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TO John Brown and the rest of the

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Brown and Walter have hee haw cash so what are you going on about here?

They are being used as public faces for bidders who are not willing to pay the going rate for The Rangers…that’s it a nutshell unless you can offer up another reason that we are where we are today….

This is what I can not understand, why, fucking why do these Rangers men not come up with the money and buy the club, if it means Charles G and his people get a good deal I could not give a fuck, just come up with the money now. My wife who is a fan but does not go to many games said the last night ' if only we had won the Euromillions, the club would now be in safe hands'. If she can think like that, why can men who have many millions not think the same way. :anguish:

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Fuck off with the media shite and go to Green with cold hard cash if you want the club.

I'm sick of the same shite being spouted in the media by all these supposed Rangers men who have, up to this point, done less for the club than the ordinary fans

Today we have Brown saying he has people from Hong Kong, America, Australia and Britain all wanting in, well fucking shut up and get on with it.

This mob are in it for a profit, even us no marks on the

outside know that, so offering them what they have spent

so far is fucking pointless and simply tight-fistedness

We hear of McColl, Park, and other supposed big money

Bears, well the time for action from them is now, not the

time to send some lacky to the media to talk to us about

not buying season tickets.

Browns stunt today reeks of TBK's desperation to get the

club, and until someone actually places a worthwhile bid i

will refuse to back anyone who spouts their shite in the


I'm glad somebody else thinks the way I do this has tbk written all over it.

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I know we are not meant to be nasty to players but as far as I'm concerned Brown has let the club and supporters down after years of exemplary service.

And as for you, me and every other Bear, one thing we ARE NOT is "No marks"

the no mark comment is aimed at the big shot fans that clearly think the ordinary fans are indeed no marks. Brown's comments today again show this

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This is what I can not understand, why, fucking why do these Rangers men not come up with the money and buy the club, if it means Charles G and his people get a good deal I could not give a fuck, just come up with the money now. My wife who is a fan but does not go to many games said the last night ' if only we had won the Euromillions, the club would now be in safe hands'. If she can think like that, why can men who have many millions not think the same way. :anguish:

Businessmen in my experience do not think like football fans, yes they might attend a game or 2 and claim to be a bluenose but £ comes first to these people and it’s why they have got £ in the first place. The thing that sticks in my throat is that they are trying to use legends like Walter to put their piss poor proposals forward and it’ not on using a man like Walter like that.

They could even come together and put in a joint bid as in all it would be a drop in the ocean to some of the names like McColl and Kennedy but they want to go it alone for £ reasons.

I wish they would drop the rangers men tag and call it like it is, businessmen trying to get hold of the club on the cheapest, easiest way as possible.

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We have people here telling us to open our eyes and get behind these ‘rangers men like McColl and TBK’ when in reality they have done nothing of note since February. We are being told that we have to withdraw purchasing our ST and force Green out…

Am I missing something here? I mean why if they knew people like Green was a ‘bad yin’ did they let him take over the club without making a better bid a month or so ago? You would think by the statements they are releasing that they would have made some sort of move before now…

It all adds up to trying to get The Rangers for the cheapest price available while using us the support as pawns in their game. It fucking stinks.

The difference is that now we have a chance to be part of the group buying the club and have a vote as to how things proceed in the future.

No one person should have total control ever again - simple as that.

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Businessmen in my experience do not think like football fans, yes they might attend a game or 2 and claim to be a bluenose but £ comes first to these people and it’s why they have got £ in the first place. The thing that sticks in my throat is that they are trying to use legends like Walter to put their piss poor proposals forward and it’ not on using a man like Walter like that.

They could even come together and put in a joint bid as in all it would be a drop in the ocean to some of the names like McColl and Kennedy but they want to go it alone for £ reasons.

I wish they would drop the rangers men tag and call it like it is, businessmen trying to get hold of the club on the cheapest, easiest way as possible.

Could not agree more with that.

