will await real evidence before running about with pitch forks to force out court appointed administrators.

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Fanbhoys?….Nope just people with sensible heads on who will await real evidence before running about with pitch forks to force out court appointed administrators.

Thank you; you have stated that in very clear terms that should not go over the heads of anyone.

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.. but if your a betting man lets have £20 to the RFFF fighting fund (or Malawi appeal or where ever) I say they will still be here to exit administration (either by CVA or Newco) and I will pay up if they are replaced ?

What about the poor Gabonese?

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CW was given the right to appoint his own administrators!

OH FFS - its this type of mis-information that does no one any good - Administrators are appointed by the court - it is NOT unusual at all for said administartors to have been working with the company in the lead up to that decison (It usually makes the whole administration thing go smoother) - BUT they are appointed to and report to the court

- oh and HMRC had NO OBJECTIONS to them being appointed - they were looking at another irm but were happy enough that a reputable firm like D&P were to be appointed.

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I've read many of the posts here, and I understand the arguments put in defence of D & P and those in opposition. It will be some considerable time before the truth is eventually known, and I suspect a few law suits later!

What is clear is that there is a very significant perception of a conflict of interest - even if it is subsequently proven that there is no actual conflict of interest.

That perception has been there all along - indeed, since the appointment of D & P,and the alleged links with Whyte (through Grier) were first reported. That is why many fans, ex- Directors and bidders have been dubious about D & P's impartiality all along.

Whether the allegations are true or not is, in my humble opinion, almost irrelevant now as I consider D & P's position to be untenable. I simply can't see how they can continue to operate as 'normal' and have the trust of all the interested parties, including the fans.

I don't believe that Daly has done anyone a favour with his documentary, and no one wishes to see us change administration 'horses' mid - stream, but I'm not sure that D & P can continue now. Like it or not they are tainted with the Whyte link.

As a Gers fan what really angers me is that we must sit on the sidelines and watch this unwholesome saga unfold before our eyes, whilst or club remains under serious threat of liquidation.

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You are saying that D&P are up to something illegal........you should take this information you have to the police immediately and also furnish the court with your proof.

That would be the action of a good bear if they had anything they claim as fact, take the evidence you have as you'll be doing the club great justice. If bears have facts to claims of this nature they would do this instead of talk it over on a forum claiming all the sundry in such a manner.

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this place is as predictable as it is depressing.

the sad thing is some of you are bright enough to know better but can't help yourselves.

GS, everything you say could end up being right. What concerns me is if you are implying guilt on anyone based on that programme last night.

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What about the poor Gabonese?

If Gunslinger is bold enough to take the bet on - he can pick any damm charity he wants - fk he can pick the amount he wants as well ! But will he back up his rhetoric with cash ?

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this place is as predictable as it is depressing.

the sad thing is some of you are bright enough to know better but can't help yourselves.

Are you now saying that you're believing the BBC report cos you're not bright enough to base your thinking on FACTS & PROOF that, so far, don't exist, so will just believe it cos "the BBC said so"?

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That would be the action of a good bear if they had anything they claim as fact, take the evidence you have as you'll be doing the club great justice. If bears have facts to claims of this nature they would do this instead of talk it over on a forum claiming all the sundry in such a manner.

That is a well made point bud 00000042.gif

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this place is as predictable as it is depressing.

the sad thing is some of you are bright enough to know better but can't help yourselves.

I don’t understand why you are so surprised by our reaction to last night BBC program and your comments?

You and that program have not provided anything that could stand up in court to get D&P removed from our club, these guys were appointed by courts because they are a reputable firm who have a solid background in administrations. You cannot make the claims you are making without backing them up with ‘real’ evidence and not just some rumors floating about.

I consider myself and many on here to be bright enough to reserve judgment until we have any real evidence of any wrongdoing….I understand because of Whyte some are wary indeed we all should be but running about calling for heads to roll when you have nothing to go on is crazy.

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What puzzle me about the show was that they seemed to go after anyone else they could and not really Craig Whyte as such.

Not as damning of him as they were of others.

I am watching it wrong or anyone else notice that?

I thought there would be a lot more focus on the actual sale between Shyte and Murray - that is the real isue here - not EBTs, not D&P but how fraudulent was CW in buying the club and how complicit were Lloyds and Murray in that sale ? Murray "I will only sell to someone with the best interests of the club at heart and who can take the club forward!"

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GS, everything you say could end up being right. What concerns me is if you are implying guilt on anyone based on that programme last night.

Spot on.........could turn out to be in the right although I doubt he will be. But he is really going beyond the realms of overstating things he knows nothing about, plus he has on numerous occasions called them liars and acting in an illegal manner.

Fair enough if he has the proof but as chef also pointed out ...and I mentioned he should be sitting with the police just now with these documents and also handing them into the courts.

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d&p can not be incharge of this legally now.

So will you take up my £20 bet - pick the charity - pick a different amount if you want - I say D&P will see this through - you say they can't / won't /can not be legally in charge/ etc - so what say you ? £20? £10? (The notorious £1? )

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this place is as predictable as it is depressing.

It's easy to see why you might think that given that so many reasonable posts are attacked by you in the most simplistic - often erroneous - terms.

As I've said before - you really need to get over the pain of TBK's failure. It's not your fault they made a complete fool out of you.

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I've read many of the posts here, and I understand the arguments put in defence of D & P and those in opposition. It will be some considerable time before the truth is eventually known, and I suspect a few law suits later!

What is clear is that there is a very significant perception of a conflict of interest - even if it is subsequently proven that there is no actual conflict of interest.

That perception has been there all along - indeed, since the appointment of D & P,and the alleged links with Whyte (through Grier) were first reported. That is why many fans, ex- Directors and bidders have been dubious about D & P's impartiality all along.

Whether the allegations are true or not is, in my humble opinion, almost irrelevant now as I consider D & P's position to be untenable. I simply can't see how they can continue to operate as 'normal' and have the trust of all the interested parties, including the fans.

I don't believe that Daly has done anyone a favour with his documentary, and no one wishes to see us change administration 'horses' mid - stream, but I'm not sure that D & P can continue now. Like it or not they are tainted with the Whyte link.

As a Gers fan what really angers me is that we must sit on the sidelines and watch this unwholesome saga unfold before our eyes, whilst or club remains under serious threat of liquidation.

You would have D&P sacked / resign based on PERCEPTION of conflict of interest - wow - thats a pretty low standard of proof to hold someone accountable to..

Now is the time to hold our nerve and get the CVA through!

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There is a clear and massive conflict of interest here. The evidence last night strongly suggests that Grier was fully aware of the Ticketus money being used to purchase the club. Remember, when first approached, he lied and said he first knew of the arrangement in August. Then quickly back tracked when presented with the irrefutable evidence. So is it really a stretch to think he is lying again with his revised version of events? So, due to the fact the he was complicit in the deal that helped bring us crashing to the ground, Duff and Phelps should be nowhere near us. It stinks.

See how easily the general public can be manipulated into thinking what you want them to think?

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