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Will we miss Old Firm Games?


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Start of 87/88 season was an exciting time for any Rangers fan. The league had been won for the first time in in 9years so the club was buzzing with excitement.

Further new signings were added to the ones from the successful 87 winning team and BIG things were expected .One of those new signings was Richard Gough.

Unfortunately it took a little time for the team to blend and the first Old firm game was lost with player manager Souness being ordered off in a 1-0 loss at Parkhead.

For a few months the team were playing catch up with a resurgent Celtic and we found ourselves going into the second old firm game quite a few points behind in the league.

Oct 87 Rangers v Celtic ........A game that no man or boy who witnessed this match can ever forget .What was about to happen summed up what the Old Firm match could be about on occasions.

This one turned out to be mindblowing in more ways than one.

The atmosphere was no different to any other at the start .The usual banter between two sets of fans was in full flow as the players set about each other in a way that this fixture always provides.

Yes tackles were flying in and the Referee Jim Duncan who was handling his first Old Firm match was having is work cut out handling the frenetic pace of the match never mind the players actions.

No more than 10minutes into the match the Late Tommy Burns blazed a cross into the clear blue sky.It dive bombed onto the then Rangers goalkeeper just underneath the crossbar.

It appeared to be a difficult ball to deal with for Chris Woods but the attentions of Celtics centre forward Frank McAvennie made life very difficult .

At this point there appeared to be some afters between the players as the players came together.

It was to be a very significant incident because a few moments later two players clashed again and all hell broke lose.

From a Rangers fans point of view it appeared that Frank McAvennie punched Chris woods and Terry Butcher pushed McAvennie away with Graham Roberts adding his tuppenceworth.

All of a sudden Ref Jim Duncan had a decision to make as tempers were getting out of control both on the park and in the stands.

Duncan pulled McAvennie aside and all the Rangerts fans were filled with anticipation as we waited for the expected red card.It duly arrived as the arrogant Duncan flashed his first red car of the day.

The Rangers fans went bonkers as Frank made his way to the dugouts.

What was about to happen was one of the most surreal feelings as our joy turned to despair and panic as we realised our Goalkeeper was being sent off also.

It was now Celtics fans turn to feel the joy as the emotions of the day were quickly playing tricks on us all.

Both sides were now down to ten men but it was our rivals that clearly felt the advantage.

The game had now turned on its head with Celtic now enjoying new confidence with there midfield taking control of the game.

What felt like only a few minutes our rivals quickly scored once and then the second goal as we were put through the emotional wringer.

It was heartbreak as we couldnt wait for the half time whistle so the players could regroup.

Half time arrived and every Bear breathed a sigh of relief as it was ONLY 2-0 down...................

It was during this break when i said to myself .'God please let us' just not be thrashed ' and it will be bearable.

Normally this would never have passed through my mind but we were in trouble....

Second half started and in what seemed only a few minutes we were reduced to 9men!!!! Incredibly Jim Duncan bought a dive from the Celtic keeper as they challenged in the box and sent off our Captain Terry Butcher.

We were now 2-0 down 9men minus a goalkeeper playing 10men looking hungry to humiliate us.

It looked bad at half time.Now it looked like every Rangers fans nightmare as we were all thinking we were going to be on the wrong side of a cricket score.

Enter Graham Roberts our centre back..In his wisdom he decided to put himself into the postion of goalkeeper and leave us another defender short.

We were now filled with dread... Only the late Avi Cohen appeared to be the only central defender for a few minutes as Celtic went looking for there cricket score.

Things just did not look good as they missed chance after chance.

Incredibly though, Rangers weathered the storm....

Half way through the second half our then hero Ally McCoist [some things NEVER change] banged one in from a tight angle out of the blue and the Rangers support gained unexpected confidence.

The Celtic players in unison seemed to retreat and there own fans could be seen with faces of astonishment at the events unfolding.

I was a season ticket holder in the govan front near enemy lines and the atmosphere change at this point in the ground will live with me till the day i die.

We sensed something special.We sensed a miracle in football terms.

The minutes ticked down as we seemed content to keep the score low .Our rivals now seemed content just to be winning the match.

Last few seconds arrived and i started walking up to the top of the Govan front stairs..My thoughts were of celebration that we managed to get out of jail with a one goal defeat.

I was smiling when i could hear a buzz of excitement and turned to see wee Ian Durrant running with the ball at pace towards the Celtic goal.

