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It's because we are tired of religion holding weight in places it shouldnt be. Politics, public forums and buildings of education to name a few. Faith should be for the house or for you're place of worship. It should NEVER encroach on the public, but it has for centuries and it has influenced society in ways it never should have. We're tired of it being ok to teach the laughable notion of the Adam and eve creationism story as an "alternative", we're tired of people hating homosexuals for something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Religion has enjoyed a heightened respect for centuries that it does not deserve and when an atheist/agnostic doesn't give it that respect, folk go mad. I fully respect people's rights to beliee, but I do not for one second need to respect what they believe. Especially when it's unsubstantiated bronze age fairy tales laced with hatred and vaguely disguised in a thin veil of goodwill.

Well said mate, we're at war and our countrymen are dying across the globe because of religion. Political correctness has gone mad in this country because of religion. Religious people are the most hypocritical people on this earth, their bible says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" and "do not judge lest thee be judged thyself" yet the evangelicals say non believers are going to hell and that we're the devil etc. The bible also says something like "no one may enter the kingdom of heaven unless through me" and that the way to heaven is to believe in God in your heart yet the people who preach these things tell you you must confess and eat the body of christ and be christened or youll go to hell.

The whole thing is completely crazy to me and I fail to see how an educated person could believe it. I could maybe understand an educated person believing in some sort of higher power but not being religious but how any educated person can believe the bible is beyond me. The god of the bible is a moron and a violent bitter hateful god. I feel sorry for those who dedicate their lives to these beliefs.

The thing I hate the most is people who indoctrinate their children into religions and beliefs that they are far too young to understand. My daughter is young, she will not be christened or have any beliefs forced on her. When shes old enough to ask questions like "does god exist?" ill tell her straight - I dont know. Thats for you to decide when your old enough. And whether she wants to be atheist or protestant,catholic, muslim or whatever I will support her in her beliefs knowing she came to those beliefs by herself and through her own mind.

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When the catholic church & its members stop looking down at me & mine.....when they stop looking at protestants & other religions with contempt & disdain....when they stop being the most hypocritical ideology thats ever existed....when they take responsibility for the "men" acting in their faith being child moletsers....when the vatican stops harbouring these criminals behind its walls & instead hands them over to the authorities....when they apologise for the brutal murders of reformists (protestants) during the 16 & 17th centuries.....when the vatican hands back priceless treasures that were stolen from innocents throughout the middle ages....when the vatican hands back the gold & fine arts they hid for the nazis during WW11, that came from the mouths & homes of jews.....

when the catholics in this country stop being the "oh so persecuted" when the truth is in fact the opposite....when they come round to the fact they are the minority in this country, and dont actually rule it....etc etc etc etc etc........

After all of the above, maybe, just maybe I will give them the time of day. As it will never happen, they can all GO TO HELL

Was told this story by a headmistress.

The two schools in Bargeddie had for many years a joint Xmas service. One year a priest from ireland comes to visit. The service is over and as everyone is about to get ready to leave he stands up and says "before we all go I'd like all the catholic children to join me in a prayer for all the poor Protestant boys and girls of Bargeddie".

They have built a joint school in Coatbridge. Originally plans were thwarted because the priests did not want their children "having to use" the same toilets as the other children.

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I fully respect people's rights to beliee, but I do not for one second need to respect what they believe.


I respect your right to disrespect what you agree they have the right to believe. However, as disinterested as you are in their beliefs, that is how disinterested I am in your sharing your disinterest in their beliefs.

Like religion, atheism is for the home, in fact arguably more so because atheism is a form of apathy but hilariously, it is an apathy that is often pursued with vigour.

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Well said mate, we're at war and our countrymen are dying across the globe because of religion. Political correctness has gone mad in this country because of religion. Religious people are the most hypocritical people on this earth, their bible says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" and "do not judge lest thee be judged thyself" yet the evangelicals say non believers are going to hell and that we're the devil etc. The bible also says something like "no one may enter the kingdom of heaven unless through me" and that the way to heaven is to believe in God in your heart yet the people who preach these things tell you you must confess and eat the body of christ and be christened or youll go to hell.

The whole thing is completely crazy to me and I fail to see how an educated person could believe it. I could maybe understand an educated person believing in some sort of higher power but not being religious but how any educated person can believe the bible is beyond me. The god of the bible is a moron and a violent bitter hateful god. I feel sorry for those who dedicate their lives to these beliefs.

