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No one defends us .Does anyone actually give a f@@k


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I'd like to see Walter Smith and Alex McLeish both come out and give interviews to the papers regarding the stripping of titles.

I think it shows how much influence we've shed in the last fifty years that no-one in the media is asking the pertinent questions or pointing out how unjust and ridiculous this is.

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the main problem at the moment is that we have to get the SFA licence. Once that is achieved, we will be in a better position to defend ourselves. I would imagine McCoist and to a lesser extent Green are pissed of but at the moment their hands are tied. Fireworks will come soon I am sure

If getting the licence means we need to sign up to allow Liewell and Rheagan to impose any punsishments at any time for percieved sins of the past then no fucking way!

We may or may not have administered a legal tax loophole incorrectly with the SFA.

However, did we rape any children and cover it up?

Do we glorify terrorists that attack this country?

Did we have our stadium closed for pro Nazi chanting during the war?

Do we use the death of reseserve team players to have games called off when we have injuries and suspension and poor form?

Do we then play on when our rivals have injuries, suspensions and poor form, despite the death of a legend? 'Cos Tommy would have wanted it?

By the way, that's the same Tommy that brought Torbett back despite Billy McBungle admitting in court that the child rape, and cover up, was an open secret at Parkhead. ie Tommy knew, and he still brought Torbett back to the club! Why?

And we are supposed to listen to these people pontificating from the high moral ground?

I am sick to the back teeth of the shitty Fenian Republic Of Scotland!

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If I was a ex manager or player and my days in football were over and I was a Real Rangers Man I would be in the papers ripping the SFA and others apart yet I have not seen one word in defence, actually most have come across as hand wringers.

Spot on mate .Some have been shameful

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I'd like to see Walter Smith and Alex McLeish both come out and give interviews to the papers regarding the stripping of titles.

I think it shows how much influence we've shed in the last fifty years that no-one in the media is asking the pertinent questions or pointing out how unjust and ridiculous this is.

The whole concept of stripping titles won years ago is utter nonsense. Yes, you can rewrite the history books if you wish, scratch the name of the trophy if it makes you happy. But we've already lived these title wins. We've already lived the moments of ecstasy. We've already missed the Mondays at work due to 48 hour drinking sessions. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED.

And unless Liewell and Regan have a Men in Black-style memory erasing machine then we will always have those titles.uk.gif

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The whole concept of stripping titles won years ago is utter nonsense. Yes, you can rewrite the history books if you wish, scratch the name of the trophy if it makes you happy. But we've already lived these title wins. We've already lived the moments of ecstasy. We've already missed the Mondays at work due to 48 hour drinking sessions. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED.

And unless Liewell and Regan have a Men in Black-style memory erasing machine then we will always have those titles.uk.gif

Reading that back, it does occur to me that Celtic are somewhat accomplished when it comes to pretending that certain things didn't happen...10310.gif

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The whole concept of stripping titles won years ago is utter nonsense. Yes, you can rewrite the history books if you wish, scratch the name of the trophy if it makes you happy. But we've already lived these title wins. We've already lived the moments of ecstasy. We've already missed the Mondays at work due to 48 hour drinking sessions. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED.

And unless Liewell and Regan have a Men in Black-style memory erasing machine then we will always have those titles.uk.gif

Your point mate is valid but it's the stigma ala the one they have ,It's with you forever and these rodents know it and that's why there pushing for it

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Your point mate is valid but it's the stigma ala the one they have ,It's with you forever and these rodents know it and that's why there pushing for it

If they do strip our titles, should we demand our Champion's League 1992-93 title be awarded now? Or at the very least a final against AC Milan, surely?

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The whole concept of stripping titles won years ago is utter nonsense. Yes, you can rewrite the history books if you wish, scratch the name of the trophy if it makes you happy. But we've already lived these title wins. We've already lived the moments of ecstasy. We've already missed the Mondays at work due to 48 hour drinking sessions. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED.

And unless Liewell and Regan have a Men in Black-style memory erasing machine then we will always have those titles.uk.gif

That's really optimistic and I completely approve. But the objective is to humiliate Rangers and to humiliate and insult that history as much as it's possible to do.

There should be a media counter campaign. But the question is who can organise it, who should run it? This thing is such a shambles it's hard to know where to start. It's mad that so far even the Scottish Government have stayed out of this. In the past when major clubs in Italy and Spain have been in trouble, the government has stepped in with public funds to bail them out. Maybe that's something we need here - that and the entire SFA to resign and commit suicide.

