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Open Letter to Naismith

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Mark Stevens posted this on the 'Heart & Hand' blog - really is worth a read;

Dear Steven Naismith,

I read with increasing agitation and anger your statement about your objection to transfer to the "newco" Rangers under a TUPE transfer.

However, before moving on to that statement, I would like to start by making one thing clear -I have absolutely no issue with you leaving the football club. Indeed, I believe that should you and other high earners stay, the protection to your salary afforded under the TUPE legislation may well kill my football club. Added to that fact, your very generous agreement to accept a wage reduction last season kept alive hopes of exiting administration via a CVA route. I thank you and your colleagues for that sacrifice.

However, I cannot countenance (that means "understand" Steven) why you came out and said the things you did in your statement. You stated that you believe you owe "no loyalty" to the "newco" because it "has no history". Notwithstanding the damage that this kind of "no history"

statement inflicts on the club and fans, your assertion about loyalty is astounding and baffling to say the least.

Perhaps you can enlighten me on a few issues and perhaps you can explain to me how you feel about the following situations:

1 -In times gone you may have walked out of your large house into one of the many luxury cars that was paid for by Rangers Football Club, drove to Murray Park, ate your staff meals prepared by the kitchen staff and wore your freshly cleaned and pressed training kit. Let me ask you this - did you thank the corporate body that paid your wages, or paid the wages of the staff who pampered you? No. You praised yourself for the hard work you put in at Kilmarnock, the Rangers manager who signed you and the individual staff involved for looking after you so well. You may well have paused and and thanked the institution that is Rangers Football Club for the privileged position you held -but I'll bet £1000 of my money against £10 of yours that you didn't pause and thank the corporate body who owned Rangers.

2 -You have previously had 2 lengthy spells on the sidelines with injury in your time at Rangers. I would imagine you were grateful for the contract which saw you receive full pay as well as unparalleled access to medical specialists and physio to speed up your return. I imagine it took great mental fortitude (strength, Steven) on your part to come through that. Again though, let me ask you this -did you thank the corporate body who paid your wages on time, or who paid for access to that unparalleled medical support? No, of course not. You would have thanked your agent for negotiating the contract and accepted that it was part and parcel of the standard of treatment you receive as a player of Rangers Football Club. Who provides that excellence Steven -is it a corporate body, or is it the staff involved and the culture of success ingrained in an institution over 140 years? You know the answer.

3 -And on to your teammates and manager Steven. During the wins, the losses, the titles, the heartbreak and the European adventures -did you win and lose as a team with your teammates and manager? Of course you did. Did the corporate body that oversaw all of those achievements, mishaps and adventures cross your mind then Steven? No, it did not.

4 -The fans Steven. Did we die with the old corporate body? Did we pass away when Sevco transferred all of the Rangers history, memories, staff, stadium, training ground into a new corporate body? Did the fans who worshipped you suddenly become obsolete, a thing of the past, something that no longer exists? No we did not.

With all of that in mind, I find myself wanting to ask you the following question:

Why is the name of the corporate body owning Rangers Football Club suddenly such an issue to you?

The answer is very, very obvious. It was never an issue for you before.

Quite simply, it no longer suits your footballing ambition to be employed by a football club who may be playing outwith the SPL and Europe for the next 3 seasons.

I actually understand that rationale and wish you had said that, and only that. Leave, by all means -there's the door. We will carry on without you.

The thing is Steven; I've proven to you that the great institution that was Rangers Football Club is the same today as it was yesterday.

Insulting our intelligence by claiming otherwise, just to suit your own selfish agenda, was the worst possible way to say goodbye.

Never a truer word said!!

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i remember reading that on here a couple of weeks ago,, im sure the guy that wrote it posts on here

He does, i read it too and he was asking people what they thought before he published it. Glad to see he did publish it though Naismith probably wont read it, at least it says what most of us feel.

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I agree wholeheartedly with what has been said in this article; Steven Naismith didnt care less who the corporate body that owned Rangers Football Club (a business operating under that name) was, and i seriously doubt that he could have even named the PLC.

The history, the acheivements, the business name, as well as Murray Park and Ibrox, will transfer to Sevco as a sellable asset of the former PLC. Therefore the business he remained loyal to has in actual fact not even changed at all.

The mans an ill-advised, thanksless cunt who can fuck right off.

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