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Fans need to defend McCoist and Green too !


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REGAN encouraged us to go back to appellate tribunal. Ali, MM and Charles were prepared to do it. Other directors didn't allow them to as they felt there was an agenda led by Celtic DIRECTORS and Hibs Directors to terminate our license forever. They were absolutely gutted that a white knight came to rescue Rangers. They wanted to kill the giant forever I'm not kidding.

The three sanctiosn available to the tribunal would have been:

1. Out of the Scottish Cup

2. 12 Month suspension

3. Termination.

There was of course a fourth option of non or suspended action, whatever green shat a brick and threw in a winning hand, he bottled it.

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Green was given a baseball bat by Lord Glennie to call the sfa's bluff, instead he shat it and handed the baseball bat to the sfa, allowing in the process our club to be used as the prize to seal tv deals, tv deals which would never have happened without us.

Green allowed us to be used to bankroll Scottish football to protect his investment, simples.

the only winner in that particular battle over the signing ban and rangers court action would have been the sfa.there was;st much more green could have done.

At the time uefa/fifa were talking about becoming involved in the situation putting tremendous pressure on regan to ensure that the signing ban was upheld.

uefa/fifa were never going to allow court action against one of its member associations to be seen to be successful.

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Aye lets just laugh eh and keep that dignified silence ! No wonder we are getting shafted big time, to many keyboard warriors and not enough pro action. While the bheggars are allowed to swan off to Philadelphia to earn them another payday after a Champions League qualifier by the way we are playing Peterhead in the THIRD Division. While we fight amongst one another about petty songs that we sing they are still shitting all over us on and off the park, get some balls and get out there and fight your corner ! :sherlock:

Great post (tu)

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REGAN encouraged us to go back to appellate tribunal. Ali, MM and Charles were prepared to do it. Other directors didn't allow them to as they felt there was an agenda led by Celtic DIRECTORS and Hibs Directors to terminate our license forever. They were absolutely gutted that a white knight came to rescue Rangers. They wanted to kill the giant forever I'm not kidding.

The three sanctiosn available to the tribunal would have been:

1. Out of the Scottish Cup

2. 12 Month suspension

3. Termination.

Think id rather missing the Scottish cup for a season than signing up to an illegal transfer ban. The other two options would have scuppered the tv deal and bankrupted Scottish football overnight. In the mexican stand off, green shat it and blinked first.

We cant now sit and complain about corruption at the sfa if we are complicit in it. The fact is, green doesnt give a fuck about a transfer ban, we have no money to buy anyone anyway due to lack of investment. Hes hoping we get to the end of this window before anyone notices we havnt bought anybody. Hope im proved wrong about this.

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I don't thin'k CG has a case to answer, he didn't directly accuse anyone or any club of being bigots, he was asked a question and is perfectly entitled to give his opinion. If he thinks what happened is partly down to bigotry then he should be allowed to say so.

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septic were playing a european team away in the states this weekend and got fucked 2-0 by real madrid-some things never change te he

Oh thats right they were away on a tour in the US of A. While they were away on money makin jolly during the spl season incidently we were sluggin our guts out to get a draw at Peterhead. For christs sakes open your eyes, sitting here being a keyboard warrior 24/7 will get us nowhere, lets get active and demonstrate. ! :sherlock:

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It's a sad day that in a country that prides itself on the use of free speech, that a man is asked a question and answers it simply, is asked to explain himself.

He used the "Queen's English" he used it in it's correct context, the inital definition in the English Dictonary but still they cannot understand what he said.

This country thanks to it's politically correct liberal tree huggers is fucked.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say, and by the way No Surrender...That should be Mr Green's answer to the panel.

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Damn right defend Coisty and Green.Ho Chi Min and his bum buddies are a bunch of wee pricks.They should have their asses dragged into a Human Rights Tribunal and sentenced to licking my balls and yours.Attack the bastards the legal way,get the fuckers to back down.

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