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St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour has hit out at Scottish Football League chairmen after they vote a Rangers newco into the Third Division.

Representatives from 30 member clubs overwhelmingly decided Sevco Scotland Limited must play in the bottom tier of the league structure after rejecting proposals which could have seen the Ibrox side play in the First Division.

Gilmour was one of ten SPL chairmen to vote against admitting Charles Green’s new company into Scottish football’s top flight earlier this month.

In an interview with the Paisley Daily Express the Buddies chief says the SFL’s decision has done damage to the game.

He told the paper: “This is horrific news for St Mirren Football Club. The consequences are terrible – catastrophic even.

“What happens next? Well, there is an SPL meeting on Monday and we will need to see what is said then and take it from there.

“The St Mirren board will meet in the days after that SPL meeting and decide what is the best way forward but we are already looking at major redundancies.”

Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan has come under pressure in recent days over his handling of the situation.

However Gilmour added: “To be fair to Stewart Regan, the document he released last week was a good document.

“It set out changes to Scottish football that would bring in a fairer structure, fairer distribution system, fairer everything.

“Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish football.

“Five clubs in the SPL could be in administration within weeks – and we will have to do everything we can to avoid being one of them.”

Speculation continues over the possible creation of an SPL2, however Gilmour appeared to dismiss the idea.

He said: “The SFA and the other bodies are already talking about the options and that could be decided on Monday.

“As for an SPL 2, I’m not sure that is any better than letting Rangers back into the top flight.

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St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour has hit out at Scottish Football League chairmen after they vote a Rangers newco into the Third Division.

Representatives from 30 member clubs overwhelmingly decided Sevco Scotland Limited must play in the bottom tier of the league structure after rejecting proposals which could have seen the Ibrox side play in the First Division.

Gilmour was one of ten SPL chairmen to vote against admitting Charles Green’s new company into Scottish football’s top flight earlier this month.

In an interview with the Paisley Daily Express the Buddies chief says the SFL’s decision has done damage to the game.

He told the paper: “This is horrific news for St Mirren Football Club. The consequences are terrible – catastrophic even.

“What happens next? Well, there is an SPL meeting on Monday and we will need to see what is said then and take it from there.

“The St Mirren board will meet in the days after that SPL meeting and decide what is the best way forward but we are already looking at major redundancies.”

Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan has come under pressure in recent days over his handling of the situation.

However Gilmour added: “To be fair to Stewart Regan, the document he released last week was a good document.

“It set out changes to Scottish football that would bring in a fairer structure, fairer distribution system, fairer everything.

“Unfortunately, the people in the SFL have not bought into that. I just hope they realise the damage they have done to Scottish football.

“Five clubs in the SPL could be in administration within weeks – and we will have to do everything we can to avoid being one of them.”

Speculation continues over the possible creation of an SPL2, however Gilmour appeared to dismiss the idea.

He said: “The SFA and the other bodies are already talking about the options and that could be decided on Monday.

“As for an SPL 2, I’m not sure that is any better than letting Rangers back into the top flight.

So Rangers should be in Division 1, but shouldn't be in SPL2?

Interesting that he had a vote to save his skin, didn't take the chance, and now wants to blame others.

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I am actually speechless at the hypocrisy of the man. What a cheek he has. He used his vote. This was a democracy and he voted to send us out the SPL. What's wrong Gilmour did your rigged set up not quite materialise? You failed in your duties to your own shareholders and employees and now you can answer to them. You sacrificed your own people.

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So, another of the "sporting integrity is only for the SPL" brigade? Why aren't the SFL allowed a bit of the "sporting integrity" cake? Don't they realise how utterly pitiful they look when they come out with this nonsense. You wanted to sacrifice Rangers on the altar of "sporting integrity" and that's exactly what you got. Don't gamble if you can't afford to lose and don't make decisions if you can't live with the consequences.

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you have to feel sorry for people being made redundant. but those people cannot blame anyone other than their own managers at club level

Spot on. If I was a St Mirren employee I'd be battering on his door demanding to know why he had voted me and my friends and colleagues out of a job.

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I am actually speechless at the hypocrisy of the man. What a cheek he has. He used his vote. This was a democracy and he voted to send us out the SPL. What's wrong Gilmour did your rigged set up not quite materialise? You failed in your duties to your own shareholders and employees and now you can answer to them. You sacrificed your own people.

It's the brazen cowardice that appalls. He couldn't stand up to his own supporters and vote as his club's situation would dictate. He was not alone ... the rest of the SPL did likewise, including Lawwell at the Eastern Necropolis. They then relied on threats and intimidation against the SFL to mitigate the consequences of their cowardice and when the SFL showed courage and conviction beyond their own they are horrified. Shameful, utterly shameful. Now, Mr Gilmour, you are in a no win situation of your own making. Tough shit.

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Them and Inverness can fuck off!!! THEY voted this. Reminds me of fawlty towers in "the germans" episode.

"you started it!!","no we didn't","yes you did,you voted them out first!"

But on a sadder note it proves they needed Rangers more than They needed there own fans!


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So the thought process at the original SPL Share Transfer vote was:

Vote Rangers Out of SPL -> Demand/pressure/blackmail SFL to vote Rangers into Div 1 -> Wait 12 months for everything to return to normal.

There was an easy solution to all of this that the SFL clubs, barring maybe Dundee and Dunfermline, would not have given a flying fuck about. Transfer the SPL share to Rangers. Easy. Simple.

Lay out the details to your "fans" of exactly what acquiescing to their demands would mean and disregard the "rather see my own team go broke than see Rangers in the SPL" viewpoint. There would've been no boycotts, 2 weeks of traipsing around the local mall with the wife and weans would've put paid to that notion.

It really will not surprise me if we are "invited" to apply to become Club 12 in the fixture list. This mob have their tails between their legs and are fucking shitting themselves at what lies ahead for their insignificant little clubs without the biggest show in the country to support them.

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