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We were not born in the lap of luxury


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One must ask himself honestly, has there truly yet been a more crooked and transparent proposition laid at the doors of Edmiston Drive throughout this ongoing struggle for the future of our Club?

For this Bear, it isn't even worth thinking about. This decision which, you will all agree, will undoubtedly reshape the future of football in this country for several years to come, is one which must either be made purely from the forever ambiguous standpoint of 'sporting integrity' so treacherously proclaimed by the charlatans within the Scottish game, or from one of an absolute financial viewpoint. These two grounds of reasoning cannot be combined truthfully, and must not be wrongly intertwined when the time comes to punish the Club for the colossal mismanagement, greed and carelessness of Murray, Whyte and others of the previous boards whom littered the halls of Ibrox and forced this mess upon us. A most probable absence of just one year from the SPL cannot possibly be spirited from the values of 'sporting integrity' for what has occurred.

The member clubs of this embarrassment that is the Scottish Premier League are entrusted with the responsibility to make this decision and simply cannot be allowed to 'have their cake and eat it' so to speak: Rangers Football Club must either reclaim its place in the SPL from the old company, soon to be liquidated, or fall straight to the floor of the Scottish Football League into the Scottish Third Division - the former being an unquestionably unjust scenario and one I never wish to experience, may I add.

We, The Rangers Family, are those who have suffered most and are those who will continue to suffer as a result of this ordeal as it cruelly drags on. A true bluenose realises the struggle that lies ahead and has all their life spared each Saturday afternoon to follow The Rangers, whether by travelling to Ibrox or by other means. We have never walked up the Copland Road or changed the channel on our televisions to watch Rangers' opponents and we must not start now.

If they play on the streets we'll support them from the pavements. Should the Club be paired with the likes of Berwick, Annan or East Stirlingshire in the season of 2012-13, the desire and the love that we all hold dear for the red, white and blue should still burn brightly. We should not be ashamed of 'taking the hit' and cheering on the blue jersey in the fourth tier. As one of RangersMedia's own moderators confirmed in a recent article shared with us all, 75% of the online Rangers community are in support of this fall. I love nothing more than to watch Rangers compete on the grandest stage Scottish football has to offer, but I would also love nothing more than to witness the Gers rise like a phoenix from the flames back into the top-flight with its head held high, in the knowledge that it embraced the fairest punishment for this Hell, and with no-one being able to accuse the Club of 'getting away with it'. I'm sure others will feel the same. John Allan, with great elegance, once wrote:

"That is the story of the Rangers. They have had good times and bad times, critical times and times of exultation. No club with the same modest origin can claim so distinguished a record of achievement. They were not born in the lap of luxury. They have been the architects of their own fortune, and, simply because of that, they have become equipped with the moral resistive force to grapple with adversity, which is better than being coddled in the cradle and whining when the wind blows cold. May all who look upon the old club with a friendly eye stand prepared, by precept and example, to protect its interests and its good name."

I ask you Mr. Green: Let us once again act as the architects of our own fortune; Let us now reclaim OUR Rangers for what it holds sacred; Let us now reclaim OUR Club; and let us now RECLAIM the dream of the four young men who dreamed of starting a football team to grace the green of Flesher's Haugh all those years ago. Developing the Club's own youth, instilling financial prudence into the Rangers business and orchestrating fan power to its finest tune within the Club is the only way forward from 2012. We have the opportunity to make a difference. This gives us the chance to ensure that previous mistakes have been learned from and that this wonderful institution will live to write another 140 years of brilliance.

Demotion to the Scottish First Division does not allow this, solves nothing and only fills the pockets of those who hate us and wish to see us die.

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Birth of an institution

Rangers owe their existence to four men: Peter Campbell, William McBeath and brothers Peter and Moses McNeil. It was this quartet who met in 1872, without money, a kit or even a ball, with the modest aim of starting up their own team. The name was picked from an English rugby side spotted by Moses, then 16, in a sports annual, and the new club played its first match in May of that year, drawing 0-0 with Callander FC on a public pitch at Glasgow Green. Later that year, Rangers sported their famous light blue shirts for the first time in a match that saw Clyde beaten 11-0. It was to prove an omen for the years and decades that would follow.

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And so say all of us.

Fantastic post and echoes my sentiments exactly.

Sporting Integrity my arse, I have said it before and i will say it again - this is all about other clubs leeching off Rangers whilst at the same time seeking revenge for god knows what.

For me it is SPL with no point deductions and no financial penalties or Division 3 where we can build from the bottom.

All true Rangers fans will still support the team regardless of what level we are playing at.

IMO Division 3 gives us the opportunity to come back stronger in the long term whilst the opposition in the SPL weaken.

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Absolutely brilliant sir and well done for that post.

One of the best i have seen and brings a Tear to my eye.

Let us do this and let those who hate us , watch us rise again .

Div 3 and forward our club has been through enough now.

Most definitely. Like you said, our Club has been through enough. I'm tired of all of this.

I can only hope that Mr. Green listens to the fans but I'm not holding my breath.

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