I stopped myself from moving any further as the wee man got ready to put the ball into the box.

The cross was decent but seemed to cause panic in our rivals defence.

In a split second every Rangers fans heartbeat stopped and we collectively held our breaths .Chaos ensued in there box.There keeper had messed up and we could see that King Richard was going to be there first to tap in.

In the most beautiful of seconds our new hero was about to be born.The ball flashed into the net and the whole Rangers support went absolutely bonkers supreme as bedlam broke out in the stands.

In a split second my feet were transformed to the bottom of the stand and onto the track .Goodness knows how many bodies i knocked over to get there as we all bounced off each other with the thrill of it all

Celtics scarves in there droves were being thrown at the track as we baited every one of them with the biggest smiles any Rangers fan would ever have.

For a few minutes it was very special to be alive and experience something that only ever happens once in a blue moon.


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Guys i was asked to post this for someone on here thats doing a book and looking for fans experiences

Hope you like mine of this very Special day and maybe it will remind us what we will be missing next season.

Hope it brings back some good memories for most of you

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OMG!!!! The memories just came flooding back reading that mate (tu) , every time I think back on that match, like most supporters my first thoughts are of that last minute, then I think of Roberts conducting the stands :praise: but I tend to blank out [as you quite rightly said] the fear and dread when we went down to 9 men thinking AW NAW we're gonny get a right fuckin' doin here, but what a glorious turnaround our boys produced in that 2nd half.

I must say I don't remember any fans leaving early at least not around me in the main stand, and what a reward we got for being the extra man as Gough called us afterwards, by being fortunate to witness what felt like a victory and not just a draw.

As I said I was in the main stand that day, and back then the Clatty's were given a small portion off to the left, well you can imagine what we had to put up with for most of that game, but when Supers goal went in, as you said, you could sense that something was going to happen and when we durranty broke in that last minute everyone around me held their breath, slowly we collectively started to rise from our seats, and just before Gough stuck that ball in the net I swear that time stood still for a split second, and then BEDLAM!!!!! YES YA FUCKIN' BEAUTY And two rows away from us a sight that will live with me for the rest of my life, total fucking dejection, all the Bears were giving it to them big time GIRFUY's even the polis who were keeping us separated had big smiles on their faces, a few of the beggars tried a token response but it was no use they were completely shattered.

The noise from the stands, even when we were eventually walking down the stairs and out of Ibrox was also very special, back to the pub and had a right skinfull that night, I phoned the wife and told her I wouldn't be home till late and God bless her all she said was "enjoy yourself" perfect end to a perfect day. :21::crabflute::beer1:

BTW great post mate. :21:

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To answer your question - I won't miss them at all. I am sick to the back teeth of the fenians and the SPL as a whole and am delighted that we get a break from them. I struggle to read anything about these fuckers, when I used to read about Kille and Motherwell regularly to see what was happening. I never thought I would have seen the day, but fuck them all.

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To answer your question - I won't miss them at all. I am sick to the back teeth of the fenians and the SPL as a whole and am delighted that we get a break from them. I struggle to read anything about these fuckers, when I used to read about Kille and Motherwell regularly to see what was happening. I never thought I would have seen the day, but fuck them all.


Quite happily not be associated in anyway with them for the next few years. They make me sick.

Have had some great times beating them though. Lovenkrands cup final, konterman game, edu late winner, 3-0 at phiggery (McCann). Albertz free kick (wow), laudrup terrorising Mahe, Wilkins volley. It's goes on and on.

They are sinister bastards though and a few years apart won't bother me.

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I'll miss beating them because we are/were better but i won't miss the constant blaming of referees by the mhanks when they lose....although that happens in just about every game they drop points in i suppose.

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I remember being at the Glasgow Garden Festival with my folks, only about twelve at the time. I could hear the roar so clearly as goal after goal went in. What a day that was. You could spot the rims as they could hear it too and even without a radio they knew their Shitey team was getting ridden. What a day.

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This is the first ever Rangers game that I can remember. I was 8 and we had already moved to England two years early.

We were up visiiting my Gran and Granda. We were out in the car and the game was on the radio. I can't remmber who all was in the car, but we could of had 5/6 adults with 3 kids (remember those journeys and sitting in the boot!). I don't remember anything about the actual game, but that we drew 2-2 and my gran asking whether there would be extra time because it was a draw!

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