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Rangers' SFA membership


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supposedly we need to reach an agreement with SFA, SPL, SFL and the past operating company of Rangers. We were kicked out of SPL, by what amounts to, opposing fans. NO NEGOTIATIONS TOOK PLACE.

We were invited to register with the SFL with member clubs voting on where we arrive. NO NEGOTIATIONS.

Rangers have acted with the utmost dignity and humbly accepted others taking their turn in the driver seat. Once we were accepted to the 3rd Div Rangers fans, instead of feeling downtrodden and demoralized, started to make statements surrounding their undying resolve to support this club back to the top. Media companies realized that being on-board this trip may prove to be historical and ofcourse a friggin big payout.

The SPL and their member clubs, boards, and fans got THEIR way. Now they see the first step to less financial returns this year and it is causing them, quite understandably, some torment. These teams are turning to the SPL to get themselves more money from the cash cow that has been the real financial support for these fucks for decades, the supporters of RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB.

I think its time we sent the message without compromise....NO NEGOTIATIONS. We accepted the signing ban, that's it finished as far as we should be concerned, lets play ball or refuse Rangers Football Club the right to do so. We have already been offered membership in the SFL. This one would be a crippler for the SFA, SPL and SFL. Legally they would be in shit, which means financially too.

If it comes to a year of friendlies with added insurance being paid by RFC for players and visiting teams due to no league membership, I say we can live with that and survive. We must be adamant that this targetory attitude is unacceptable. WE ARE THE PEOPLE is not just a saying, it is a REASON. You dont merely support Rangers, You Are Rangers. Lets let them know that we will keep this institution afloat no matter what - as long as they dont capitulate and drop any of our history, or take further finances. If they go to the negotiating table with that knowledge of the backing, then the power transfer would be almost immediate.

Rant Over....In Ally I Trust!!

one word ,Scottish football without Rangers...DEAD.

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The way I read it is broadcasters want the rights to our games as part of the SPL TV deal as we've said all along without us their deal is worthless.

I also believe that there is more interest in us than the SPL so how embarrassing would it be if an SFL TV deal was struck worth more than the SPL deal. Doncaster can't afford for that to happen so is blackmailing us to get the rights in exchange for our membership.

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"Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts"

This bit worries me. Why would this be a requisite. It leads me to think the unthinkable that perhaps there has been sufficient evidence dug up that shows we have been using dual contracts .

as i say just a thought that occured to me and by God i hope it's not true or D Murray's life definately won't be worth living

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While I would still say it's unlikely, in my opinion, the chances of the SPL not being around this time next year is growing more and more likely with each passing day.

With no TV deal agreed, no real competition league wise and fans' passion for Rangers to be punished apparently superseding their passion for their own team (SPL chairmen: that's what you get for letting fans make massive financial decisions), the money's now all but gone.


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I think we have the upper hand here. Why?

The SPL is now acting in desperation. We see this and throw in the ''No investigation into dual contracts.." bit. Red Herring from us.. all we are really interested in is the "You can't challenge future sanctions" bit.

The SFA must be ok with the compromised transfer embargo... The SPL are the sole issue here. But... this time we have the SFL on our side and these chairman do not give a f*ck about the SPL. Moreover, the SFL stands to gain big time with The Rangers in the SFL.

So... Where does that leave us?

  • SPL get told to GTF by the SFL -- That's a given imho.
  • Which means the SFA have to also tell the SPL to GTF (enough is enough)

Of course, it won't be that cut and dried, but this will work out with us getting the license, transfer embargo from Sept 1-Aug 31, the SPL getting 20 quid for the season from SKY, the SFL having their best financial results ever.

All imho of course... but I can really see it playing like this. Anything else then is truly a financial meltdown and the end of football as we know it.

btw: Looks like the club is indeed playing hardball. About time.

And well done Ally -- leaving the meeting was the right thing to do. Show these c*nts up for what they are. 00000042.gif

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why are we asking the SPL to drop investigations into dual contracts if we didn't use them as Murray said :rolleyes:

I said something like this and got neg repped for it but i was just worried coz the thought had crossed my fucked up mind

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The Sky/ESPN situation must be worse than I thought (for the SPL) - No Rangers, No deal?

If this endgame reaches critical mass, doesn't the SFA as the FIFA approved governing body in Scotland have the authority to step in and make the final decisions here?

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This is about who is going to blink first and the good thing is Ally has the balls for it and Murray knows what this is really all about.

Makes you wonder what else Green will inquire about while chatting to UEFA/FIFA

The threat of a vote of no confidence from the SFL also lingers too

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The SFL should inform the SFA and the SPL that if they don't grant Rangers FC a licence, and stop meddling in their business, they will withdraw their memberships from the SFA and form their own leagues.

The one thing that keeps me sane in all this is, David Longmuir at the SFL seems to be the only one who actually does act within the boundaries of sporting integrity.

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supposedly we need to reach an agreement with SFA, SPL, SFL and the past operating company of Rangers. We were kicked out of SPL, by what amounts to, opposing fans. NO NEGOTIATIONS TOOK PLACE.

We were invited to register with the SFL with member clubs voting on where we arrive. NO NEGOTIATIONS.

Rangers have acted with the utmost dignity and humbly accepted others taking their turn in the driver seat. Once we were accepted to the 3rd Div Rangers fans, instead of feeling downtrodden and demoralized, started to make statements surrounding their undying resolve to support this club back to the top. Media companies realized that being on-board this trip may prove to be historical and ofcourse a friggin big payout.

The SPL and their member clubs, boards, and fans got THEIR way. Now they see the first step to less financial returns this year and it is causing them, quite understandably, some torment. These teams are turning to the SPL to get themselves more money from the cash cow that has been the real financial support for these fucks for decades, the supporters of RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB.