I went in on Monday (in reaction to the first players leaving) and renewed my season ticket, some will think I am nuts but I do not care, it was my way of backing the club I love. I just wish the fans with millions would do the same. :disappointment:

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This fans ownership is great and I would love it to happen but I wish people would stop trying to con us by saying they are not in it for a profit.

That may be true of bomber and the ex-players but you can be sure his investors will be looking for a return when they "float" the club by offering shares to us.

We are being used as a tool to drive the asking price down and force green out.

I have no loyalty to green so therefore if this plan succeeds I will be happy enough knowing our club has survived, but I say again I wish people would stop treating us like idiots.

Pay the man the going rate or fuck off.

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The difference is that now we have a chance to be part of the group buying the club and have a vote as to how things proceed in the future.

No one person should have total control ever again - simple as that.

Please bud......lose this thought .........and from his very first interview did not Green say that no one person will have control of the club.............then again he lies, as so many believe that.

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Mini Murray had 25 million quid at his disposal......Dave King had another stash he said he could bring to the table....Brian King was willing to put a wad in....McColl has more money than the Queen has shithouse paper AND is a Rangers man...Douglas Park is a Bluenose and has a good stash.....Bill Ng is a died in the wool Rangers man and doesn't want to see our proud club go under....and the fucking list of "True Blues" goes on and on and on.....

Out of all that, they couldn't find a common ground to come up with a decent bid and work together for the existence of our club when it was evident we were facing oblivion. :anguish:

If talk was financial capital and committment,we would have more money than a bull could shit in a lifetime. :angry:

Excellent post!

To think all it would take to buy our club is a fee we paid for for Flo and Ball is heartbreaking :anguish:

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Please bud......lose this thought .........and from his very first interview did not Green say that no one person will have control of the club.............then again he lies, as so many believe that.

The indicators from Bomber are that a trust will be set up to handle the monies paid by fans for Rangers. On payment of a fee, each fan will receive one (or multiple) shares, with each person having one vote.

This way even the guy who only buys one share has a say. If the fans stick together, then we can never be over-ruled. That is the difference between the trust establishment and a standard share issue.

Also, if Ibrox, Murray park and the Albion car park are held under the trust, they are safe. We also pay over a million a year in rates for them, but don't have to to if its held in trust - seems there a number of benefits, with the power held by us being the most important. That is my take on it at this time anyway.

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"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

Rangers on the cheap - D&P reject others to allow unknown and unseen Green in at last minute to STEAL Rangers lock stock and Barrel for £5.5m, was this deal EVER proposed previously ? - NO !

Has Green delivered the money yet ? Has he applied to become a Football Club next season ? Has he spoken with the only tangible assets - the players - No ! Has he "ring-fenced" the Season Ticket renewal money - No ! Has he done anything to the betterment of our club since taking "alleged" ownership - No !

Brown has called him out, he asked "how much" had Green spent so far - £8.7m was the answer, exactly what had been offered that day ie he wasn't selling. Green is the front man, we need to get beyond him to the actual name on the deeds and ask that person how much ?

If we don't get this sorted soon there will be no football played next season and if it is pre-pack+1 we might never see it again

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The indicators from Bomber are that a trust will be set up to handle the monies paid by fans for Rangers. On payment of a fee, each fan will receive one (or multiple) shares, with each person having one vote.

This way even the guy who only buys one share has a say. If the fans stick together, then we can never be over-ruled. That is the difference between the trust establishment and a standard share issue.

Also, if Ibrox, Murray park and the Albion car park are held under the trust, they are safe. We also pay over a million a year in rates for them, but don't have to to if its held in trust - seems there a number of benefits, with the power held by us being the most important. That is my take on it at this time anyway.

He may have a say re the guy who owns this one share.that's nothing new.......but the guy/company who ends up buying the majority share, will decide what happens.........we all see what happens to the trust when individuals get involved..........so are rst moving aside then? Don't think they will shift easily.....this new trust will create problems ......so basically you pay say a £10 .you are given a share and the rest goes to running costs..........heard that one before..............

