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The Enemy Within


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The British and Protestant traditions is the glue which kept this club going for so many years. The moment it is infiltrated and messed with, the club falls apart and we lose our traditions and the heritage of the club.

We lost our songs and got trampled over by men in suits who don't have a clue about the heritage this club has or did have for nearly a century which our fathers and grandfathers defended and believed in.

Instead of trying to defend our heritage and keep it together, we allowed people to try and knock it down and give in to the agenda which is reeking all over Scottish society at the moment in the SNP alone. One day we will rise again and our heritage will be put to the front again.

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To ALL these so called pc brigade- Did you not join in TBB on our OF game at Hampden 20/03/11.

Brings back so many memorys, we were written off, shite as they say, but on the day we showed the world WRTP.

Timmy bealing as usual, instead of taken defeat no screaming about the songs!!!!!!!!!

Wake Up, If you didn't join in THAT DAY you aint no Rangers Fan!

This is where it starts to get silly. The "PC brigade" (aside from being a fictional piece of nonsense usually conjured up as an excuse to say something stupid without being criticised for it) doesn't have anything to do with choosing to sing a song or not. If somebody wants to support us without singing certain songs, or subscribing to certain ideas, then they're perfectly entitled to do so.

It's a bit like saying "if you don't bring a scarf with you, you're not a fan!" - it reflects an obsession with artificial symbols of support rather than genuine sentiment.

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This is where it starts to get silly. The "PC brigade" (aside from being a fictional piece of nonsense usually conjured up as an excuse to say something stupid without being criticised for it) doesn't have anything to do with choosing to sing a song or not. If somebody wants to support us without singing certain songs, or subscribing to certain ideas, then they're perfectly entitled to do so.

It's a bit like saying "if you don't bring a scarf with you, you're not a fan!" - it reflects an obsession with artificial symbols of support rather than genuine sentiment.

If you read the OP you'd realise thats not the point.

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If you read the OP you'd realise thats not the point.

It might not be your point, but it's the point of the post I was quoting. If I was taking issue with something you'd said I'd quote your post.

I think there's a pretty big difference between what you said in the OP and the post above criticising people for choosing not to sing TBB. It crosses over the line from "protecting the traditions and values of the club" into dictating what people have to do to be considered a proper supporter.

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This is where it starts to get silly. The "PC brigade" (aside from being a fictional piece of nonsense usually conjured up as an excuse to say something stupid without being criticised for it) doesn't have anything to do with choosing to sing a song or not. If somebody wants to support us without singing certain songs, or subscribing to certain ideas, then they're perfectly entitled to do so.

It's a bit like saying "if you don't bring a scarf with you, you're not a fan!" - it reflects an obsession with artificial symbols of support rather than genuine sentiment.

Don't get drawn into an argument about being a football supporter with a fucking bird.

Near pished myself laughing at her last post.

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If you want to go to heaven when you die,

You must wear a Rangers scarf and a tie,

If you wear a Rangers bonnet,

With fuck the pope upon it,

You will surely go to heaven when you die. aye aye aye, aye aye aye aye

We are the Brigton Derry,

Fuck the pope & the virgin mary,

We are the Brigton Derry,

Derry rule the world

Derry rule Derry will,

Derry rule the fucken world,

Who's the Derry?

We're the Derry.

Fuck the pope & the virgin mary.

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Having observed this thread from the beginning, it's become clear that for the most part we are split into two different camps.

There are the people like me who want the club to purge itself of this petty hate-fuelled proddy tribe, and make Rangers a symbol of unity and progression in Scotland and beyond.We are the people who care about the image Rangers portrays of itself, and because of our love for the club, want that image to be as positive as possible.We know that we can't claim to be welcoming of all people from all backgrounds for as long as we continue to tolerate the singing of songs declaring a hatred of catholics and a weird irrational obsession with a squalid period of Northern Irish politics from decades ago. We find it more than a little embarrassing that Rangers/Celtic fans are stuck in this period of northern Irish politics that N.Ireland itself has long since left behind.We long for the day when the songs we sing are all, without exception, to do with the players fighting for our team on the pitch, and our glorious history of past accomplishments, and nothing to do with the pope or N.Irish towns 95% of our fans have never been to.

