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Does the fight start next month?


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Just read the RST saying the final outcome from the FTTT is due next month. I know similar things have been suggested before, but the fact it's been left alone for a few months means there's a good chance it will be within the next month.

So is this what the SPL are waiting for before coming for us? To start dishing out the punishments, and the one we're all concerned about, the stripping of titles. I'm convinced now that they will come for them (probably regardless of the outcome). Just about everything has went to plan so far, this is the cherry on the cake.

The whole things went pretty quiet, but will the outcome of this case lead to the explosion of the issue?

I've gotta say though, the very idea of them coming for our titles makes my blood boil, and I'd like to hope every Bear is just as up for the fight to keep what's rightfully ours!

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We have been punished, relegated three divisions, transfer embargo, no 2nd place money etc, etc, etc. How they want more really does show the agenda against us, if they strip our titles, we should make our intentions clear, and that is we will never return to the spl.

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The SPL are bankrupt -- and should be liquidated. I wonder who is bankrolling them?

I hope we win this tax case -- almost more than anything I have ever wished for. 00000042.gif

Who could be given them money to keep going? I can think of one person but i might get called paranoid. rolleyes.gif

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The FTTT has been consigned to history HMRC are interested allegedly in individuals not the club, the truth is somewhat different they will be happy to forget their whole fuck up and that a decision never sees the light of day, which it never will.

The FTTT had fuck all to do with admin, it was potless whytey not paying paye and the milkman that forced us into admin.

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I know that but the tax case was the main reason for admin. And according to GDS we shouldn't have gone in to admin as we had enough money in the bank to pay the other debts.

We went into admin because of the PAYE tax. You could argue that HMRC couldn't block the CVA if we win the BTC though.

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We have been punished, relegated three divisions, transfer embargo, no 2nd place money etc, etc, etc. How they want more really does show the agenda against us, if they strip our titles, we should make our intentions clear, and that is we will never return to the spl.

Should'nt have entered the Scottish Cup, we are lining the pockets of the SFA, the same bstrds that are trying to kill us.


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The SPL are bankrupt -- and should be liquidated. I wonder who is bankrolling them?

I hope we win this tax case -- almost more than anything I have ever wished for. 00000042.gif

Me too m8, would fucking love it after all the shit we've took.

I don't know if fighting against title stripping has been done at an international level before, sion is the only mob I can think of that have went that far and that was only about player registrations. Would at least hope CG would go the full distance like their man did, but gets a lot more joy. Got to admit I'm not optimistic as these bastards do what they want.


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The FTTT has been consigned to history HMRC are interested allegedly in individuals not the club, the truth is somewhat different they will be happy to forget their whole fuck up and that a decision never sees the light of day, which it never will.

The FTTT had fuck all to do with admin, it was potless whytey not paying paye and the milkman that forced us into admin.

Hear that many different things so difficult to know what's true but was there all this money in the clubs pot or was it insolvent because there was little and whyte was skint? Or did he get away with a right few quid?

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Hear that many different things so difficult to know what's true but was there all this money in the clubs pot or was it insolvent because there was little and whyte was skint? Or did he get away with a right few quid?

Although Green paid two quid for the shares, I think I remember hearing he got a fee of a few hundred grand on top of that.

After that is anyones guess.

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IMO the attacks on Rangers will continue from the SFA, the SPHell and club chairmen. I don't believe anything that comes from them has any credibility. Their agenda against Rangers, cheerled by most of the media is an offence to the dignity of football and an offence to Rangers football club. One of the fights should be to require the collapse of the SFA and replacement by footballing people that Rangers can trust. Until there is acceptable change in the SFA I struggle to see how Rangerw will ever work properly with the football authorities. I suspect the fights will be frequent, hard and bitter. And while all that is happening we are looking for success on the pitch. Tough times or what?

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Although Green paid two quid for the shares, I think I remember hearing he got a fee of a few hundred grand on top of that.

After that is anyones guess.

Just wish to fuck we had all the facts as there has been an endless amount of speculation. CG said cw just didn't have the dough to run the club but he was obviously hoping for a slice of the pie after administration. Little bastard must have helped himself to more. He would have got a nice sum for appointing his friends d-an-p as he installed them straight away and then we find out they were involved in his takeover. It's beyond belief the way this has all happened to a club of Rangers status. I can't believe he seems to have just walked away as if everything is in order. I've heard he's being investigated but you would think this would have developed into something by now. Clubs been mugged then

battered for being robbed :disappointment:

Hopefully this wee rat will bump into a few of our supporters on his travels. Must be a good chance of that happening

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