If an individual can only join once therefore get say one share again say worth a £ or ten shares worth 10p........so how many people need to do this.............and take it this is to purchase the club for the current owners..............so let's assume £20m what then.......how is the club funded year in and year out?

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"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

Rangers on the cheap - D&P reject others to allow unknown and unseen Green in at last minute to STEAL Rangers lock stock and Barrel for £5.5m, was this deal EVER proposed previously ? - NO !

D&P rejected the other bid because part of it relied on Rangers making the last 16 of the CL.

They accepted the one who offered the money, not our fault the other bidders were penny pinching is it?

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The difference is that now we have a chance to be part of the group buying the club and have a vote as to how things proceed in the future.

It would be nice to see the plans for that - in the next 24 hours if possible

No one person should have total control ever again - simple as that.

Is that not what Green said as well?

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It's quite hypocritical demanding that Brown name his investors or he will not recieve backing when many blindly back Green despite him not telling us who his investors are.

Its hypocritical from those who have been shouting not to back green for this reason but expect us to forget that as it's bomber

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The indicators from Bomber are that a trust will be set up to handle the monies paid by fans for Rangers. On payment of a fee, each fan will receive one (or multiple) shares, with each person having one vote.

This way even the guy who only buys one share has a say. If the fans stick together, then we can never be over-ruled. That is the difference between the trust establishment and a standard share issue.

Also, if Ibrox, Murray park and the Albion car park are held under the trust, they are safe. We also pay over a million a year in rates for them, but don't have to to if its held in trust - seems there a number of benefits, with the power held by us being the most important. That is my take on it at this time anyway.

Sorry meant to add this in first reply...................you not stop and ask yourself.few days ago this very same john brown was calling for everyone to get behind mckenna and whoever as this was the way to save the club..................now in the matter of days he has called in all these investors from all over the world........then going by your post........you pay a fee and get one share as I outlined before............investors does he mean Rangers fans he may have met on his visits to Australia and Hong Kong?

When he uses the words investor one automatically thinks of large sums............instead this seems to be looking for a huge and mean huge numbers of investors.......I mentioned rst and the man who runs ff and is spokesman for rst .and have to say has been noticeable by his absence recently...........makes me think he is there or there about.

Again this is my initial thoughts on this brown move............few days ago telling us.this is the way....now this is the way.

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It's quite hypocritical demanding that Brown name his investors or he will not recieve backing when many blindly back Green despite him not telling us who his investors are.

Who is blindly backing Green?

Green is the owner so what can we do, we have asked to be informed of his backers and continue to do so.

It’s natural that we should also ask this of Brown is it not? Just because we have not been informed of Greens to date it does not mean we are not to ask who Browns will be…..

It’s not a popularity contest btw, it’s trying to get through this with a team playing football next season.

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He may have a say re the guy who owns this one share.that's nothing new.......but the guy/company who ends up buying the majority share, will decide what happens.........we all see what happens to the trust when individuals get involved..........so are rst moving aside then? Don't think they will shift easily.....this new trust will create problems ......so basically you pay say a £10 .you are given a share and the rest goes to running costs..........heard that one before..............

If an individual can only join once therefore get say one share again say worth a £ or ten shares worth 10p........so how many people need to do this.............and take it this is to purchase the club for the current owners..............so let's assume £20m what then.......how is the club funded year in and year out?

Income stream mate - thats the whole point - we are not being funded anymore by anyone. We need to live within our means - simple as that. A sore one for sure, and cuts galore until we are up and running, as we are talking about survival, there is no other option.

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"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

Rangers on the cheap - D&P reject others to allow unknown and unseen Green in at last minute to STEAL Rangers lock stock and Barrel for £5.5m, was this deal EVER proposed previously ? - NO !

Has Green delivered the money yet ? Has he applied to become a Football Club next season ? Has he spoken with the only tangible assets - the players - No ! Has he "ring-fenced" the Season Ticket renewal money - No ! Has he done anything to the betterment of our club since taking "alleged" ownership - No !

