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Rangers For Change

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JB wants to be involved in the club thats why hes putting his money in, most fans would be happy to invest what they could into a partial fans ownership scheme and then do nothing more than go to matches and support their club, JB acts as though hes being some sort of hero for investing money into his own scheme? but expects us to invest our money in a plan he has told us practically nothing about just on his merit as an ex player? I really want to see a proper sit down one to one interview with JB and some fans representative or something like that because I reckon hed stutter and stammer all the way through spouting the same rubbish hes been saying since this all came about.

Go away JB

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If i had 40k to spend on Rangers then i would buy a load of season tickets and merchandise from the rangers superstore and post it to everyone here

either that or just give it to green for a couple of shares and give it to the rangersmedia.co.uk

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So 250 people raise £10m.

Who then runs the club?

Where does future monies come from?

Is there further investment there to take the club forward and provide working capital?

If so, who are these investors?

What are the short term and long term business plans for the club?

If Green, and his consortium, are as bad as you make out, then why not tell people what you know? If it is as bad as you make out, then surely everyone should know therefore giving you the backing you need to force them out.

Once again, no answers to any questions, but folk are expected to back you just because you played for Rangers, and Green didn't.

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"Because of his pre-season training and playing commitments, it will be a couple of weeks or so before we will be able to sit down together and hammer out the details.

A couple of weeks ? Surely a quick phone call would do it ?

JB "So you in then Bazza ?"

BF "Aye I'll support it"

JB "Will ye put in 40 grand ?"

BF "Sorry Bomber, Yer breaking up"

Line goes dead.

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So what's going to happen with the money if they don't raise enough, which seems more than likely....

Bloody good question. And even if they DO raise £10m (which they wont), what guarantee is there that Charles Green would take a loss by accepting it? And yes, even if he DID, what the hell does Bomber then use for working capital come the next pay day? If I were a relative of that poor old guy who got taken for his season ticket money I'd be on to the fraud squad by now!

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Okay, he somehow or other manages to cobble together the £10 million he thinks will buy the club, but how exactly does he intend to fund the operations of the club going forward? I'm afraid that the muddled thinking behind this is ridiculous.

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I would invest in a fans buy out in a heartbeat if it was fronted by someone like Walter and there was a proper business plan, bombers so called buyout scheme just seems so amateurish and tbh its kind off embarrassing. Let's hope he gets the message and stops all this carry on so we can all back our club. Now is the time to stick together, we have enough haters out there so lets not fight amongst Ourselves .

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Rangers for Loose Change

So they have raised £80,000 - doe they have any idea of the financial needs of the club.

We have heavy expenses - prob rates bill and policing of about £2m , a wages bill that is still way to high - the only gate money to speak of is our own ST's lets say we sell 30,000 at £200 = £6m

So we need to cut wages for playing and non playing staff to abou£4m to even think of breaking even - we need 1) Season ticket sales to take off NOW with no more nonsense from Brown and 2) we need a share issue for the fans to invest serious money in the club.

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Sorry......but do we realy need top look like clowns and arseholes at this time? Give the men who put up a chance to do what they have to do.....get us playing again. This makes us look even more amatuer....is a joke :-( 6 months of shit....and still it keeps coming....from our own ....even worse :-(

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Bomber is just like most of us. Proper, die-hard Rangers fans who've got the heart, but not the money sadly... Bit early to be calling for Green's head at the moment though. At the end of the day, the guy stepped up when no-one else would. Let's see what it's like once we have SFA membership and start playing football.



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He must have been told there was no position for him at Ibrox and he has taken it pretty badly, Ally says buy a season ticket and that is all the incentive you need.

Mate I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Maybe he was forced out his role at Ibrox, took it bitterly and is attempting to ruin Green.

Saying that, I know plenty of folk who've drank heavily for as long as him and they're r=arely very sharp.

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