The thing I hate the most is people who indoctrinate their children into religions and beliefs that they are far too young to understand. My daughter is young, she will not be christened or have any beliefs forced on her. When shes old enough to ask questions like "does god exist?" ill tell her straight - I dont know. Thats for you to decide when your old enough. And whether she wants to be atheist or protestant,catholic, muslim or whatever I will support her in her beliefs knowing she came to those beliefs by herself and through her own mind.

Well said, although I would add that there is a certain degree of bitterness in Atheism also.

What I have never understood is why celtic fans use the pope as an idol, yet they fail to realise the vatican attempted to stop irish republicanism at its earliest stage, they convinced IRA men they were going to hell along with all the protestants - and were excommunicated, for what ? The catholic church's self interest and the intimacy with the british at that point. There is no evidence to suggest that any pope in history has acted out of anything other than self-interest, or any example of them acting constructively towards their own followers - or followers of any faith anywhere. It's hilarious.

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I respect your right to disrespect what you agree they have the right to believe. However, as disinterested as you are in their beliefs, that is how disinterested I am in your sharing your disinterest in their beliefs.

Like religion, atheism is for the home, in fact arguably more so because atheism is a form of apathy but hilariously, it is an apathy that is often pursued with vigour.

I've quite literally 10 mintues ago had 2 Christians chap my door to chat about god. When I said, quite politely, that indont believe and it would be a waste of their time, the look of shock on their face was incredible. I was then told I wouldn't enter the kingdom of heaven blah blah blah. How many atheists do you know who go round folks doors going " see all these organised religious movements, they're all non sense. What you believe is a joke" we do it in public forums or around a religious debate, but as previously stated, that's because we're sick and tired of religion encroaching in our society. It has no place there. Incidentally, I don't have a problem with someone believing in a deity, my issue lies wih organised movements of religion. The god of the bible and other abrahamic religions is a disgusting beast. If a god does exist, he does not need religion but a religion needs a god to justify its evil and fanatic dogmas.

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In reply to ym145

Many of the original ira leaders were Protestants. They loved what they saw as their country, nothing wrong with that. Like many causes over the years, through time, things changed and values changed.

Scotland fought for its freedom for many years, if we only paid tribute to Scottish Protestant heroes it would greatly reduce our rich history.

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I've quite literally 10 mintues ago had 2 Christians chap my door to chat about god. When I said, quite politely, that indont believe and it would be a waste of their time, the look of shock on their face was incredible. I was then told I wouldn't enter the kingdom of heaven blah blah blah. How many atheists do you know who go round folks doors going " see all these organised religious movements, they're all non sense. What you believe is a joke" we do it in public forums or around a religious debate, but as previously stated, that's because we're sick and tired of religion encroaching in our society. It has no place there. Incidentally, I don't have a problem with someone believing in a deity, my issue lies wih organised movements of religion. The god of the bible and other abrahamic religions is a disgusting beast. If a god does exist, he does not need religion but a religion needs a god to justify its evil and fanatic dogmas.

You have some doubt then.......

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Was told this story by a headmistress.

The two schools in Bargeddie had for many years a joint Xmas service. One year a priest from ireland comes to visit. The service is over and as everyone is about to get ready to leave he stands up and says "before we all go I'd like all the catholic children to join me in a prayer for all the poor Protestant boys and girls of Bargeddie".

They have built a joint school in Coatbridge. Originally plans were thwarted because the priests did not want their children "having to use" the same toilets as the other children.

I was told there was a moratorium on building any additional Catholic schools in Coatbridge. Heard they had run out of Saints names.:craphead::crabflute:

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I respect your right to disrespect what you agree they have the right to believe. However, as disinterested as you are in their beliefs, that is how disinterested I am in your sharing your disinterest in their beliefs.

Like religion, atheism is for the home, in fact arguably more so because atheism is a form of apathy but hilariously, it is an apathy that is often pursued with vigour.

(tu) Bang on the money.

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In reply to ym145

Many of the original ira leaders were Protestants. They loved what they saw as their country, nothing wrong with that. Like many causes over the years, through time, things changed and values changed.