Brown has called him out, he asked "how much" had Green spent so far - £8.7m was the answer, exactly what had been offered that day ie he wasn't selling. Green is the front man, we need to get beyond him to the actual name on the deeds and ask that person how much ?

If we don't get this sorted soon there will be no football played next season and if it is pre-pack+1 we might never see it again

You mention the pre-pack+1 i'm reading up on this and wonder if this was Green's plan all along, it says employees transfer over(hence Green's confidence of winning the argument of the players walking away) and the continuation of the club continues.

The first paragraph has a piece stating a previous director or management can purchase the assets....could this be Craig Whyte?

Here's what it says on Wiki;

Pre-pack administration

Main article: Pre-packaged insolvency

A pre-pack is the process of selling the assets of a company immediately after it has entered administration. It is sometimes the case that the previous directors or management purchase the assets of the company from the administrator and set up a new company.

This process has advantages in that it enables the administrator to realise a greater amount for the assets due to business continuity and the goodwill of the company are preserved. The employees of the company are also usually transferred to the new company preserving jobs.

Pre-packs have attracted criticism because of the appearances it gives to unconnected parties that the company has just continued without its creditors. SIP 16 was introduced in January 2009 to assist Insolvency Practitioners in pre-pack cases.[1] It was designed to make the process more transparent for creditors and to ensure that fair value was obtained for the assets.

In November 2009, the Office of Fair Trading announced a [2]study into corporate insolvencies, with particular focus on pre-pack administrations. It will report on whether the insolvency market is operating efficiently, with enough freedom of competition between insolvency practitioners and whether consumers and creditors are being treated as fairly as possible.

A recent example of a pre-pack is the sale of the assets of Cobra Beer to Coors immediately after Cobra Beer entered administration. This allowed the brand to continue, save jobs [3] but also leave suppliers out of pocket by an estimated £75 million.

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Its hypocritical from those who have been shouting not to back green for this reason but expect us to forget that as it's bomber

I haven't seen anyone blindly back Brown, just people interested to see what he's bringing to the table.

Are you comfortable not knowing who owns Rangers? Are you comfortable not knowing who is putting in the money (if they are, which may be in doubt given the reports of a lack of funding)? Are you comfortable with the fact that Green's biggest backer ran a mile when he checked up on the other players involved and when he got an idea of green's plans?

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D&P rejected the other bid because part of it relied on Rangers making the last 16 of the CL.

They accepted the one who offered the money, not our fault the other bidders were penny pinching is it?

NO come on ffs wake up - D & P knew that no matter what that ANY CVA was going to fail so the "money" available part was just B/S

The real con was the sales value at which Green could get ALL of the business for £5.5m

Green has in effect "bought" Rangers for £200k and whatever he has managed to scrape together so far - NO-ONE has got any money out of the "sale" as yet as even at "best" there will be £1m to share for every creditor after D&P take their fee.

£5.5m - a figure that magically "appeared" as did the "right" for Green to buy when CVA failed despite it not being the best possible deal for creditors since NO-ONE else was allowed to bid ?? - Even as far as rejecting a higher bid once CVA failed because of this "contract"

We have been screwed over big time here, if you can't recognise this then fair enough

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It's quite hypocritical demanding that Brown name his investors or he will not recieve backing when many blindly back Green despite him not telling us who his investors are.

the point is that green is hounded for not being open with the fans yet here we are with brown saying he has people from the 4 corners of the world yet not one name

if they are true rangers men then they should stand up and be named and counted or else they can fuck off and leave us to deal with what we have

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Who is blindly backing Green?

Green is the owner so what can we do, we have asked to be informed of his backers and continue to do so.

It's natural that we should also ask this of Brown is it not? Just because we have not been informed of Greens to date it does not mean we are not to ask who Browns will be…..

It's not a popularity contest btw, it's trying to get through this with a team playing football next season.

I just think that our priority should be pressuring Green to answer the questions, rather than focusing on people who may or may not try to buy the club - we can scrutinise them when they actually make a move.

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