Then there is the second group. Who adopt and have proudly laid claim to the "no-one likes us, we don't care" attitude. Acknowledging that the image of our club is of no concern to them, and by anyone's measurement, can therefore be assumed not to be acting in the clubs best interest when they proliferate their anti-catholic/anti-irish material.They openly hate Catholics/Irish to the extent that they are completely impenetrable to logic or reason, in something that is reminiscent of the pre-civil rights era attitude towards blacks in America.These people have also developed a strange belief that if they comply with the new trend of confronting sectarianism, and the legislation the trend has inspired, they can then just bide their time and re-introduce the hate songs at a later date, and that the heat will have died down to such an extent that they would be able to carry on where they left off, unchallenged, as tho there were no anti-sectarian drive in the first place.

And it is with this last point that those of us in the first group can take heart.For as far as I can see, there is no precedent for progressive, anti-discrimination movements to be overturned and regressed so soon after there inception. So hopefully this spotlight will continue to shine on our club for many years to come because sadly, it's doing the job of cleansing our club of racists and bigots that we ourselves should have done decades ago.

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Having observed this thread from the beginning, it's become clear that for the most part we are split into two different camps.

There are the people like me who want the club to purge itself of this petty hate-fuelled proddy tribe, and make Rangers a symbol of unity and progression in Scotland and beyond.We are the people who care about the image Rangers portrays of itself, and because of our love for the club, want that image to be as positive as possible.We know that we can't claim to be welcoming of all people from all backgrounds for as long as we continue to tolerate the singing of songs declaring a hatred of catholics and a weird irrational obsession with a squalid period of Northern Irish politics from decades ago. We find it more than a little embarrassing that Rangers/Celtic fans are stuck in this period of northern Irish politics that N.Ireland itself has long since left behind.We long for the day when the songs we sing are all, without exception, to do with the players fighting for our team on the pitch, and our glorious history of past accomplishments, and nothing to do with the pope or N.Irish towns 95% of our fans have never been to.

Then there is the second group. Who adopt and have proudly laid claim to the "no-one likes us, we don't care" attitude. Acknowledging that the image of our club is of no concern to them, and by anyone's measurement, can therefore be assumed not to be acting in the clubs best interest when they proliferate their anti-catholic/anti-irish material.They openly hate Catholics/Irish to the extent that they are completely impenetrable to logic or reason, in something that is reminiscent of the pre-civil rights era attitude towards blacks in America.These people have also developed a strange belief that if they comply with the new trend of confronting sectarianism, and the legislation the trend has inspired, they can then just bide their time and re-introduce the hate songs at a later date, and that the heat will have died down to such an extent that they would be able to carry on where they left off, unchallenged, as tho there were no anti-sectarian drive in the first place.

And it is with this last point that those of us in the first group can take heart.For as far as I can see, there is no precedent for progressive, anti-discrimination movements to be overturned and regressed so soon after there inception. So hopefully this spotlight will continue to shine on our club for many years to come because sadly, it's doing the job of cleansing our club of racists and bigots that we ourselves should have done decades ago.

If openly criticising the catholic religon, at the venue i choose, with the language i choose makes me a bigot, thats a label that im more than happy to live with. If any British/Scottish government wishes to challenge my view, then im quite happy to defend my opinion in a British/Scottish court.

Im sure you are sitting all smug and contented at your long winded post, but im sorry to inform you, that it is mostly uneducated shite. I suggest you read up a little on the historical links between Scotland and Ulster before suggesting that our fan base has "nothing to do" with N.irish towns.

Ive never been to the vatican, but i know the top man there is complicit in some of the biggest atrocities ever inflicted on mankind. Do i really need to point them out to you, or can your smart ass use google. Your post reeks of a man that has no understanding of how this religon operates, and you are quite happy to bend over and accept their desire to destroy each and every protestant that walks this earth.

Just because a man/fan uses industrial language to criticise this religon, it doesnt make the sentiment any less valid. I despair that there are people like you in our fan base and in our country. If we all had your liberal attitude, this country will be catholic within a generation. Are you really happy for your children/grandchildren to grow up in such an environment? I wish i had your confidence.

. Your assumption that a large percentage of our fans "hate" catholics/irish people. You couldnt be further from the truth. Of all the catholic people that i know i can honestly say i dont hate a single one of them. I might disagree with their religon and their choice of football team, but i feel more of a pity than a hate.

Your use of the words "cleansing", "racists", and "bigots", says more about you than it does about the majority of us. I know who i would rather be in the trenches with.

Comparing the white Americans brutal treatment of African Americans to a few football fans singing a ditty about the pope is just pathetic.

Im looking forward to your next critique of the whiter than white bheasts from the east.

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We find it more than a little embarrassing that Rangers/Celtic fans are stuck in this period of northern Irish politics that N.Ireland itself has long since left behind.

"Long since left behind", you say. Am afraid that as the foundation of a post on a website, that statement is sadly lacking.

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