Scotland fought for its freedom for many years, if we only paid tribute to Scottish Protestant heroes it would greatly reduce our rich history.

I don't see any links from protestant IRA leaders to what I said. As I'm sure we are all aware the over-whelming majority of Irish republicans at that time followed the TRUE leader, the one I was referring to.

I don't understand the Scottish independence point either, as that era in history is largely coated in mythology and should be regarded as a Mel Gibson depiction as it truly is. I'm not proud of Scottish history, after watching what has happened to this country of my birth over the years I will never feel the same about my nationality ever again - it has been permanently poisoned, just like a Jewish German probably felt about nationality after the war. And that comparison is probably closer than you might think.

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I myself am proud to be scottish, but when asked by a fellow scot or brit what I identify myself as I say British. I dont have this whole I love William Wallace thing, in fact I sometimes wind my mates up during a night of drinking by stating that William Wallace was nothing short of a scummy rebel bastard at some random point during the evening. I dont really hold that belief but the fact that people think or act like Braveheart was completely true just annoys me.

To me many people in Scotland who say their proud to be Scottish always come out with fuck england or we hate the english etc at some point, sometimes in todays society saying you a proud scot means you hate the english and you want independence and you hate the union etc. I am Scottish and Im proud to be Scottish, but Im also British and proud to be British. I support England when they play unless their playing Scotland or another British team. We fought the English a thousand years ago but some act like their our enemy still and it bothers me to the point I dont even really support the national team and will say fuck the tartan army.

To me Rangers is the best representation of a proud Scottish team as well as a proud British team, in fact I wouldnt mind seeing more saltires at Ibrox. Just because your proud to be British doesnt mean your not proud to be Scottish and vice versa.

I kinda went off point a wee bit there but fuck it :craphead:

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Really? I used to live on Elizabeth St for 2 years...never seen one :ph34r:

Im sure we must have a few but as i say i keep hearing we have lots of muslim fans which i think is nonsense.

We don't have many Muslim fans at all. Most of my family/circle of friends support either the scum or Man Utd.

The Al Qaeda branch of the Rangers supporters club?

What does Islam preach on the Green v Bomber Brown jihad?

To tell you to shut the fuck up.

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Kind of agree with th OP though. But whatever religion we are, the club should embrace. It just so happens 95% of us are protestants.

Set up a poll. I'd be interested to see if that is correct, or a complete throwaway figure.

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I myself am proud to be scottish, but when asked by a fellow scot or brit what I identify myself as I say British. I dont have this whole I love William Wallace thing, in fact I sometimes wind my mates up during a night of drinking by stating that William Wallace was nothing short of a scummy rebel bastard at some random point during the evening. I dont really hold that belief but the fact that people think or act like Braveheart was completely true just annoys me.

To me many people in Scotland who say their proud to be Scottish always come out with fuck england or we hate the english etc at some point, sometimes in todays society saying you a proud scot means you hate the english and you want independence and you hate the union etc. I am Scottish and Im proud to be Scottish, but Im also British and proud to be British. I support England when they play unless their playing Scotland or another British team. We fought the English a thousand years ago but some act like their our enemy still and it bothers me to the point I dont even really support the national team and will say fuck the tartan army.

To me Rangers is the best representation of a proud Scottish team as well as a proud British team, in fact I wouldnt mind seeing more saltires at Ibrox. Just because your proud to be British doesnt mean your not proud to be Scottish and vice versa.

I kinda went off point a wee bit there but fuck it :craphead:

Are you aware that Scottish history does not just involve the movie Braveheart. A good few other things have happened too.

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Arent that many muslim fans, but as i said fan bases in bahrain and dubai. fact that Hemdani bougherra and kerkar are algerian muslims helps. i know many muslims and they like Rangers over the scum

I have met a good few who came over to match Majid and had a great day out at Ibrox. A few on here can argue it all they want as they have an extremely small social circle and don't mix (which is probably a good thing).

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Are you aware that Scottish history does not just involve the movie Braveheart. A good few other things have happened too.

Yes there was Whiskey Galore, The Wicker Man, Highlander and that famous documentary Trainspotting.

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Yes there was Whiskey Galore, The Wicker Man, Highlander and that famous documentary Trainspotting.

A Shot At Glory was by far the worst period in our nations history. Coisty playing an ex Celtic player

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