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Can anyone give me some SOUND advice on our history? Are we definetly keeping it or are we starting fresh? I ask because some loud mouth taig was given it large in a pub in Aberdeen and I took it apron myself to correct the taig with insisting we have and will not lose our history! I for one was expecting a hostile crowd but the majority of the pub gave me a cheer.

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The reason Rangers did not have to supply three years worth of audited accounts is because it was a transfer of the licence - not a new application. The history remains. The club remains the same, just being run by a different company now.

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Can anyone give me some SOUND advice on our history? Are we definetly keeping it or are we starting fresh? I ask because some loud mouth taig was given it large in a pub in Aberdeen and I took it apron myself to correct the taig with insisting we have and will not lose our history! I for one was expecting a hostile crowd but the majority of the pub gave me a cheer.

This may help.


I count 225 trophies in total. As far as i'm aware we get to keep them. If we win the Ramsdens cup, then it will be 226, division 3 will be 227 and so on.

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The reason Rangers did not have to supply three years worth of audited accounts is because it was a transfer of the licence - not a new application. The history remains. The club remains the same, just being run by a different company now.

(tu) In a nutshell. They can all shove that in their collective pipes and :sherlock:

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Unless they invent a time machine, use it to travel back in time, and then somehow prevent the births of the Gallant Pioneers, we'll always be here!

News just in

Celtic board members are to fund a time machine

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You'll always get some of them that will try and say we have no history now, I've got some who swarm round and take a dig every now and then. I'm past caring, to be honest, their ignorance is their own problem.

Our history belongs to the club - not the company, and that club is still going strong.

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I bit like fuck on Sunday when an ex client put a Facebook update saying something along the lines of

'Hope all you Sevco supporters enjoy your first game today,just mind when you win the Ramsdens Cup it will be your first trophy seeing as you were liquidated,HH'

Gave him both barrels and the cunt was fishing,still a wanker though.

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Our history of course remains because we are the same club.

Rangers FC was formed in 1872 and was not incorporated until 1899. Despite incorporation this does not mean that the club (Rangers FC) and the company (The Rangers Football Club plc) are one and the same entity - this was confirmed by Lord Glennie at the Court of Session.

The oldco previously operated the football club before the club was sold to Sevco Scotland Ltd by Duff & Phelps. This simply means that the Club (same one since 1872) is now being operated by a different company.

The reason we need to start at the bottom or apply for entry to the SPL is because the share in the leagues are held by the operating companies. This of course means that clubs cannot simply run up debts and for a newco to avoid payments, which is sensible. It doesnt however mean that we are a new football club.

Of course some people will never believe this, regardless of how many facts you throw in their face. They simply don't want to.

Our next title however will be number 55, make no mistake about it.

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The thing that winds me up is not the Celtic fans - who have every right to have a go at us (let's face it, if it was the other way around we'd be pissing ourselves laughing) but the fans of the smaller clubs. Coming from Perth, I'm surrounded by St Johnstone fans. I went to their European match the other week with a few neutral mates and a lot of the fans were chanting about Newcos and Rangers going bust... at their first home European match in THIRTEEN YEARS. I find this ridiculous, it's so pathetic that teams who have absolutely nothing to do with us are so bloody obsessed by us! Scottish football is disgusting and Charles Green as a newcomer rightly said it's full of bigotry.

If I hear the whole "The Rangers FC are a new club with no history and no honours" pish one more time I'm gonna knock someone out! Even the SFA acknowledge us as the same club, why do you think they're fining us and hitting us with a transfer embargo? Why are they trying to strip titles from a team that is supposedly dead?? Go on the Rangers page on the SFL website, it says founded 1873 and lists all of our major honours. If that isn't proof then I don't know what is. As somebody rightly said a few posts earlier, the reason we got into the SFL without submitting 3 years of accounts is because it was a transfer of our membership, not creation of a new one.

The most important thing is that the fans are all still here. Same fans, same club, end of story. Do we really care what teams that get a couple thousand home attendance in the Premier League have to say? Not one bit. We are massive and we are here to stay. In time, other clubs will forget all about the newco crap and acknowledge us as the same team. Not that we need their approval.

Sorry for the rant but I'm sure most of you coming from non-Rangers areas can sympathise.

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Can anyone give me some SOUND advice on our history? Are we definetly keeping it or are we starting fresh? I ask because some loud mouth taig was given it large in a pub in Aberdeen and I took it apron myself to correct the taig with insisting we have and will not lose our history! I for one was expecting a hostile crowd but the majority of the pub gave me a cheer.

THE Board is delighted to confirm that the official name of the company that owns Rangers is being changed to The Rangers Football Club Limited.

This process was completed following an Extraordinary General Meeting of 'oldco' shareholders today when procedures were approved that enable Sevco Scotland Limited to change its name to The Rangers Football Club Limited.

Charles Green, Chief Executive of The Rangers Football Club, said, "The process that took place today is the penultimate piece of the jigsaw that will see The Rangers Football Club move forward, with the transfer of SFA membership being the final piece.

"As every fan knows, Rangers is Rangers - it always has been and it always will be. The Club still has its 140 years of history and we are now embarking on the next 140 years.

"We are back playing football and the Board is focused on rebuilding this great Club over the next few years.

"Our fans were fantastic on Sunday at Brechin and their support at Ibrox and away from home this season will be instrumental in helping the team achieve the success we all desire."

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If we don't have 54 titles (61 if we include the war titles) then why are the SPL trying to take some of them? Rangers Then, Rangers Now, Rangers Forever

Well that's a separate issue. Even if you treat the Green Era Rangers as a completely new club with no history, a team called Rangers still has titles in the same way that Third Lanark has titles even though it no longer exists. Lennon wants to be able to say that he won those titles for Celtic while he was playing there, which he can't do at the moment because he didn't win them.

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Can anyone give me some SOUND advice on our history? Are we definetly keeping it or are we starting fresh? I ask because some loud mouth taig was given it large in a pub in Aberdeen and I took it apron myself to correct the taig with insisting we have and will not lose our history! I for one was expecting a hostile crowd but the majority of the pub gave me a cheer.

The football club that began in 1872 (four young lads and that 'dream') is still here. The only thing that ended was a 'Ltd' company. A new 'Ltd' company has sprung up.

Much as did happen when Fungus McSquint started a new 'Ltd' company over at the Stade Del Gadd back in the early 90's.

I hear (heard) no cries for their 'history' to be wiped out.

I won't accept it now either. :sherlock:

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The reason Rangers did not have to supply three years worth of audited accounts is because it was a transfer of the licence - not a new application. The history remains. The club remains the same, just being run by a different company now.

How does that tie in with UEFA saying we are not able to play European football for three seasons? If the accounts are officially recognised by SFA do you have any idea why that isn't good enough for UEFA?

I'm not suggesting for a nano second we don't keep our history I'm just interested in why that would be the case.

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How does that tie in with UEFA saying we are not able to play European football for three seasons? If the accounts are officially recognised by SFA do you have any idea why that isn't good enough for UEFA?

I'm not suggesting for a nano second we don't keep our history I'm just interested in why that would be the case.

For UEFA we have to supply audited accounts every year, for SFA it is when we apply. Grant Thornton hasn't signed off last years audited accounts for when Whyte was in charge so we got expelled.

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It's very simple

The CLUB is not the COMPANY, nor is it the REGISTRATION with the SFA or the SPL or the SFL. The club is what it is.

If the SFA had refused us membership and instead we went to join the 9th tier of English football, would the club history have gone? No.

The club is now under the ownership of a new corporate shell, that is all.

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