I think its time we sent the message without compromise....NO NEGOTIATIONS. We accepted the signing ban, that's it finished as far as we should be concerned, lets play ball or refuse Rangers Football Club the right to do so. We have already been offered membership in the SFL. This one would be a crippler for the SFA, SPL and SFL. Legally they would be in shit, which means financially too.

If it comes to a year of friendlies with added insurance being paid by RFC for players and visiting teams due to no league membership, I say we can live with that and survive. We must be adamant that this targetory attitude is unacceptable. WE ARE THE PEOPLE is not just a saying, it is a REASON. You dont merely support Rangers, You Are Rangers. Lets let them know that we will keep this institution afloat no matter what - as long as they dont capitulate and drop any of our history, or take further finances. If they go to the negotiating table with that knowledge of the backing, then the power transfer would be almost immediate.

Rant Over....In Ally I Trust!!

unfortunately without SFA membership we cant even play friendlies, fuckers have us by the balls and they're not letting go of their grip until have inflicted as much pain as they possibly can. Make no mistake our enemies are still trying to kill us off even at this late stage.

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If we are not granted membership to the SFA, then there are no SFL media rights to fight over. The SPL cant meet its debts as they fall due. All of the money that the Rangers generate out of our pockets leaves the game. Several SPL clubs enter administration and won't have the market standing to be bought and will fold.

Sometimes you hold better cards than you think.

SFA/SPL, you know this makes sense. End this extortion now.

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They didn't want us, we had the decision and that was div3, it is not now our responsibility to prop that lot up and to think them themselves are as reliant on us as much as they clubs who made thr decision also.

I'm sure that now the decision was made FIFA would say that's the decision that you made, as I'm sure u are not allowed to act like this for financial reasons. I may be wrong on that last bit.

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have a rep then to level it up,, as you where only voicing yer opinion mate

Cheers mate---i wasn't fishing for points here ---just couldn't understand why i got the neg ---mibbe some folk on here don't like people having opinions --i mean after all it's only a forum

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"Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts"

This bit worries me. Why would this be a requisite. It leads me to think the unthinkable that perhaps there has been sufficient evidence dug up that shows we have been using dual contracts .

as i say just a thought that occured to me and by God i hope it's not true or D Murray's life definately won't be worth living

The issue could well be that we think the investigation will be as transparent and fair as the previous investigations by the SFA have been. The SPL need a threat to get Media money from us. A pre-determined guilty verdict gives them the leverage.

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The issue could well be that we think the investigation will be as transparent and fair as the previous investigations by the SFA have been. The SPL need a threat to get Media money from us. A pre-determined guilty verdict gives them the leverage.

Why would the SPL possibly think they can get Rangers media right from Rangers or the SPL.

The only reason is that they have some sort of bargaining chip or leverage if you will.

This could very well be the Dual contracts investigation - give us your media rights and we will drop that. This is nothing more than blackmail.

The problem is Rangers do not own these rights, the SFL do. What is their incentive in all this to give the media rights away.

A joint TV contract may be the only option, however the SFL clubs would be the big winners and the SPL clubs would be losers because the SFL should insist on equal division of all monies.

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As the SFA are in overall charge of Scottish football and our membership would be granted by the SFA, why does the SPL need to give its approval?

As for our EBT scheme, payments from this trust fund were loans not wages. Both the SFA and SPL have had the opportunity to look into these since 2001 as our annual accounts have clearly identified the existence of the EBT scheme.

The easiest way for everyone to get out of this shambles would be for the SFL to agree to the TV rights deal with the SPL but for (say) an additional £1m on top of their current £2m but Rangers to get a significant portion of any televised game fee.

In return the SPL accept that what has happened to our Club is sufficient punishment for any alleged past misdemeanours, dual contracts, etc and drop any more discussion on the subject. In effect a line is drawn in the sand for everyone and we can all go forward watching football again.

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Take legal action against the SPL. They dont like that .. it costs them.

THey have no right to ask for TV money from another club or league .. blackmail is a criminal offence.

Where are thousands of us at Hampden for a peaceful protest. With Olypic football on this would cause then a problem.

If we could get organised and hold peaceful protests with consideration given to the public in general we could earn more support from the neutrals and show we wont lie down. I maybe over 70 and not in great health but I would still be there.

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This is solely the work of the SPL, a league which cast us out and should have no further input or bearing on proceedings. If you wanted our monies, you had your ticket and tore it up. Hell mend yeez!

Its purely the BBC that are clinging on to this story. Everyone else agrees that the SFA appellate tribunal will sit in the next 48 hours to rubber stamp Rangers SFA membership, in return for our accepting the delayed embargo. The SPL have NO power to veto this, having cancelled our membership. The proposed five way concord covering TV rights, the £2m payment to the SFL, the dual contract verdict/punishment etc are an entirely different matter - and wont be allowed to interfere with our SFA membership application, unless WE choose to link them as a means to removing the threat to our past titles.

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Its not really just the BBC ,, Malcolm Murray hinted in his statement that the SPL where still trying to get media rights from us,, ,and Ally also said he walked out of the last meeting on friday due to what they where asking for ???

I didnt say that there werent discussions linking the tv rights and playing them off against the dual contract investigation - quite the reverse, I agreed that this is going on. I merely clarified that this will only delay our SFA membership if WE choose to link it, and that the SPL have no power to veto that SFA membership.

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There is no chance this bumbling excuse of an organisation can refuse our entry into league football in scotland. We are to big of an institution in scotland and the uproar that would be fall the SFA from all quarters of scotland and beyond would be to much. Its time Mr Green and all assiosated with rangers told them to get it ratified and fuck off back to hampden for there rich tea biscuits and cheap coffee.

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