How can the SFA be acting above and beyond the law though? There's nothing in law that says they can do what they are doing. The one thing they hold over us is the licence, big stick though it may be. So OK the previous company fucked up. They did some dodgy shit, but we took our punishment and nosedived all the way to the bottom of Scottish football (more or less) as a punishment for this. But it's still not enough for them - and clearly they still want more.

What I don't think is that the penny hasn't quite dropped for a lot of guys here yet, especially for those who pushed for division 3 as a way of getting away from all this crap. Even though we are now (maybe) in division 3, nothing at all yet has changed - and these guys are all still coming after us regardless. They haven't finished taking their pound of flesh yet. They don't just want Rangers punished, they want Rangers gone.

I can't imagine that the punishment for paying players from illegally obtained funds is going to be anything less than severe. But I hope and pray it won't go as far as stripping titles. If it did, that might be the point when a lot of people could begin to feel that it really was game over.

You know the ironic thing is that if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Celtic who were sinking, I wouldn't feel happy, or feel like gloating about it. I would recognise it for the disaster for Scottish football that it would be. Some of you guys might feel differently, but there really are bigger issues at play when clubs of this size and this significance fail. But the hatred other clubs and so many other people in Scottish football have shown for us has (for me) been little short of breathtaking. We are (or were) just a football club. How could anybody come to hate us so much? I had no idea it was so bad. If we do get through this though, I'm not sure that it will ever just be about football again.

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Reagen is taking orders from liewell....

why would "liewell" want his ability to make money in scotland to be removed. This liewell controls everything is the most cringeworthy nonsense i have ever heard.

What has this got to do with the op?

Why is it cringeworthy?

You constantly tow this line with little to back it up.

Liewell controls everything probably not but most seem to think he has great influence and why wouldn't he opt for league dominance.

This man almost brought the SFA almost to its knees with Ref-gate and then was brought on the the board the following season.

Why have the mooted dreamt up punishment son the RTC site ending up being SFA sanctions or proposals?

Do you feel all sanctions are justified and not vindictive?

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That's really optimistic and I completely approve. But the objective is to humiliate Rangers and to humiliate and insult that history as much as it's possible to do.

There should be a media counter campaign. But the question is who can organise it, who should run it? This thing is such a shambles it's hard to know where to start. It's mad that so far even the Scottish Government have stayed out of this. In the past when major clubs in Italy and Spain have been in trouble, the government has stepped in with public funds to bail them out. Maybe that's something we need here - that and the entire SFA to resign and commit suicide.

How can the SFA be acting above and beyond the law though? There's nothing in law that says they can do what they are doing. The one thing they hold over us is the licence, big stick though it may be. So OK the previous company fucked up. They did some dodgy shit, but we took our punishment and nosedived all the way to the bottom of Scottish football (more or less) as a punishment for this. But it's still not enough for them - and clearly they still want more.

What I don't think is that the penny hasn't quite dropped for a lot of guys here yet, especially for those who pushed for division 3 as a way of getting away from all this crap. Even though we are now (maybe) in division 3, nothing at all yet has changed - and these guys are all still coming after us regardless. They haven't finished taking their pound of flesh yet. They don't just want Rangers punished, they want Rangers gone.

I can't imagine that the punishment for paying players from illegally obtained funds is going to be anything less than severe. But I hope and pray it won't go as far as stripping titles. If it did, that might be the point when a lot of people could begin to feel that it really was game over.

You know the ironic thing is that if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Celtic who were sinking, I wouldn't feel happy, or feel like gloating about it. I would recognise it for the disaster for Scottish football that it would be. Some of you guys might feel differently, but there really are bigger issues at play when clubs of this size and this significance fail. But the hatred other clubs and so many other people in Scottish football have shown for us has (for me) been little short of breathtaking. We are (or were) just a football club. How could anybody come to hate us so much? I had no idea it was so bad. If we do get through this though, I'm not sure that it will ever just be about football again.

Would agree with your point but add ,if the shoe was on other foot we would Have Mps ,Cathlolic church ,Goverment in this Country all coming out saying we can't let biggest part of Scotland's culture die ,everything must be done bla bla bla and applying pressure to media and everyone of the rodent loving turds that would listen

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I totally agree op. Like it or not our enemies have a finally tuned propaganda strategy.

We parade a fucking legend at half time every other Saturday and I don't think I have heard a cheep from one of them. I appreciate that they may not want to emerse themselves in the situation however it doesn't take a genius to work out we have been crying out for some good press.

Tin hat on now but take Walter. A seriously influential, well respected Bear. When he speaks people listen. He decides to do a media interview a couple of weeks ago and what is the subject matter? Defending the players that left.

We have to, absolutely must improve our PR. Dignified silence got us nowhere.

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Some on here are saying who gives a fuck about what ex tarrier players are saying, in a way they are right who does give a fuck but in reality these mhedia stories grow arms and legs and before we know it we are being ripped apart. Therefore we should give a fuck about whats being said it needs to be nipped in the bud.

The best way for that would be for Walter Smith to come out and tell them like it is, like all major clubs we had an overdraft and did nothing illegal.

EBTs were legal during this period and nothing has been proven otherwise so if anything we should be taking these mouthpieces to court for slander.

Walter needs to come out and speak up for us.

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the main problem at the moment is that we have to get the SFA licence. Once that is achieved, we will be in a better position to defend ourselves. I would imagine McCoist and to a lesser extent Green are pissed of but at the moment their hands are tied. Fireworks will come soon I am sure

This ^^^^^^

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Surely a major problem, if OP is right, is that the media wouldnt report anyone standing up for us.

After all, its a huge campaign against us so anything that doesnt add to the bias would simply not get out to the general public - either in the newspapers or television.

I'd prefer that we get a licence to play...then show everyone WHY we are Rangers.

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We need someone that is going to have to want to expose our enemies and there agendas .Wee dignified Ally and Salesman Green arnt going to cut it with the tippy toe lines .Its fucking war .Do we want to just cave in ?? Every day they have to be giving the media positive sound bites and fight back against our enemies

I think the best way to get to the enemies is by coming through the leagues and winning the SPL again.

Ally is dignified because he is an honourable person as every Rangers Manager should be, to go out pointing fingers without any factual proof (sadly there is no actual proof of what is going on in the background). We must bide our time and get them at the right moment. Finger pointing and bitterness is never the best reaction.

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I totally agree op. Like it or not our enemies have a finally tuned propaganda strategy.

We parade a fucking legend at half time every other Saturday and I don't think I have heard a cheep from one of them. I appreciate that they may not want to emerse themselves in the situation however it doesn't take a genius to work out we have been crying out for some good press.

Tin hat on now but take Walter. A seriously influential, well respected Bear. When he speaks people listen. He decides to do a media interview a couple of weeks ago and what is the subject matter? Defending the players that left.

We have to, absolutely must improve our PR. Dignified silence got us nowhere.

Absolutely correct and sadly a few of them learnt to do that under Murrays watch where the motto was Win the match and no other abuse or criticism matters .Sadly it did and does even more so now as that shower are having a field day at our expense .Therea a hardcore that want to just turn blind eye to everything learnt from the Murray days but it's not acceptable any more .We are at war with the enemy Wise up or we lose

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So, if Ally came out and said all those things in the OP, what do you think the outcome would be?

Criminal charges for our side but if Yella Teef said it things would get done, changes made, people sacked and him declared a hero. Just like the referee fiasco over the last few years. Blaming refs with every dropped point, refs striking and since then Celtic getting every 50/50 decision every week. In fact, Yell Teef has already branded the SFA corrupt, more than once and surprise surprise, he got away it.

Then we have Dallas hounded out by taigs. McDonald, hounded out by taigs. Gordon Smith hounded out by taigs. It pays to inTIMidate, it seems it also pays to be a taig these days. What we need to do is clear. Fucking speak up and fight our corner!

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Absolutely correct and sadly a few of them learnt to do that under Murrays watch where the motto was Win the match and no other abuse or criticism matters .Sadly it did and does even more so now as that shower are having a field day at our expense .Therea a hardcore that want to just turn blind eye to everything learnt from the Murray days but it's not acceptable any more .We are at war with the enemy Wise up or we lose

There are too many people on here and elsewhere who think that all we have to do is say we are Rangers and all will be ok. They want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore any bad news. Anyone who relates the bad news is a tim. I'm also sick of this counter-productive 'no-one likes us, we don't care' shite. We need good PR urgently. If we'd done it better in the past, then things might not be so bad now.

My biggest hope is that we get back to SPL through successive promotions without doing it the Murray way and buying everyone in sight. When we do it with a team full of inexpensive players and youngsters it will be the greatest achievement of Rangers ever, because it will have been done with our backs against the wall and our hands behind our backs.

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I think the best way to get to the enemies is by coming through the leagues and winning the SPL again.

Ally is dignified because he is an honourable person as every Rangers Manager should be, to go out pointing fingers without any factual proof (sadly there is no actual proof of what is going on in the background). We must bide our time and get them at the right moment. Finger pointing and bitterness is never the best reaction.

Cmon mate .Actual proof????????????? You dreaming??? Has never STOPPED our Enemies has it??????? and look where it gets them

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